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Nobby (John)

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Everything posted by Nobby (John)

  1. Hi Simon ( the Golf and Desborough were a bit of a giveaway! ) The overall length is 20ft, you need to come and see it soon as you will some training..............
  2. Very good Pete, in fact looked even better.
  3. Hi Clive, no problem. It was quite easy. Maplin sell a LED strip lighting kit, but because if the length of the light board we had to buy an extension kit as well. It is best to fix the strip with some double sided tape as there are no means of fixing with the kit. This kit worked out about 60% cheaper than some of the other lighting stores around. Cheers Nobby
  4. Name board erected and tested, very 21st century for us is the use of LED strip lights for the lighting bar. Please excuse the large amount of stock on the layout, it looks like Dave Tailby has been playing........... Still quite a bit to do before the layouts 1st outing at Stafford.
  5. Good, because I am up on Monday night and I want to play trains...........
  6. Yep, Cl 20, 25, 33, 45, 108, 128 all fitted with sound :-)
  7. Thanks Mike, we always new wood....you must have been thinking of one of our compatriots from Market Harborough!
  8. Certainly is, when it was told of a frog juicer I had visions of a frog in a food blender.....".uuurgh"
  9. What's all this "it's only 2 wires for DCC!", and this is just one of the boards....
  10. Yes, but who is the knob...............
  11. In between keeping Grandson amused ( or is it the other way round ) managed to knock up the control panel for Towcester. Still needs one more point switch and 3 x signal switches to be added.
  12. One month to the 1st showing at Stafford and still quite a few things to do...........
  13. The first sound fitted train, a pair of 20's ran today, I'll try and out the video up in a day or two. Meanwhile a couple of photos.......... George and the sign with a piece of clip art as well!!!!!
  14. Hi Clive LED strip lights from Maplin, give a nice warm white light, lightweight and long lasting. J
  15. I Along with LED lighting for the lighting rig........... Very modern for 2 old codgers
  16. Having seen it " in the flesh" tonight I can say this is going to be a good one.. Well, what else did you expect from my Northern mates!
  17. Just returned from a great day at High Wycombe with George and his Brixworth layout. Just a quick photo to show some of the signage appearing on the layout. Also all boards have been connected and all track tested.
  18. Dapol have announced in the latest edition of Model Rail the exclusive rights to produce models of the new DRS Class 68 loco.
  19. Bit more work this week, some Dapol LMS signals added and signage to a couple of buildings. Station signage should be completed by the end of the week.
  20. Far more entertaining than X Factor Live !!!
  21. He was using a strimmer and hit a bees nest!!!!!
  22. Hi Clive The 25 is being repaired and is recoverable. George was stung by a bee yesterday and reacted quite badly, he took a big of a turn last night but is ok tonight.
  23. Despite George collapsing into a bowl of curry on Saturday night and spending some time in Northampton General we managed to at least put all the point motors in place. And just to be clever we tested the track with a Class 25. Great news all sections live and operational, bad news, drove to 25 straight off the end of one of the scenic boards and onto the floor cab first!!!! Anyway a couple of photos of the point motors in place using the Paul Wade DCC installation manual........ And just for Mick Bryan another photo of the "gay" signal box.
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