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Everything posted by Penlan

  1. Thankyou. Minimum radius is 42", most is >48". I have one of the early Gem kit's body, the current loco is waddling along, Thus the purchase of the chassis kit - I think the current chassis is an early Gibson side plates, the wheels are definitely early Sharman. Most of my (18) loco's have rocking bars and sprung pony/bogies.
  2. My apologies, the numbers 1 - 6 have to appear in each diagonal. If you mean in square 31, no it's not a 6
  3. This puzzle appeared over a week ago in one of the papers. Myself and another friend cannot see where the first number should go to get started. Normally there's a logic to it, even if you have to compare two numbers at the same time. We have the answer from the following day, but it's still a puzzle as to which number they started with to roll out the rest of the puzzle. So any guidance would be welcome. I've numbered each square to make it easier to tell me which one the first (and probably a couple of the following) number(s) goes in to start the ball rolling. Obviously the Red Numbers are those given to us to start with.
  4. Back in 1967, not long after I had moved into a Bed-Sit in Norwich, I went down with proper Flu. I was basically in bed for nearly a fortnight. Fortunatly the owner collected the rent every week in person, so when he came I was able to order food, etc., There was another flat, but they only spoke Spanish, so a bit difficult to ask for things, if I could have got out of the Bed-Sit door. BUT, somehow I just happened to have all 3 volumes of 'Lord of the Rings' out of the Library at the time, and I read the lot during that 'Flu time'. I also had only two LP's to play on my Dansett record player, I can still hear them when I see the words 'Lord of the Rings' or just 'Tolkien'. I thought I'm now deaf it might help, noooooooooo. . When I was a boss and somebody said they had had Flu and returned to work 2 - 3 days later, I could put them right as to what proper Flu is, 'Proper Job' as they say way down west.
  5. The kit has arrived - 4' 6" LNWR 2-4-2T chassis. Hayfield, have you built this chassis, and if so, how have you configured the wheel arrangement? E.g. with no side play in any of the wheels (ignoring coupling rods) 0-8-0, or front pony 2-6-0 , rear pony 0-6-2 or as the prototype 2-4-2, as there appears to be no facility for either end to have a horizontal rotating pony wheel - thus 0-8-0.
  6. Who makes/sells aluminium drawn High elliptic roof mouldings, please. This is for a 4mm scale LNWR Coach I have awaiting some work on it. I have two cove roof mouldings I have no use for?
  7. When I was a novice draughtsman in an Architects Office (1960/61), I seemed to be writing out the Roman Alphabet till forever. It was suppose to be inducing proportions into my brain, apparently One of the things learnt though was that letters with round tops and bottoms had to be slightly (vertically) longer, so the illusion was they were the same height as the flat top and bottom letters. There was also the 'air' between letters too! ! ! ! ! Just an aside..... Oh, and that's a very nice looking wagon.
  8. I've recently had delivered various tins of Humbrol paint. They are just a bit thinner than treacle, and once the lids been taken off to use, they seem to get thicker, certainly not smooth running. I've tried using some white spirit - being of the old school of Humbrol thoughts, but that doesn't seem to work very well. I opened a couple of (used) tins dated around 2012 (I mark my tins with the purchase date) and once stirred, nice and smooth to use, even in a bow pen, something I can't do with the new tins. I did this a few weeks ago with some 1995 tins too, no problems. What's happened? Please.
  9. My apologies for not coming back sooner, a small matter of the death of a close friend and arranging the funeral etc.,. I asked the owner of the loco if he had a spare blanking plate, Yes. He dropped it round to my place sometime last week. I had been wondering when he was going to do it, but as above, I had other things on my mind. Whilst having coffee this morning with my 97 year old Mother-in-Law, I noticed on her window-cill, a blanking plate. I deemed it better to quietly remove it, rather than set up a "Why is it there.." situation, she has dementia and probably some other age related condition(s) too. Plugged it and "Hey-Presto" all's well with DC.... I've phoned the owner, apologised for the delay, and told him he can collect. Many thanks again for you guidance. IF it had been my loco, and because I'm a DC dinosaur, I would have stripped all the gubbins off and wired the pick-ups directly to the motor
  10. I'm reaching that conclusion too, Oh, the agony, doing something I don't like, subscription magazines (blame my parents) There were no BRM's on the shelf yesterday or today either according to my scouts. So I don't know were all these BRM readers are in the wild west....
