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Status Replies posted by darren01

  1. Staff Christmas Doo tomorrow night. Really not looking forward to it to be honest...

  2. Why does wiring a layout take so much longer than anticipated? Especially as the layout is so small.....

  3. is fast running out of rail, with half a turnout still to go. Bad planning methinks.

  4. Warley: which eBay toerag has bought all the Thompson brake 3rds, and why does AndyY's iphone have the strongest wifi presence in this big ton shed?

  5. Just been sent home from work to go to the GP for a check up after getting a shock from a faulty water cooler at work. It's now all the Health and Safety reports I have to do as I'm the H&S co-ordinator.

  6. after watching the right track dvd on weathering ive purchased myself a badger airbrush via the old reliable ebay and tonight have been weathering a couple of locomotives, the airbrush is not a twin action but seems to do a decent enough job, pictures to follow of i hope a lightly weathered Hornby b1 and black 5

  7. just been looking at my High level model of an 0-4-0 some of the part are so small i need a microscope to see them!!!

  8. Still aching from my tooth extraction yesterday, but cheered up by seeing Poynton Sneer in the latest issue of BRM :)

  9. Got a High Level 0-4-0 to and gear box, the only thing that has been a bit of a let down is the wheels I got, the axles have no self quartering !,just round

  10. fed up with being ill all the time,have good and bad days!

  11. just ordered a high level models 0-4-0 saddle tank...Here come my go at kit building!!.

  12. Just got back from the Taunton show today with lots of nice bits ,show was very good!.

  13. Working nights again

  14. i will be happy to get a day off work,at the mo i seem to live more at work than home!

  15. Went out for some 7mm Scale Points... came back with a 4mm scale MLV which is whizzing around the loop running in. Strange day...

  16. Sickened at the damage done to St. Mary Hoo.

  17. Lundy Southwest 4 or 5, increasing 6 or 7. Showers imminent. Mostly sun with caravans diminishing.

  18. Lundy Southwest 4 or 5, increasing 6 or 7. Showers imminent. Mostly sun with caravans diminishing.

  19. Working on a layout that my Dad owen's 120 feet of main line track ballasted, shed and yard one and two almost done, the yard one willhold about 130 wagons!.

  20. Modelling Tip #783 - if your craft knife/scalpel slips off the stand and falls off the table, don't make a grab for it... :-(

  21. has found a missing rapido coupler spring in his coffee.

  22. How many other members have found "Oh fcuk" a less than adequate expression of annoyance when loosing Workbench updates to SQL's....

  23. Managed to re-create a possible 1965 scenario today, had to use a "Hymek" to recover/tow a crippled "Std Class 2"

  24. Now I have the weekend off to get on with the layout…..and my back has gone…the pain is unreal. Feel sick. Sitting here at work…I have left teeth marks on the table …the pain …the pain…

  25. I'm thinking this if one had a spare 50 feet, battledown Flyover would make a wonderful watch-the-trains-go-by exhibition crowdpuller. A sort of Stoke Summit for SR fans.

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