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Status Updates posted by nimbamoss

  1. What to do next?

    1. class"66"


      Your layout looks good size!!!

  2. Poor Oliver Cromwell, Stuck at Cleethorpes with a poorly cylinder.

  3. It looks like Nigel Gill is going to be released this afternoon.

    1. ozzyo


      Who is he pray tell?

    2. multiprinter


      I was wondering that too.

    3. nimbamoss


      Grimsby Diana Princess of wales Hospital


  4. Get well soon to fellow member Nigel Gill, currently in hospital asking for a soldering iron to be smuggled in!

    1. skipepsi


      One way of warming the tea!

    2. Horsetan


      Maybe he's trying to repair the defibrillator :-O

    3. nimbamoss


      Blood clots on lungs, now taking Wolverine"

  5. Waiting for the points to arrive

  6. Just fitted sound to my Bachy 108....Fantastic! Thanks to Howes for help and advise

    1. ItsGill


      cant wait to hear itt !!

  7. Damned harvest flies!

  8. spent 1 1/2 hours on hold changing my energy tarriff!

  9. Just had an interesting phone call from a man from the "energy company" Offering me 40% savings on my energy bill ended up him asking if I was a man the he told me to go to hell too late I'm already in Cleethorpes!

  10. Has recently got back from a work related team weekend with a free bar!

  11. Well over half the show set up, only 4 more layouts due saturday morning...Cleethorpes Model Railway show 2011 is go...well at 10 saturday morning it is!

  12. Cllethorpes Modle railway show mentioned on Chris Evans breakfast show today!

    1. Boris


      Is that in Holland?

    2. nimbamoss


      Sorry Boris BBC radio 2.

  13. Butchering a Lima class 40 in the name of Shawplan!

    1. Horsetan


      Mr. Shawplan himself keeps telling me that the Lima body is the one to use. No need to cut it and merge it with Bachmann cabs...

  14. RIP Gary Moore died today age 58

    1. Fiat500


      Brilliant guitarist - a real loss to the world of music.

  15. Is listening to o5ric

  16. Is listening to o%ric

  17. Needs to find a 20ft OO steam exhibition layout for May Show in Cleethorpes please pm if interested.

    1. Mallard60022


      Have you tried Gamston Bank?

  18. One may be partaking of a couple of sweet sheery's tonight!

  19. Just fitted my Hornby 56 with a Howes sound chip and speaker. cooool

  20. Merry christmas everyone...

  21. -10 in Cleethorpes at 05:30!

    1. Mallard60022


      Isn't it always -10 in Cleethorpes?

    2. Welly


      -19 on the ground near Lincoln!

  22. Just put my sleeping bag on my car windscreen! nighty night

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