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Status Updates posted by rovex

  1. wot no spoiler from Hornby before the budget!

    1. Metr0Land


      Apparently the govt are subsidising a model factory in a deprived area to produce another OO Adams Radial. Some quango has decided there must be plenty of demand if 3 companies are already doing it.

  2. Wondering when Hornby will announce something I want

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      Wondering when Hornby will stop peddling their annual 'everything in the catalogue will be out this year' lies.

    3. bgman


      Has hell frozen over yet ?

    4. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      I saw it snow in Croydon once. Does that count?

  3. Wondering when Hornby will announce something I want to buy

  4. Wondering when Hornby will announce something I actually want to buy

  5. is wondering when Hornby are going to announce something I actually want to buy

  6. wonders wen Hornby

  7. is wondering when Hornby is going to announce something i want to buy

  8. is wondering when Hornby is going to announce something i want to buy

  9. this year i must really get the trains moving!!!

    1. Londontram
    2. Tim Dubya
    3. sub39h


      I've got one loop on DC working - need to get the other loop and DCC working!

  10. this year i must really get the trains moving!!!

  11. this year i must really get the trains moving!!!

  12. is feeling envious of those people who actually get on with their layouts and even finish them

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MarkC


      Is there such a thing as a finished layout?



      Just do it. Don't hide behind excuses.

    4. john flann

      john flann

      Don't set impossible targets, don't get distracted,and enjoy the process by getting on with it.

  13. is feeling envious of those people who actually get on with their layouts and even finish them

  14. I must not buy any more trains - I must not buy any more trains - now keep repeating it

    1. SHMD


      It's not new years eve yet!

    2. Mikkel


      You must give them to me - you must give them to me...

    3. DavidLong


      Oh, go on, just one . . .

  15. is wandering when all the frothing over Hornby's new items is going to start

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. halfwit


      Shame there's not the same level of interest over the latest loco kit...

    3. halfwit


      Or the Manning Wardle due from RTModels. Or any other well designed kit from anyone in any scale.

    4. Jamie


      whenever they all get over the current Hornby-bashing fad?

  16. is building his baseboard

  17. between layouts

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