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Everything posted by Sithlord75

  1. I have yet to sort the tread area. It looks to me like we would be peering over a gentleman's shoulder - he'd have his back to us. Is that correct?
  2. Hi Tim, Is there a scale with this? It will be handy to know any dimensions we can for the urinals - so far all I have is 2.5 wall tiles but I don't know how long the tiles are! I should have a rough drawing done by 2200 local (presently 2120) and I can adapt once known dimensions are obtained. Currently drawing in inches at full size, which can then be scaled. Cheers Kevin
  3. I'd better get on with the drawings then!
  4. Next meeting will be next Saturday 12th of September. Log in details are in the first post of this thread.
  5. I am familiar with the gun bluing process for colouring brass etc so it is dark, not shiny, but not painted. Has anyone tried gun browning? - a result which gives a brown finish apparently. I'm thinking about things like check rails which often get cleaned with the track, but if somehow could be made chemically brown, this may solve that problem.
  6. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tapatalk.com%2Fgroups%2Frailbastard%2Ftriple-gauge-in-sa-yards-t2627.html&psig=AOvVaw1aIZrvp--C-42hQbh-BaDU&ust=1599477816471000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCPjBua211OsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD You could give the South Australian experience a go...
  7. What are you planning on building? Or is it just a theoretical exercise?
  8. Whilst it may come to pass that it is all a flash in the pan, I have enjoyed having a go at it. The picture contains from right to left, the urinal drawn from the catalogue and displayed previously, and then going around the clock of the other four bits, at 12 we have the cistern, 3-4 is the WC, 6 is the lid for the WC and at I think probably 8 rather than 9, a wash basin. For a pedestal for the wash basin I'd think a bit of square styrene would do. Overall, pretty happy with the print although the right hand stall is a bit misshapen. Possibly a second which you can get cheap from the casting place, or it will be ground up and used as grog.
  9. Are these the actuals? If so, I'll adapt my drawing to suit. I assume the WCs and cisterns are bog standard? So far all the literature being posted has been on urinals.
  10. Thanks for the suggestions regarding dimensions and so forth. I've reworked it slightly and I think it looks better, however happy to take further advice and suggestions.
  11. Is it a trick of photography or is the body not on straight in the shot with the van? Seems to be lower on the bogie on the left hand side.
  12. The rough start. 3'6" high (but the detail gets you to 3'9") and a base of 6' by 2'6" Centers at 2'.
  13. The previously anonymous Jinty of ZAG fame is now 7113. Number was chosen because the donating loco was built by Vulcan Foundry and I managed not to damage the builders plate on it and there was a surplus of 1s and 3s in the pack of numbers I borrowed from @nebnoswal as he'd used the pack to do 4422. The crew have been booked in for their surgical operations over the weekend. I've also got to do something about the smokebox numberplate number as we didn't have any numbers that small.
  14. I'll see what I can draw up. As it happens, I've almost used up the black resin and the next bottle is white. You'll have to stain it yourself if it works.
  15. Is there a dimensioned drawing of the Edwardian toilets? or some kind of starting point dimension wise?
  16. Having had a small box arrive from Shop 2 today, what is on my workbench is 6 LNWR 9' wheel base etches to go under my D15 and D21 3D prints, a pair of 10' chassis for trial fitting under a D22 print and a pair of SR 8 shoe 9' chassis destined to go under some SR standard vans when I get around to drawing them and then printing. Been quiet for a week so I thought I'd try and get some life back into it!
  17. I got specific modelling glasses done up when I last went to the Optician - I took a model to show him what I was wanting to see which helped him help me. I ended up with a set that I could read the text to calibrate his machine with. I can't see my feet with them on, sitting in my chair but I can see the 0.2mm hole I am trying to put the 0.15mm wire into which is the main thing! Best part was I was able to get a buy a set of frames get the second pair of equal or lesser value free deal as I wasn't picking them for looks!
  18. The Class 17s were eventually reworked to have both sets able to work with each other. I'm not sure which code they all eventually conformed too. Hopefully the EFE art work was done from photos of real ones so it would be a case of look yours up and see what they were coded and when. Apparently the Ian Allen ABCs had this kind of detail but I live too far away and was born at the wrong time any case to be any help with those. Cheers Kevin of Oz
  19. Did you have a full fuel load? and how worn are the springs??
  20. I see the DJ Hand in this. He's got form in getting sizes wrong.
  21. Should have been working - been reading this thread from the beginning. I've done bits and pieces of the NWR in N gauge over the years but not to the level of detail and research you've done. I shall have to lift my game! Very impressive and inspirational.
  22. Ahhh - missed that - should have squinted myself!!!
  23. It isn't on the outside of the narrow gauge - it's on the inside! You may have to squint
  24. Sorry to hear that Ian. It was good that you were able to join even for a little while. Hopefully you'll be able to make the next one.
  25. I'd say so. I suspect out here on a cane railway (which is about the only one I would think of that goes that narrow) they wouldn't necessarily have the switch rail - the check rail would be enough to bounce it over to where it was going. Just a thought!
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