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3 link

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Everything posted by 3 link

  1. Morning Bob, Can I still program the Touchcab as I only have the LH90, and not the LH100 ? ATB, Martyn.
  2. Hi Rumblestripe, I have modelled in 7mm for over 20 years now and I must say it is a decision I have never regretted, have a look at this thread if you have not already read it. It's just about one chap who is embarking into 7mm, and as you will see he is enjoying the experience http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/12616-wenford-dries-7mm-1983/page-8 ATB, Martyn.
  3. Hi Mike, Ahh now I understand where you are coming from, regarding the backs of the wheels are those machined spiral patterns the same as on the real bogies ( trucks ). If so it for heat disipation, lightness or something else ? Keep up the good work, the wagons look great. ATB, Martyn.
  4. Hi Mike, Well you have certainly lost me with all this talk of " archbar and bettendorf ", being a Brit I think I will just keep to the good old BR Western region . All the best, Martyn.
  5. Hi Kev, Just regular DCC at present, one of the main selling points for me was being able to control my locos, turnouts, signals, lights, etc with either my iphone or ipad. ATB, Martyn.
  6. Hi Jeff, I would have thought that the keys would be on the outside of the rail, the same as on the normal running lines but I am not 100% sure. Do the support wheels have flanges or are they shaped like a pulley wheel if you get my drift ? If they were flanges then on the real thing I would think there might be some pressure exerted outwards so in that case I would have thought the keys would be on the outside, just a thought. You really need to find some photographic proof or wait to talk to Dave Smith before you commit to laying the rail. ATB, Martyn.
  7. Hi Kev, Well that was a baptism of fire, I thought I was going mad but it turns out that they have sent me the wrong decoder. Not a good start when your a dcc newbee like me, still no harm done. ATB, Martyn.
  8. Hi Kev, Doh !! I have not even looked, I will get back to you if I can't find it, by the way I have pm'd you. ATB, Martyn.
  9. Hi Kev, Talking of Lionheart panniers, well I have just converted my old test track to my " new programable DCC test track " and I have a chip that I want to fit to my Lionheart pannier. Could you please give me an idea of how to remove the body so I can fit the said chip ? Hopefully this surge of interest will get my mojo back to firing on all cylinders . ATB, Martyn.
  10. Hi Peter, Come to think of it, it might have been at one of the Reading shows, what really struck me at the time was the livery and what looked like a slight bluish hue applied along the boiler like it had had a quick polish with an oily rag. It must of been good as it has stuck in my memory ever since, do you happen to remember who's green paint you used on her ? Beautiful looking loco, I will have a look on the GOG website. Martyn.
  11. Afternoon Peter, Did you by any chance have the loco above on show at Telford a few years ago ? ATB, Martyn.
  12. Hi Mike, I notice there is a photo of you operating a layout in the latest Guild News and a little piece regarding your USGONE group, are you aware of your 5 minutes of fame or have you not recieved the latest gazette yet. I look forward to further updates and I wish you well, Martyn.
  13. Hi Richard, Well that is very impressive, I knew that the range of Sanspareil castings were very good but I had visions of Messers Harris, El Crapo, etc when you said it was a " lot of work ". I will put it on my wish list, it was the valve gear that done it for me. Cheers, Martyn.
  14. Hi Richard, Good to hear from you, it has been a while since we have spoken, as you can see I am still lurking around from time to time while I am waiting for the mojo to return. I have just had a brief look through the latest gazette that landed on the door mat this morning and noticed that the Seven models Standard 5 that Steve mentioned retails for £280, now at that price it sounds like a good starting point and with a few extra castings from Laurie, Ragstones, etc. You never know it might help kick start the need to build again, just a thought . ATB, Martyn.
  15. Hi Peter, You do not have to worry about that, I am an avid reader of anything related to 7mm and she looks stunning in ex-works guise. But I do like to see them toned down with a bit of track and brake dust and a sheen on the body work left from an oily rag. ATB, Martyn.
  16. Oh dear, I can see the credit card is going to have to come out of hiding once again . Martyn.
  17. Hi Peter, I often wonder how many " works of art " layouts are out there that the public never set eyes on. I have already built one 2-8-0 tank loco for the layout and on test it just manages a 5'6" curve so I will be using that as my minimum radius, but hopefully most of the curves will be 6'. Yes it will be a continuous run and I am just gathering as much info as I can at this stage, well I won't hijack your build thread anymore on layout matters, but it would be great if you could persuade your brother to come and join us merry chaps on here. I do not live that far from the Mid Hants line, and as a birthday present I was treated to driving their standard class 5MT 73096 a couple of years ago and loved every minute of it. That is one loco I would like to have a go at building, not sure if there is one in kit form ? ATB, Martyn.
  18. Evening Peter, Regarding your brother's layout, are there any pictures, plans,size of the layout and the minimum radius ? Sorry for all the questions but I am at the planning stage of my layout and even though I have an area of 19' x 16', I am shocked at how little in terms of trackwork I can fit in, being that I want a roundy-roundy with a minimum radius of 6'. Just like in " Little Britain " the computer say's " NO " well in this case Templot say's " NO ". Regards, Martyn.
  19. Hello Jeff, Afraid I cannot help you with the wiring ( not one of my stronger points ), but I am enjoying the build so keep the updates coming . ATB, Martyn.
  20. 3 link

    Dock Green

    " It's my layout so I will do what I like " or words to that effect. Martyn.
  21. And finally, I still believe that Slaters should see the sense in providing 12BA tapped bushes whilst they continue to produce their crank pins for use with 12 BA bolts. Cheers, Peter. I should think Mr White is to busy counting all the profits he's made to think of a good idea like that . Martyn.
  22. Good morning Peter, Regarding the use of 10BA over 12BA it is a matter of choice but in my opinion the 12BA looks to flimsy and they never seem to stand up straight at 90 degrees to the wheel face, well until you fit a threaded bush onto the crank pin to pull them inline that is. But getting back to the over sized look of a 10BA nut, well I model the western region and CPL do some lovely castings of the correct pattern crank pin nuts which I just have to tap out to 10 BA. Actually I would think you could adapt these castings to suit a wider range of loco's, just a thought . ATB, Martyn.
  23. Evening Peter, Just more sturdy I would think, Mr Ozzy likes them " fit for purpose " . ATB, Martyn.
  24. Hi Tony, Luckily they are not Alan Harris wheels or you would be putting another zero on the end , and I see you have mastered the invisible soldered joint, the same as was used on Richards stunning 8F. ATB, Martyn.
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