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gordon s

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Everything posted by gordon s

  1. Sounds like there were some young ladies on there as well Mike. You didn't mention those.....
  2. Glad to hear it all went well Tony. Sounds like there's a few miles left in the tank..... Talking about sounds, stumbled across this site a few minutes ago. It's all about band line ups from the 60's. http://www.webcitati...-10-25 22:33:23
  3. I'm sure I read somewhere that times are hard in Greece/Crete....
  4. Guess where I've been?...... Couldn't resist it..
  5. HDN/HDNL are a delivery organisation (Home Delivery Network Limited) like DHL, but whereas DHL have always been excellent, service from HDNL has fallen way short of those standards. They were bought out and are now known as Yodel. I may be way off tack here, but I seem to recall one of the Home Delivery services uses a network of home based operatives that have a local area and work as a small delivery hub say for a radius of less than 5 miles. http://www.complaintsdepartment.org/delivery-companies/home-delivery-network-hdnl/
  6. Very much my experience as well, Mike. They are absolutely hopeless as a delivery organisation and my heart sinks each time I find a supplier of mine has used them. You name it, they've done it...
  7. Stumbled across this one. Brand new and unused..... Could have sworn these loco's had buffers... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Heljan-53041-FALCON-B-R-BLUE-WEATHERED-NEW-LTD-ED-/360226259862?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item53df288396
  8. Judging by the name on the front of the loco, he must have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the line.....
  9. You're right Tony. You can easily tell if you go private, they wipe it between patients......
  10. It may be because I edited the post to add a second pic Mike. For some reason I hadn't loaded it properly. I can see two pics, so maybe you need to refresh the page or come out and go back in again. Thanks for the Maplin link. It's one of those things that seems invaluable but I wonder where I would use it..... Lots of things spring to mind, but you can bet your bottom dollar if you had one, the self same things would never occur again...
  11. Managed to catch Clan Line again this morning. It was running about 10 minutes late and was certainly trying to catch up for lost time. Having see DoG, Britannia, Princess Elizabeth and Clan Line in the last couple of weeks or so, it made me realise just how few loco's there are in service for main line running. Britannia is out again tomorrow so may well trundle over to Winchfield to get a pic or two. Good way to get out of shifting bricks, Mike.... Had the plumber in Monday to sort out our leaky bath and was surprised to see him use a bit of equipment descended from high tech medical stuff. A hand held endoscope was invaluable in seeing up behind the bath and then down through holes in the floorboards. Funny how these high tech bits eventually make it into everyday use in some trades. Made me shudder to look at it as memories of internals in my nether regions came flooding back.....
  12. Welcome home DD. You missed all the flooding. Bet you're gutted now.....
  13. Good grief the sun is out. Whatever next.... Got Clan Line coming through again at 10.00, so will probably wander down to the local station. Much as I love sport and the Olympics, I hope the opening ceremony turns out to be a lot better than the stuff I've seen this morning....
  14. First time using a hot glue gun. Lesson number one. Do not use tip of index finger to smooth down hot glue. It hurts and leaves a big blister....... Don't we do stupid things.
  15. Morning guys.....Been sitting listening to Joe Walsh. Funny how the singing voice can be so different to the speaking voice. Great guitarist who is going to be running guitar seminars with Gibson, so no doubt our ER guitarists will all be playing Walsh riffs soon....
  16. Morning wet ones.....Peeing down here and no sign of it stopping. Seems we've all had our issues over the weekend. Mick, you have my sympathies. Give me boys any day of the week... Wedding is just 5 weeks away and daughter plus future SiL were here all weekend. New in laws arrived Sunday, so totally weddinged out. I must be missing the plot as this simple day is rapidly becoming an epic with plenty of opportunities for things to not go to plan. I've tried to convince them to follow the KISS principle but it's falling on deaf ears. You wouldn't believe some of the conversations. 'Gauge wars' has nothing on this.... In the real world, another pond pump packed up, just 4 days out of five year warranty.... Stripped it all down and the impeller bearings had gone. Simple choice awaits. Put in a new impeller for £120, but it will be going into a 5 year old pump with no warranty or £290 for a new pump with a five year warranty. ###### have got you by the short and curlies, whatever you do.... Gonna have to kick myself soon to get back onto ET. Maybe it's the weather (despite the rain). Maybe the wedding and other family issues. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it doesn't matter and I'm just taking a break...
  17. Dog show? Now that could be of interest for Mrs S and may just clinch the deal......
  18. Thanks for letting me know about this Mike. I've always wanted to go, having seen it on Google Earth, so will take a look at our plans for that day and see if we can free up some time.
  19. As Iain is just a stone's throw from home, I had the pleasure of seeing Camden shed today for the first time. This really has the makings of a great layout with the option of running long express trains around the loops and bags of interest in the shed area itself. The new bridge is one beautiful structure and the flowing track work looks very special indeed. Add to that some expertly modified loco's such as a Crosti 9F and high running plate Black 5 and buildings modelled on the original prototypes and it will be very special indeed.
  20. Good grief that was a short summer even by UK standards. Wind blowing a good 'un all night and lashings of rain. It all went wrong when they put the hosepipe ban into place...
  21. You're right Mick, it has been very enjoyable and I'm amazed how many there are. UK Steam Tours has become essential reading and it really is surprising how often they pop up within a 10 mile radius. Met a few characters on the way as well...
  22. What a dope! For some reason I've always spelled it that way.... Thanks for pointing out the error of my ways.
  23. Morning boys....Apologies for being late on parade. Suddenly realised Britannia was in my neck of the woods and rushed out to get some pics. http://www.rmweb.co....__fromsearch__1 I guess it must have been down on the Mid Hants last night as it started from Alresford?
  24. Morning all....A few starts, stutters and stops this morning. Seems the servers need another shilling... Hoping to catch Duke of Gloucester this morning on a steam special East of Reading. Quite enjoying following these specials. UK Steam Tours has proven invaluable to get timings etc. Glad to get back to normal today. Totally Royaled out after the weekend festivities. Some of the coverage was good, particularly the service and procession yesterday, but a lot of it was well below par for the BBC. Spent and enjoyable couple of hours watching Tsonga and Djokovic slogging it out in Paris. Amazed how real champions can always go right to the edge and still survive. Tsonga had four match points and lost them all and then just crumbled.... Just the Euros, Wimbledon, Olympics and the Ryder Cup to go now....
  25. Had a bit of a late one. Friends round and a decent curry plus a few bottles of falling down water, did for me.... Couple of pics to brighten your day. Some proud parents with their brood. We count them every day as this lake has some large pike, one of which attacked a dog swimming a few weeks back... Ain't nature special...
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