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Everything posted by darren01

  1. Given up model railways ...just can not Justify the cost any more!

    1. binesrail
    2. DonB


      Have you seen the encouraging comments in reply to your post on this subject?

  2. HI Mud That lighting unit looks very good!, i need one for my layout now i have seen yours. Your layout just keeps getting better, keep up the good work. All the best Darren
  3. It's got ;US $10,301.00 [ 52 bids ]Approximately £6,414.47
  4. darren01

    Dapol Class 22

    that looks the biz so glade i have two no order!
  5. Hi This person is always selling on ebay at over priced models Don't know where he get his prices from ......
  6. sitting at work feeling ill ...be glade to get home and warm!

    1. Shamouti Ben Yafo

      Shamouti Ben Yafo

      Been there, done that - didn't buy the T shirt, it was too cold to wear it...

  7. getting my head around timber point kits!

  8. Building my first point kit...the Frogs look good!

    1. RedgateModels


      looking good is not necessarily the same as working well, oh the cruel hand of experience ......

    2. binesrail
  9. 8 wagons with 3 links done .....16 to go!

  10. Just finnished 8 wagons with 3 links ...22 to go!

  11. Just finishing an article for one of the railway modelling mags!

    1. RedgateModels


      give it 12 months and it might be published ;)

    2. darren01


      March or April it will be in the magazine

    3. davidw


      Which magazine? what's the topic?

  12. Got home OK now to order all the C+L parts to build the new track work for the new layout

  13. will be glade to get home from work ...as the heating is not working and i am Freezing !

  14. started work on the new buildings ...this ones a monster at 4 feet long!

  15. HI All I think this is a case of ,One...born...everyday...
  16. HI All Spent part of the day taking some photo of my local line. Darren
  17. Been running trains at Torrington for most of the day..and running it to a time table!

  18. Hi DLT That looks amazing ! as you said a bit of weathering and that will look just right, you have done a top job on building this one . I heard that the S15 may be doing a Run down to Torrington Well done DLT!. All the best Drarren
  19. at last all my six wheel milk tankers have 3 link couplings..a mile stone!.

  20. Don't know how i missed the BW shot of the 25 ,amazing shot ,well done Darren
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