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Status Updates posted by richard_t

  1. Was going to suggest a driver experience course for my birthday to the wife, until I saw how much they are...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Highlandman


      Suggest anyway, you never know....

    3. Horsetan


      ...or indeed experiences with the wife?

    4. coachmann


      Go for something cheaper like a disposal experience. Bet there's a queue for that!

  2. Aren't dogs odd creatures. You shove two fingers down it's throat twice (worming pills), and you'd think it wouldn't come anywhere near you again for a while. But here he is fast asleep in my study.

    1. Debs.


      Trust, loyalty and deep-love......'we' could learn much!

    2. Tony_S


      There are only two ways my dog will swallow a worming tablet, either it gets pushed down or it gets hidden in Wensleydale cheese.

  3. bit or a 'mare today, went into the office, connected laptop to network "computer not trusted by domain", sorted that out and then "account locked" all day long. IT can't find out why, and why it's different from when I connect from home. Result complete waste of a day.

  4. On dear, wife had just spent all evening trying to get Olympic tickets for the family, only to find we don't have a visa card between us... I guess that's my fault :-(

    1. Horsetan


      For everything else, there's Mastercard....

  5. Thats it: Pepper and I both think it's just too hot!

  6. my splice of raspberry pi should be arriving today.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dajt


      I'm waiting for a few months so hopefully it will just get sent when ordered.

    3. SHMD


      Very interested.

    4. bigd


      Still waiting for an invitation to order - and I booked my place the first morning it was announced

  7. I wonder when the company I work for will realise that 2 products doesn't equal 1 solution... sigh ... sob ...

    1. eastwestdivide


      When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail

  8. Yet another Adobe Flash Viewer update ... that at least one a week.

  9. Yay MRJ 214 in the post today.

  10. Pepper smells of wee - time for his not very often bath... perhaps outside tomorrow in the sun!

    1. Horsetan


      No one would notice him if he travelled on the Tube during rush hour....

    2. Jim49


      Or attended a model railway exhibition

  11. I *hate* scanning. Pepper's dog hairs aren't helping either!

  12. Sigh, .Net, WPF, localisation and an extra s in a filename - how to waste a couple of hours!

  13. Going to Kettering with cheque book tomorrow - goody!

  14. I love work's network. It must be quicker to post the bytes to some of our servers.

    1. cromptonnut


      Ours is equally as bad, it's about a quarter of the speed it was since we upgraded to a fibre optic connection.

  15. Nice to see Iain Rice back in MRJ

    1. halfwit


      Looking forward to reading that later.

      Bet he never gets a go in the editors chair though!

    2. Tim Hale

      Tim Hale

      I fully agree with the need for Iain's input.

  16. Nice to see Iain Rice back in MRJ

  17. Going to Bracknell tomorrow. Lets see if my stupid "traffic aware" satnav will still take me via the M25, when the A4010 is easier/quicker/etc...

  18. The snow has started!

  19. Pepper's trip to the emergency vets 1 – Richard’s modelling day 0. At least we’re all back home safe and sound.

    1. Pannier Tank

      Pannier Tank

      I bet the wallet is not feeling to well! I hope you pet is ok?

  20. You can't win. SWMBO wants Light&Space (i.e. sparkly) paint, but in dead flat matt paint :-S

    1. 10800


      When did that livery apply?

    2. Tony_S


      Go for Dulux Endurance Matt and a brighter lamp!

  21. You can't win. SWMBO what's Light&Space (i.e. sparkly paint), but in dead flat matt paint :-S

  22. is getting quite a lot of money back from the gas/electric people. Looks like my 2 jumper strategy is working!

    1. Horsetan


      Would it have worked if you'd used 2 cardigans?

    2. skipepsi


      As long as the wife wore them

    3. Jim49


      Do you mean Jump Leads around the meter?

  23. Blimey: MRJ 212 a day early!

    1. Trebor


      is it April Fools Day already

    2. Horsetan


      No, it's in the post.

  24. wow: http://www.holteyplanes.com/ check out the blog. Seriously impressive machining going on.

  25. "Working" in the garage - can't feel my toes ...

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Dropped a sledgehammer on them?

    2. beast66606


      Take your gloves off


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