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Everything posted by Danemouth

  1. A Merry Christmas to you all. 'er indoors has given me, amongst other things a bottle of Penderin. Suitable anti-HH measures have been implemented to guard against marauding Hippos Dave
  2. The offensive post has been deleted so the comment appears to refer to the post previous to it.
  3. My advice having owned a Clipper is to cut the mains lead off and dispose of it safely. Dave
  4. Ah! "The Model Shop" in Mill Lane, and of course Bud Morgan in the Castle Arcade. Dave
  5. And we had the same dinner service - "Wedgewood Quince" as a wedding present almost 40 years ago. Dave p.s. Happy Hippo ours was bought in Howells of Cardiff
  6. IIRC most older cars needed a service every 6,000 miles. My escort Mk 1 certaily did. Dave
  7. Still waiting for the Goods Shed, it's MIA Dave
  8. Perhaps we should remember this is a jokes thread and not a theological debating society. As a commited and practising Christian I for one would prefer these discussions were in a thread on its own which I can then ignore Thanks, Dave
  9. How about Llandough just outside Cardiff pronounced Llan-dock Dave
  10. Some information here https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/11/26/bzzzzzzt-how-safe-is-that-keenly-priced-digital-doorbell/ Dave
  11. Looks very good indeed. May I make a suggestion? - a piece of black card the other side of the tunnel mouth when taking photos would remove a distracting highlight. Cheers, Dave
  12. Cardiff Trolleybuses always had batteries - not sure how far they could move the bus but as we are talking about the 1950/60s I would imagine not very far. We now have these https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/cardiff-getting-36-electric-buses-15793774 Dave
  13. Rob, Just had a flyer through the door for an estate agent - EweMove.com Are you branching out Dave
  14. You keep thongs in the freezer :-) Dave
  15. Andy, Following yet another Peters build with antcipation. Looking at the backscene boards did you paint them or are they a commercial product? Cheers, Dave
  16. Sell your Panniers !!! Hells Teeth - you'll be drummed out of TNM Dave
  17. Tony, I suspect the spammers can inject any number they like. I understand that to the knowledgeable spoofing Caller Id is a piece of cake. Dave
  18. Now there's a thought Unfortunately I have missed out on the 117s with green whiskers - the seem to be out of stock everywhere. Dave
  19. For the benefit of HH and those with refined tastes here is Danemouth's loco fleet with no less than four, yes four panniers. More info here Dave
  20. I have started work on Danemouth after a break of several months - this was due to a cataract on my good eye, explained here. The first job was to give it a good clean. The track was quite grubby so that has a really good clean. Some lampposts needed straightening and a couple of figures had come adrift. Yesterday it was the turn of the locos, this involved a soft brush, duster and the Woodland Scenics thingy to clean the wheels. All the locos ended up on the layout, all 14 of them -with no sound on them the Powercab says they are drawing .34 amps. Note all the road vehicles are missing - they have been removed as part of the cleaning process and will be replaced once I've cleaned the rolling stock. So coaches and wagon are next for cleaning and this includes checking the back-to-backs. I keep thinking about a new version of Danemouth but haven't as yet found a trackplan that I prefer to the existing one. Cheers, Dave
  21. As an occasional poster on ERs I thought I would relate the "interesting" time I have had over the past few months. Since 2014 I have had peripheral vision only in one eye - this is connected with the optical nerve and can never be recovered. Over the past twelve months the vision in my other eye has deteriorated rapidly due to a cataract. Following the death of my optician I saw my new optician at the beginning of July who advised me to stop driving immediately. I needed cataract surgery but the NHS waiting list is approximately 81 weeks so I went private. I had that surgery last week and so far things have improved greatly. New glasses in 3 - 4 weeks - until then reading involves my Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass. Saturday I started work on Danemouth for the first time in several months giving it a good clean. So I am back on RMWeb again! Congratulations or commiserations as appropriate to those whose news I missed and best wishes to you all. Dave
  22. HH are you sure your username should not be "Hungry Hippo"? Dave
  23. I have the same scanner and Nikon's software is carp. I use Vuescan instead it's far better. https://www.hamrick.com/ Dave
  24. With the Johnster talking about pirates I am reminded of my elder daughter now 38 when she was about 8. She went into my parents dining room and saw my parents wedding picture - they had married in June 1943 and my father wore his naval uniform. My daughter then asked why her grandfather was pictured wearing a pirates costume... Incidentally as my parents went into church to get wed the air raid warning sounded, the "all clear" sounded as they came out of the church afterwards. Dave p.s. We had television for the Coronation.
  25. And another station plan very similar to Danemouth - except the carriage siding in your plan is a bay platform on Danemouth Cheers, Dave
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