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Everything posted by darren01

  1. ill at the mo, no work on model railway!!!

  2. Hi all This guy lives in fantasy land ,he is on ebay a lot ,selling well over priced stuff, I really do not know how he works out his prices ,you can get bibby line still for around £85-£95 new. Darren
  3. HI All Any one fancy this one for there layout ; http://cgi.ebay.co.u...=item3a5ef58641
  4. HI Mudmagnet Just love the way this layout is comming on ,top bit of work you have done. The photo of the 47 behind the trees looks amazing, reminds me of the days bunking sheds and seeing your first train of the day. Keep up the good work All the very best Darren
  5. At work bord to death,only an hour to go and i can get home and do some modeling!

  6. Hi all I think this person is being a little bit optimistic about the this one http://cgi.ebay.co.u...=item5d28f49767 And this one,me thinks not on this planet.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TRIANG-Hornby-R754-BR-0-4-4-CLASS-M7-LOCO-NEW-BOXED-s-/320597351091?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item4aa5175ab3
  7. HI Marc This is going to be one hell of a corker, if it is in the same vain as you last layouts you have done !. Can not Waite to see how this one progresses , I can see a few Gronks working this line , just up my street.Keep up the good work !. All the very best Darren
  8. Now home for the weekend,working on the layout,and my PC is working :)

  9. sitting at work reading RMweb all night .....joy

  10. darren01

    Dapol Class 22

    HI All Any news when the class 22 will be comming out? Darren
  11. HI All Found this one , http://cgi.ebay.co.u...=item563bed1c16 I think a little over priced and it's not even a clay truck, gets me very when i see this sort of thing going on, in my book ripping off the novice modeller .
  12. sitting at work making a chicken shed

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eastwestdivide
    3. Garry D100

      Garry D100

      What is the chicken shedding and why are you making it do so :-)

    4. beast66606


      Maybe make a brave shed next time ?

  13. anybody out thier?

  14. Hi all I realy hope thats ladys leg in that photo !
  15. just got my box of trees, Epping forest this weekend!!!!

  16. Why has it got water drops all over it....is this the sweat from him," Of how much can i get!!"
  17. Back to the farm ,once i get back home from work.

  18. Hi Mudmagnet Them skips came out very well , look just right!. Love the uncared for look to them , and i bet they where fun to make ,and a lot cheaper. This layout gets better and better, and is going to be a joy to look at . Keep up the good work All the best Darren
  19. Top bit of work ! will follow this one . Just love the look of the track work, keep up the good work All the best Darren
  20. back at work ,not on the farm

  21. still working down on the farm

  22. working down on the farm

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