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Everything posted by micknich2003

  1. Gravy, I built these a year or two after I did the book. To keep the "Dolls" true I arrange for them to be a tight push fit between the trimmers. The tubular dolls on the 1/32 signal are faced off in the lathe and then scurered with screws. Best Wishes, Mick.
  2. Here is another one I made some years ago, probably nearer to ten, If I remember rightly I made two and they are now I think side by side on a mate's layout. The etches are all D&S, the posts are filed from brass bar and the decking boards cut from brass strip. To give a bit of "Relief" the main stem is built up with 1mm angle. Mick.
  3. So that it is "Spot On" and looks right, I hope the right size Imperial plate and channel is still available. Best Wishes, Mick.
  4. Here is another one I made earlier, well started earlier. It looks a bit rough in places, it falling off the back of my bike didn't help. 1/32 Scale, but fabricated much the same as my 4mm versions. Best Wishes, Mick.
  5. Another one "I made Earlier", Up Home bracket, once at Kirkella Cutting H&B, actualy c1908 to 1955. Usual filed brass posts and trimmers etc. The "Bracket" is a D&S etch modified to a more correct profile.Best Wishes, Mick.
  6. Another three ex H&B signals I made some ten or more years ago. Usual construction, of interest the "Calling On" arms are actualy off one of the Irish Railways. Exact details of the H&B variation have not survived, but from photo's these look the part. The "Tapered" arm is, and like the prototype a Full Size arm cut down. Best Wishes, Mick.
  7. You mention "A real solid look to it", as you can see from the attached picture, I don't intend it to wrap out of true sometime in the future. Mick.
  8. Gravy, you ask of progress with the signalbox. On reflection, since my last post, some work as been done. See atached picture. Weather boards and ridge tiles added, both need painting and weathering, as indeed does the entire model. I will do that when finished. Best Wishes, Mick.
  9. Oweing to work and other matters no progress. Hope to get stuck in again on Sunday. Mick.
  10. A couple more I made some years ago. The LMS bracket is fabricated from brass strip and angle and as working "Rocker Shafts" on the front trimmer as per prototype. I cant remember much of how I built the LNWR bracket, or who's etches I used for the arms. The brackets are probably ex Ratio. The main post, dolls and trimmers will be brass bar etc. Mick.
  11. Dear Sean, I added white to Humbrol Blue No89. For the Cream add Yellow No74 to White. Attached for your refference photograph of the 1960's model I mentioned. Best Wishes, Mick.
  12. Sean, I mixed both shades of paint from std Humbrol colours by adding white. I still have a signalbox I made in the '60's which I matched to a full sized box, 45 years on a good colour ref. Best Wishes, Mick.
  13. One handrail made and in place. Brass wire soldered and chemicly blackened. Mick.
  14. Yes indeed, time is not on my side. Will I live that long? Best Wishes, Mick.
  15. Here is the test piece for the "Welded" handrails. Not quite right. but proves the principle works, ten minutes with the "wet and Dry" will clean it up. Mick.
  16. Here is another York picture. For some reason, the pictures will only load one at a time. Mick.
  17. Here is a challenge. York Locomotive, the world's biggest mechanical signalbox, 295 levers. Best Wishes, Mick.
  18. An honest answer to an honest question, I have never made any. I belive the brackets etc were incorporated in the D&S kit, but as yet, I have not assembled mine. Another way would be to fabricate each bracket either from Plasticard or Brass. I need to solve the problem, there will be at least one such box on my layout. Best Wishes, Mick.
  19. Thanks for kind comments re the Springbank North interior view. I took it with a "Seven and a Tanner" box camera about a week before the box closed. If you have been following my H&B Signalbox thread, you may recognise the chair seen in the far right corner. When Springbank West closed in November 1964 one of the signalmen carried it down the line the 600 yards or so between the two boxes.
  20. Dear Sean, attached a rarther poor view of the NERlys way of fixing handrails to the later "S4" design. As you can see the stanchion bolts trough the walkway bracket. Gylberdyke had the handrail screwed direct to the cabin as per Bridlington South. I cleaned the windows many a time and I never fell off. Never mind "Elf's and Snot", If I had been daft enough to let go, it would have been my own fault. Best Wishes, Mick.
  21. Is that Signalman Nicholson on the steps? No, but it could be my late father. Mick.
  22. James, the cement between bricks is about 1/4ins, scale it down and it becomes the thickness of a human hair. It is all compromise, but nevertheless, you raise a very good point. Mick.
  23. Two nights running, I have kept out of the pub and away from those "Wild Women", and therefore more progress made. Infact, and apart from weathering, the front elevation is as good as complete. Making the handrails for the steps will be an interesting project. The real ones were welded "Gas Barrel" or similar. I think, 0.4mm brass wire, and soldered over a paper template "Model Aircraft Fashion" will do the job. The finials, look like a lathe job, and turned from square bar. Mick.
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