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3 link

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Everything posted by 3 link

  1. Hi Chris, A couple of weeks ago whilst track building I made a major error, not only did I forget that the turnout I was building spanned a baseboard joint I then carried on an actually glued it down, doh.... So up to now I have delayed trying to deal with cutting the rail, as you can see in the photo the four rails are close together so not an easy task. I have a dremel with a cutting disc but you cannot get the right angle to make a straight cut. I popped over the Engine Shed ( Gaugemaster ) whatever it's called nowadays and noticed a fine tooth cutting saw, not cheap but at least you can buy replacement blades once you have the handle, so I thought I'd give this method a try. Well I was finally in the right frame of mind to give it a go yesterday, firstly I covered the rails with some masking tape so I could mark a cutting line and also to hopefully keep the blade in position. I don't know why I was so nervous as the blade made short work of cutting all the rails in situ, and as long as you take your time and with next to no pressure on the saw all will be fine. A piccy of the saw, Sorry for the hijack Chris, ATB, Martyn.
  2. I reckon that is the best plan of attack, Enjoying the build, Martyn.
  3. No Health and Safety in those days. Martyn.
  4. Hi Chris, I mostly build my turnouts on a piece of solid flat board and then transfer them to the layout, I find it easier that way because you are not leaning over the layout and if you need to get to the other side you can just spin the board around. I just make sure I have the ends of the rail lengths as accurate as possible for when it comes to finally laying it in place, and if your using Templot it has always been spot on for alignment for me so far. HTH, Martyn.
  5. Hi Richard, I look forward to the build, I do have a soft spot for the LSWR especially the livery and the elegance of some of their locos including the L12. ATB, Martyn. PS, Perhaps the idea of a " suggestion box " wasn't a good idea , but it raised a smile : )
  6. Wow, excellent modelling Giles, and working with white metal isn't exactly the easiest of materials to work with. Keep up the good work, I always enjoy reading your updates. ATB, Martyn.
  7. I have to agree with CME, the rtr market is crying out for a good representation of the BR mk1's. I would certainly be interested and I'm sure I'm not alone. And think of all those different liveries, wow now there's a thought. Martyn.
  8. £8 a pair....... crumbs I didn't know they were that expensive, I bet Mr White does not sell many of those. As for the history of the screw coupling I would expect that apart from the RCH ones, there would be many types of screw couplings though out the era's all with different regional names. Martyn.
  9. Hi , Slaters do a good replica of the instanters imo, I'm not sure if they sell them separate as their website is not that user friendly when it comes to locating the smaller parts. Martyn.
  10. I think the main problem if ever it was to be removed, is the problem of getting it down the stairs. Martyn.
  11. Good evening Don, As with most things GWR it is a minefield, and not just the p/way. For filling the switch blades I use one of my jigs that I brought from the S7 store, they are not that adjustable but they do hold the blades at the right angle when filing. As it is I am having to purchase some more tie bars as Mr Eagle eyed OzzyO has pointed out that C and D turnouts had more along the length of the blades ( bless him ). ATB, Martyn.
  12. The main problem I found with them is they are to flimsy, OK they look very prototypical but I wouldn't want to operate one using an old H&M point motor it would smash it to bits with one throw. I have had good results with the JLTRT ones, and a lot easier to build, oh and a lot cheaper. Martyn.
  13. Not a lot happening at present, waiting for Telford so I can pick up some more track parts. Here's some photos just for the fun of it...... Martyn.
  14. 3 link

    Dock Green

    Ahh, thats why I could not remember that sunny day, I wasn't even born....... Martyn.
  15. Think platform shoes ( for those of us who are old enough to remember them ).
  16. Hi Paul, Dave, It's a minefield, I thought locos were bad but the P/way is just as bad. I am just waiting for the Father in law to return my book on GWR p/way practices, hopefully it will have some more info on this grey area. At least my fish plates are fitted the right way round, thank you Paul ........ Martyn.
  17. [quote name="muddys-blues" post="2803891" timestamp="1501483143". So what made you move on from modern N gauge to 1930's 7mm modelling then ;-) Best regards Craig We all do silly things in our youth, : ) Martyn.
  18. Evening Guys, Well I have only just seen the posts above, so it was out with the tape measure and the blade lengths are 155mm ( about 22' ) and the planning length is roughly 70mm ( 10' ). So if I'm reading it rightly if the pointwork was in place before 1948 I can get away with just the two tie bars? I noticed the 30' ones had 5 tie bars !! ATB, Martyn.
  19. And then we are not just talking about " gauges " , you also have the different width wheel treads and depth of flange to consider, as not all manufacturers keep to a particular standard. I could go on, but life's to short....... Martyn.
  20. In this clip the pointwork is built using C&L parts also to 31.5mm, sorry for the film quality it's awkward filming and controlling the loco but hopefully you get the idea. ATB, Martyn.
  21. This first clip is some copper clad pointwork I built just for use in the fiddle yard, basic but sturdy point work. Martyn.
  22. Hello Stranger, Regarding the long turnout, I will go and do some swatting up on the subject, although you are usually right ( rolling eyes ) lol. You do like giving me more work, don't you......
  23. I originally put this video up back in 2012 to show how the different stock cope with Peco turnouts.: I will try and do a video later of some wagons going across some 31.5 mm pointwork so you can see the difference. Martyn.
  24. Morning Micheal! There are plenty of threads on the merits of both gauges if you search on the web, otherwise we will be just going round in circles and getting no where which is what usually happens. Martyn.
  25. Thanks for the reply, will you guys be going to Guildex at Telford in September? ATB, Martyn.
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