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Everything posted by BR60103

  1. The worst thing that will happen (if you wire it right) will be a little blip in the sound machines as it goes over the dead spots.
  2. We were in the final stages of stocking the motor homw when there was a large crash adn the refrigerator door landed on the floor. The ring part of the lower hinge had split from the door. There was no help from any dealers (late Saturday afternoon) but since I had the bit, I decided to do what I could. I think it's back together with some black epoxy and a screw that goes into ... nothing? It's downstairs curing now and will be reinstalled (we hope) tomorrow morning before we set off. The shelves will be removed.
  3. Novemeber 10 is now the 40th anniversary. There were recap stories in the newspapers.
  4. We started loading the motorhome for our trip. At one point SWMBO remarks that there's a pink drip under the sink. Yes and the bottom of the trap has a bit of water on it. A quick phone call and we have it over to the service people just after lunch and they think it will be ready tomorrow (or might have been late today). I may have been a bit too hasty in winterizing. Trying to get roaming on the new cellphone. Phoning Bell I am offered a new number to call "which will be noted on my bill". The person at their storefront says it's a new way to make money and they would prefer me to use the computer. I will do that, but using the computer means that my 30 days starts immediately, while the person can usually specify a start date. Had a nice evening with the couple from across the street tonight who will be looking at the house while we are away.
  5. I find this every few days. I login the same time each night but find that the new content may stop at 11 hours ago or 17 hours ago sometimes with an extraneous post from days or months ago. It can normally be cured by refreshing the page.
  6. The passenger cars were plastic. They were offered through the '50s -- they are in the 1960 catalog (only one I have left). They were the smaller cars, usually O27, and often matched with the smaller Alco FA diesel. The 1960 illustration makes them look a little lot less lumpy along the sides. The colour changed almost yearly to match the diesels. Occasionally they were matched with a steamer. (This is all from memory.) In a few days we can have a discussion on couplers and control sections.
  7. Our phone goes to the answering machine after 2 rings. If we are in the front room, we don't hear the rings but may hear my voice and check the extension there. If there is no useful information on the ID we ignore it. If they don't leave a message we ignore it. Last week I had a lot of eMails telling me my mailbox was full and I should ... Most of them went directly to my Spam folder.
  8. MadLibs require a suggestion as to the word to fill the blank, either "noun" or "shade of dark green". We went in today about SWMBO's telephone+ as it's nearly full of photos that won't transfer to my computer. They talked us into a newer, larger model. Lots of fun trying to set it up as I didn't take the password crib sheet with me.
  9. I never had O27 remote contrl switches, but my manual ones had the dead block feature. The O gauge ones had a pin for a constant voltage supply. This meant that you could change them even with the power turned off or very low.
  10. Back when, I managed to mix the LoneStar and Peco tracks, usually using Peco joiners. Not sure, but I think LoneStar rail may be slightly higher than Peco.
  11. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/iron-scow-horseshoe-falls-1.5344845?fbclid=IwAR1LcgubCaE-O2CHvMLfgqmay3s1sSw68OJaU1mZkJfoPQ25fsNBZhbrZBk This story involves a relic that I've been aware of all my life. In fact it was there through all my father's life. The scow broke away on the Niagara river but the men on it managed to scuttle it just before it would have gone over the Falls. They were rescued the next day. Someone in my family was involved in the rescue but they are never mentioned. It has spent over 100 years behind one of the powerhouses but last week there was enough weather to shift it. It always looked intact from the shore; I never realized that only one side was left.
  12. Went to railway show today with Dayle. Saw a number of club members and other old acquaintances. Asked my favorite importer for a Hornby NEM pocket and he had one! In a packet with a TL coupler with no hook. Picked up a few small building kits. I'm now trying to replace the little wire spring behind the head of a Kadee coupler. I have an agreement with one of the club members to dispose of the railway bits of the estate of whoever goes first.
  13. That is very much the type of box that the #5 was designed for. The original centering spring projected a bit towards the center of the car. And most of the cars it was aimed at were plastic (check for electrical continuity between wheels and coupler). The original centering springs were straight on each side; when delayed uncoupling was introduced they put a joggle in one side. I just noticed. The screw on the left end seems to be pushing on the centering spring. The normal mounting has a stiff plate filling this spot. You might be able to bodge one from the #5 coupler box or a piece of plasticard. The bits may need support at the outer end.
  14. The couper is the right way up if you can shake hands with it (Boy Scouts ignore this rule.)
  15. We had the standard flu jabs today -- extra strength is in short supply and reserved for those with more debilities than we have. SWMBO still has a sore arm; I don't. some shopping -- including new waterproof boots for both of us.
  16. But older magazines consist entirely of articles that might be useful!
  17. The British Raiway Modellers of North America list a number of dealers, a couple of them in the US. http://www.brmna.org/prodser.shtml British modelling doesn't have the same freelancing variety as the US as most of the locomotives are very identifiable. Sodor solved this by buying a variety of used equipment, but not many of each.
  18. We are scheduled for the flu jabs tomorrow. SWMBO is not sure, as she is still a bit under the weather and claims she's already had flu this fall. 3 possible railway events this wekend -- I think we will get to one. Local Dixieland band performed this evening.
  19. Is there a contact problem which causes the reversing unit to cycle? Fellow down the street was having problems and we diagnosed that the pickup roller had, over 65 years, worn a concave surface. He replaced it and the loco now runs like a dream again.
  20. There is a very nice show in Deland, Fla in January. https://10times.com/rail-fair-florida
  21. Toronto has two major postal sorting stations -- one in the west suburbs and one in the east. I'm sure that sending a letter across Yonge Street (the major NS road) requires going to one station then to the other.
  22. One of our club members built a donut shaped exhibition layout. After a while they converted to DCC. He said that at that size it was a mistake to convert the point motors as well. You will probably need a separate power supply for accessories from the DCC track power. You can even stay with finger-poking the Pecos.
  23. Is your tank car 6465? That's what came with my O27 set in 1953. (number stamped on bottom). Interesting that it's one number higher than the famous 6464 boxcar series. Most of the freight cars would take all the curves as the trucks swing all the way around. I took out my loco last week. There area few bits that seem to be missing on the interior and one of the drivers is loose on its axle.
  24. There is a note in the instructions (when I can find them) that it's not really a glue. If you want to join parts you may need to make extra holes that it can fill (just like the dentist). It does hold if there is not too much strain on it. The best bit is that it doesn't set until you shine the light on it -- lots of time to get things aligned --- but you may need a third hand.
  25. The Waterloo Central runs tourist trains but also has industries along the line. I don't know if they switch them or some other outfit does. There is several miles of shared track with the Kitchener-Waterloo ION streetcar system between the tourist line and the CNR mainline and there are bits of gantlet track on that at some of the platforms. The track is owned by the region and the train staff on our last trip had some comments about hoping the track might get maintained soon as our coach was really rocking. Orangeville Brampton was intended to service industry but also ran tourist trains. There has been a change in operators (or cessation of operators) and I'm not sure what's now happening.
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