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Everything posted by emt_911

  1. Thanks Chris, I'd missed that having not visited the site for a while. I'd better get my skates on.
  2. An excellent walk across to Pecorama where several modelling tokens were spent. I then decided to walk to Seaton before returning. The only down side was the temperature but at least I didn't get sun burnt. I was going to post earlier but I was distracted by a RFA vessel in Lyme Bay. I worked out that it was there as a safety vessel for the Red Arrows display over Sidmouth. I'll have to check my photos later to see if there's anything decent to post. AndyB - The Saturday is now in my diary. Quite a few layouts that I've been waiting to see. A little bit of modelling tonight. Back later.
  3. Morning all from a chilly East Devon. The morning swim has taken place in a flat calm sea and for a change I really noticed the drop in temperature. A decent breakfast and plenty of coffee before walking across to Pecorama and spending some modelling tokens. chrisf - Best of luck for this morning. Have a good day everyone
  4. Excellent news. I hope that the return home is fairly quick.
  5. Fortunately I know these cliffs very well. I've been walking them for the last 30+ years when I've been down here and know how unstable they are.
  6. A trip to Seaton for a fodder run so I don't have to venture onto the country lanes and roads over the Bank Holiday followed by a walk over the cliffs to Sidmouth and back. Although it threatened to rain it fortunately held off. A relaxing evening tackling a small kit is planned. Back later.
  7. Absolutely stunning mate. The scenery is certainly a masterpiece. I'm now looking forward to seeing some ballast.
  8. Morning all. Another morning swim completed before breakfast. Not a great deal planned for the day, it all depends on the weather. Time for another coffee before a decision is made. Have a good day everyone.
  9. My trip into Exeter was to replace my daysack. I was intending to walk across the cliffs to Beer and possibly Pecorama but my original daysack had a catastrophic failure. Maybe I should complain to the manufacturer as it has only survived 25 years of virtual daily use. Many cockwomble drivers were encountered mostly on the country lanes. They mainly fell into 4 categories. Driving way too fast, not knowing the width of their car, not being able to reverse and not understanding who has right of way according to the highway code. A relaxing evening in front of the idiot box planned. Back later.
  10. Morning all. Later on parade than planned but a swim before breakfast seemed like a good idea. Off into Exeter in a while to procure items not available locally. Time for another coffee though. Have a good day everyone.
  11. Weather wise it turned out to be a decent day with a high of 21 degrees. A few modelling tokens were spent at Buffers followed by a relaxing afternoon in the sun. I had a walk into the village this evening for some proper pub food and a couple of pints of the local ale. For some reason the walk back took far longer than the walk there. A trip into Exeter tomorrow. Night all
  12. Morning all. A very foggy start to the day on the South East Devon coast. Visibility is about a mile. Hopefully it will lift later. A trip to Buffers in a while for some very urgent supplies. Time for another coffee. Have a good day everyone.
  13. A relaxing day with the weather improving to be a sunny 23 degrees according to the car. I'd decided to get some modelling done outside after shopping for some essentials (food). It seems that I made a mistake when loading the car and forgot the paints and cutting mat. To cap it all, Buffers wasn't open today so I'll be heading out again tomorrow which is unplanned. I did spend the afternoon sleeping in the sun without getting burned. Back later
  14. Morning all from a dry and reasonably bright South Devon. Not a great deal planned for the day but I do need to head out for food and other supplies at some stage. Time for another coffee. Have a good day everyone.
  15. Night all from a wet and windy South East Devon
  16. Just spent an hour catching up on the last two weeks of work. Fantastic progress on the fields and cutting. Some how you seem to have found the right techniques and colours for this layout. Looking forward to more.
  17. After an enforced digital detox I return. However, I'm not going to trawl through the last 2 weeks of posts as my holiday would probably be over by the time I completed the task. Therefore, generic C & C's where appropriate. My laptop decided to have a catastrophic failure and with working away for two weeks I was unable to collect it when the repairs were complete. I did try to use my phone for posting but a combination of fat fingers and autocorrect made it a time consuming task. It was eventually collected yesterday on my way to my holiday in South Devon. By the time I eventually arrived, it was too late to organise internet access which is flaky to say the least. Normal(ish) service is now resumed in a very wet and windy South Devon. Time to try and catch up on some of the topics that I follow. Back later.
  18. Morning all. A wet start to the day. Yesterday went well on all fronts and I even managed to get back to the office early. An afternoon management meeting which spilled into the evening and we moved from the office for a meal and a couple of drinks and finished rather late which meant that I didn't check in last night. I will catch up on yesterdays posts when I finish today. Time for another coffee. Have a good day everyone.
  19. Morning all. After a day of disasters I didn't have time to read or post anything later on. Another week away but fortunately nothing taxing is scheduled. Time for another coffee. Have a good day everyone.
  20. Morning all. A lousy nights sleep for some reason and now feel totally carp. A couple of things need my attention today but nothing taxing. Time for another coffee. Have a good day everyone.
  21. A day of not doing a great deal has occurred for a change. GDB - Some positive news about Steve which I hope continues. Debs - My thoughts are with John and yourself. Night all
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