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Red Devil

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Everything posted by Red Devil

  1. Facebook....2 groups Tramway Modelling and Model Tramways.
  2. Ok, my 2p worth, there are a good few layouts out there, most won't feature on here as the most active tram modelling online resources are on FB. Personally whilst I built a reasonably successful tram layout , I don't consider my myself as purely a tram modeller.... hence my presence here. Regarding the Festival of model tramways, that is a whole different game. The festival was a privately run show, it wasn't a TLRS show, I became somewhat disenchanted at exhibiting there after doing quite a few....no expenses were paid and to a London show would cost me at least 2-300 quid all in...and that's not even taking time off as a self employed person into account....On my last visit to a 'London' festival having carted one of the bigger displays the longest distance I was pointed to the NCP car park round the back after unloading whilst some more local exhibitors managed to park for free.....yeah I wasn't happy. Festival (north) to a degree had already been usurped by a show at Rigby Rd Blackpool and Covid 19 notwithstanding will most likely continue....However I doubt there will be a 'national' show again as who will organise it? The TLRS are nominally the tram modelling society but they won't unless there are changes, and a number of more active exhibitors are no longer members. Sorry for the long boring answers....as to are tram layouts in demand for exhibition (or were pre this year) yes definitely, I already have a good few invites for Grime Sts successor on the 'when you're ready' basis.....motivation is the issue!
  3. That's Bob Wardle's Chesfield tramways.....Show would have been at Bob Heathcote's central methodist church in middle of Sheffield, Bob (H) was minister there and also founder/memb sec/chairman etc of Model Bus Federation, so ran a smallish show there.
  4. Here's anther 'old layout' I was involved with a little bit. County End built by a friend of mine, I helped with the track a bit, originally set in Oldham, now the property of the Yorks area MBF, shown here with a couple of 'Yorks area' vehicles!
  5. Built by Andy Ross....some info here...
  6. Glasgow was 4 ft 7 3/4 to allow std gauge wagons to run on their flanges in the groove. Huddersfield also adopted the same gauge with a view to moving coal.
  7. If you want a Birmingham car, then the old 1/72 Keil Kraft kit might be an option, normally go for under a tenner on ebay whilst not 4mm, not far off, easily motorised too. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=keil+kraft+tram&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&LH_Sold=1&_udlo=&_udhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=HD74AR&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=3&_sop=12&_dmd=1&_ipg=200&LH_Complete=1&_fosrp=1
  8. Oh, and by the way, the Corgi traditional trams are nearer S scale than 4mm.
  9. Leeds..... Leeds Fireclay Company at Wortley had a couple of horse and cable worked narrow gauge lines that crossed over Leeds City Transport electric tram lines, think 3ft 6in gauge. I think there was also an agreement for LCT to transport coal and clay to Wortley using tippler cars of which they had a few... Flatbed tram fitted with two v tipplers.
  10. Bachmann, UK outline traditional Preston type balcony and enclosed trams, looked heavily like the Corgi S scale diecasts, pity they never made them, the number of livery variations available would have been staggering.
  11. Yep they did, but many were put off by a few issues and also again, we have the available at your local shop question. How many Hymeks have been turned out?...As I say just musing.
  12. Idle musings based on no information whatsoever...... I wonder what the deal is re the Olivias/Heljan EM1/76 is? That with pantographs that look like pantographs rather than a 'coat hanger ariel' incorporated into the EFE Rail brand would work for me (yeah I'm aware of other issues). I'm not going to mention the EM2 though.....
  13. I'd guess it'd be something else he would blame on a Chinese factory.......
  14. BS381c 114 is rail blue Pretty much any supplier of mixed aerosols should be able to oblige. For example..... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BS381C-114-RAIL-BLUE-2k-Acrylic-400ml-Aerosol/323502091583?hash=item4b523a2d3f:g:bSoAAOSwdbVbxbWi
  15. These any help? http://www.kwtrams.co.uk/product-category/oo-transfers
  16. I did this, albeit in EM... Code 75 bullhead, 0.8mm sq N/S bar, 1.9x0.25mm N/S strip, road surface is scribed ready to use patching plaster.
  17. I'm gonna get my finger out and finish this, it's been sat like this for months, so ply infills, Faller Car System guide, plaster and scribe some setts.... Fabricated 'girder rail' junction in EM
  18. Fantastic stuff! May I ask where the bevel gears come from?
  19. This works pretty well, plus is water based and you can get it on your hands etc without much pain or damage. Easily available too, I've used it on a few resin things with no problems but test a bit first! https://www.toolstation.com/graffiti-go-water-based-graffiti-remover/p21232
  20. Whilst I was messing about with the geared 6mm motor I thought I'd try a Faller Car System version.... So an Oxford Austin van was hacked about and a test belt drive system fitted....I shoved the OD wheels on to give an idea of RPM at 1.5v..... So seemed okay and the rest is proceeding, Wiking Control wheels (Faller sizes way out). Pattern Faller axle and we're getting closer....
  21. Not a huge amount happening, work, injured back and fitting a new kitchen sorta getting in the way.... Odd hour here and there gives a few easy wins like finishing some of the many part built FCS vehicles like this Yorkshire Traction PS2 Windover coach shown here having a test run....
  22. Ebay , loads of sellers, this one is 1:26, then in my build it has two further reductions, there are some with a greater reduction to set off with but they are longer so possibly a bit wide for 4mm in this style of application https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DC-3V-Micro-6mm-Planetary-Gear-Reducer-Motor-Mini-Coreless-Gearbox-Motor-1200RPM/323829018023?hash=item4b65b6ada7:g:BgEAAOSwTAxc4qP5
  23. Ok we have something running..... I spotted some £3 6mm motors with a planetary gearbox so thought I'd give those a whirl..... It's alive....... Running at full speed on only one axle drive (some imbecile, ahem, lost one of the required pulleys) The planetary gearboxes on these little motors gives an amazing amount of torque, really surprised me how much... Yep..definitely worth continuing with, this has given me a whole host of ideas on how to solve a couple of niggles, 'production' versions will be neater/quicker/better.... Rubbish video,sorry, but it shows how it works.....
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