  11. "Sorry about that omission from the parts list. The sheep and lambs are from Model Scene" Not a problem Many thanks, PS. There's always someone!!!!
  12. Last Thursday - Day of release in Newsagents etc., at 11.55am in PZ Sainsbury's there was 1 (One) copy on the shelf, now it maybe there had been a stampede earlier to grab the copies - or not, but in more settled times a pile of BRM would be there for at least 2 weeks before they were all gone (I accept there may have been more in the store room to bring out the following morning rush, but that's not a certainty). Fortunately the person obtaining the magazine for me managed to get it - I'm in the very vulnerable Covid category, and please no silly remarks
  13. I agree with 'Chard - I've had mine on Excel for 20+ years, having come up through DBase 2 / 3 etc., Easy to rearrange, select type of stock etc., My list covers 396 rows and many columns for various descriptions....
  14. Page 63, process '29', can Michael Russell advise which manufacturer's Sheep he has grazing under the tree, please From other Forum postings you may be aware I'm seeking proper fed etc., grazing Sheep. BTW, I like the use of plant roots, that's a good idea, especially for trees in decay.
  15. As my layout is a roundy-roundy now, and bar stopping in the platform, nobody really see's details to the n'th degree, I'm happy enough with the 'detailed' GEM's I have, and certainly these days with my failing eyesight, brass 'footplate and above' kits are a nightmare for me. I'm looking forward to seeing the Lychett Chassis and taking the waddle out of this old loco. Part of the waddle may be due to the nylon centred first generation Mike Sharman wheels too bought in the days of the Bristol Show at White Ladies Road........
  16. I was looking for a replacement LNWR 4'6" 2-4-2T chassis, the other manufacturer of suitable chassis kits doesn't do the 4'6" version, though the complete loco is in their lists. I did email them (twice) re. availability, but to no avail. As you say, the cost differential is large. I have a very old (50+ years?) GEM 2-4-2T running with a unknown chassis that needs replacing as the loco waddles along and I can't be faffed to try and rectify/destroy it. So I've gone mad with the money I've saved (£££'sa) by not visiting the Pub during lockdown and bought the Lychett Manor one. We will see how good it is, soon.
  17. Uhmn... I eased out the blanking piece - no change. The resistance is around 0.9 ohms, so nothing in the way - Short Circuit. Take off the blanking piece, all's well across the wheels, with the blanking piece off the loco. I also took out the screw retaining the small circuit board to check there's no metallic fly's behind it, nil. I put a meter over all the pins, as I felt I should , and with the pins numbered as follows, with the word DC at the top of the blanking piece 1....2 3....4 5....6 7....8 Numbers 4 & 5 were the only ones that did not connect with any other pins, or each other, all the rest had around 1 ohm resistance (no resistance) in any combination. I don't know the history of the loco, presumably the owner hasn't just bought it, otherwise it should go back under warranty It seems to me I should be telling the owner "get another Blanking Piece and try it". He can get one from Kernow Models presumably, they are our nearest shop, only 20+ miles away. Again I'm grateful for any advise.
  18. Many thanks. Better to ask than have to replace it.... The plate just looked different to the Googled image. Right, now to find the short...
  19. First - I know NOTHING about DCC, But I have reputation? for resolving model railway problems in our Village I have been asked to look at a Bachmann Jinty Chassis, because it's shorting? The owner assures me it's (set) in a DC mode. However comparing a photo on Google with the one I've been handed, I'm tempted to say it's fitted with a DCC chip and should be on a AC supply from the track. Any guidance is welcome, before I start putting a meter etc., across everything. Photo's : The Chassis I've been handed and then the chassis on Google:
  20. AY & Howard Smith, Thank you.. Did I miss that in the OP? If so, I'm in a worse state than I thought
  21. Thank you, if it went on sale on 3rd Sept., then either it hasn't reached PZ yet, or they are all sold. My 'Shopping Assistant' can check Sainsbury's tomorrow
  22. Can we have a picture of the (shop/newsagents copy) cover please, so I can instruct the person who buys my copy what to look for, Thank you.
  23. Back to Goods stock? Just to show not every wagon was kept pristine on the GWR in pre-group day. Photo posted by Gerald Dodd on FB - Old Rails Around Wales......
  24. I have used shaped (though modified) wooden roofs for my clerestory stock.
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