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Everything posted by BR60103

  1. I received a list of railway shows today and mostly was a list of cancels. I think everything to April 4 is cancelled by the location. The Platelayers will be discussing the Great British Train Show soon; it's possible that it may be cancelled by the recreation centre. SWMBO has told me I'm not going anyway. Our local mall has announced that it will not open unil noon. I don't understand what good that will do. We have neighbours who are returning this week from Florida. We wonder if they will have to isolate themselves.
  2. I try not to watch any TV sports after nationalization. Two local home layout tours have been cancelled: Doubleheaders on Mar. 28 and Brantford/Port Dover on Apr. 4. How much bog roll do you have to consume to ward off the flu? The Anglican Church has cancelled all services in Ontario.
  3. I get to use the skewer monthly. I find it easier to pull on the droppers than to twiddle between the knuckles. Especally on corridor coaches. There used to be an "h" shaped uncoupler with 2 magnets on the lower legs. I found that it tended to grab any metal details on the wagon ends -- ladders on American boxcars.
  4. I read a comment from someone, years ago, that his grandmother was one of the last people to die of "old age" in the US as they soon afterward deleted that from the causes of death. (details may not be exact) SWMBO has stocked up on TP in anticipation of getting 2 weeks CB. We're also off major public gatherings which include morning coffee and tomorrow's railway show.
  5. I have a little container on my layout labelled "It's fallen off a loco!"
  6. I thought that was the resistance he was measuring.
  7. The PRR used wheel arrangements with a number to designate variations or new orders. Since G was a 4-6-0, the 4-6-0-0-6-4 electric locomotive was a GG1. I think other railroads used a similar system, but different letters.
  8. Please pull the twine. ?
  9. Back from my sister's yesterday too late to check in. My cousin had a 4-hour flight that took 8 hours. She's extremely disgruntled about the state of her holiday and not sure if she will get appropriate recompense. We had dinner there with a major problem -- kitchen sink not draining. BiL says there's a length of horizontal pipe in the drain and it's happened before. Sis communicated this morning that he'd not only fixed that problem overnight, but the kitchen was spotless.
  10. I'm not sure about the ads. I increased the type size and that may have blown the post width up to push the ads off. I do get an ad (magazine) at the bottom of the unread topics list. Risking it awl, Jason Shron was in the newspaper today. https://www.thestar.com/business/2020/02/24/almost-a-quarter-of-small-businesses-have-been-hurt-by-the-rail-blockades-including-one-that-ironically-sells-model-trains.html If it's not readable, talking about his stock being stuck on a train out west, and his factories not reopening after Chinese New Year. When I read about pancakes yesterday woke up SWMBO but she declined to make any at 11:45. She also declines to have them the rest of the year.
  11. Jason made the business section of one of the big newspapers today. Unfortunately, not the best news. https://www.thestar.com/business/2020/02/24/almost-a-quarter-of-small-businesses-have-been-hurt-by-the-rail-blockades-including-one-that-ironically-sells-model-trains.html
  12. You could use a DPDT switch. Run one side of the power to the turntable through one side of the DPDT and run the track power to the deck through the other end of the other side. On my DC layout, I used a variation as I ran the TT motor from the track throttle. It still allowed me to run locos into the pit!
  13. We've had a communication from one of my cousins who is on a North American trip. The plan was to visit another cousin near Boston, fly to Vancouver and return to Toronto by train. She found out that there were potential problems only when she got to Boston. When she arrived in Vancouver today she had an eMail that the train trip is off. In a dispute about a pipeline across British Columbia, the Indigenous people are blocking the railways all across the country. Most of the passenger service is cancelled and the freight lines are laying off employees. HB to Chrisf. I just got active enough to drink the IrnBru that I got for mine -- 2 months ago today.
  14. Canadian transcontinental trains are using stock built in the mid 50s. I think they're going through their 3rd major rebuild. I don't think any have been retired except for major accident damage. (Some sold as surplus to requirements when the trip went from daily to 2-3 times a week) Toronto streetcars have a life of 30-40 years. Early ones went sooner due to technical improvements. The last set were close to 40 years because the replacements didn't arrive. A number of mainline coach sets delivered since the 1950s have had much shorter lives.
  15. I bought a box of the Bendy Track, after it was discontinued I think. It looked good (but not very British). It was fragile; pushing down on the ties on rubber roadbed would separate them from the rails. I asked Jason, and he confirmed that it was discontinued for such reasons.
  16. I would like to know where all the hydrogen will come from, and what energy input is required to produce it. Edit: I see I've been beaten to it.
  17. https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/Item/A198/page/1 It's available in the shops here in Canada.
  18. At 10'9", I don't think I could get my motorhome through there. I have the height of it on labels on the rear view mirror, in both Imperial and metric. (Doing conversions at 65 mph is a tad risky.) (Apologies if I've posted this before)
  19. Just a note that I bought this issue today in our local store. So it has made it to Canada finally.
  20. Has anyone tried modelling the tee on one side of an aisle aiming at the green on the other side?
  21. Woodland Scenics makes Accent Glue. This is like a rubber cement, but reusable. Apply to the feet and let set (go from white to clear) then press into position. The figure can be pulled off and installed somewhere else a few times. I have found that the glue may be stronger than the bond of paint to a surface. There are also problems if you try to put the figure onto scenic scatter. No idea of a UK supplier.
  22. Rod: https://rapidotrains.com/products/ho-scale/accessories/ho-scale-easy-peasy-lighting Rapido sell this as a separate item. I can't say what UK availability is. I almost never use it as CN isn't quite the same green as Southern Railway.
  23. We think our house was repainted to the specs of the real estate people. It's all a bit browner/yellower than white (depending on the light) and in a very thin coat that can get rubbed off to show something else. We can't see repainting as it's open plan and there are no real separation points where we could stop. I'm not allowed to plaster the nail holes as the next layer of paint might not match. The morning outing was into the beginnings of freezing precip and we now have a white coating on the flat surfaces outside.
  24. No. Actually the very small Niagara Falls airport.
  25. The Q: I heard that there are some vehicles that don't turn off the accessory circuits unless you get out by the driver's door. This was on motorhomes which often have more convenient exits. I drained the battery once leaving the GPS turned on for 3 weeks. Danemouth: Toronto's last batch of Trolley buses had some low railway bridges to go under. They made a bend in the trolley poles to keep the shoes at a better angle. The same vehicles had a fiberglass roof. The retriever ropes for the poles had a rubber ball mounted in them to keep the poles from slamming into the roof after a few had been cracked by the impact. Had a call from Dr.'s nurse today. Apparently my knee has arthritis. I'm to keep taking the Tylenol.
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