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3 link

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Everything posted by 3 link

  1. Hi Jon, Just to say I am enjoying this thread of yours and it's good to see you do not just "give up" if some part is not supplied, I have built a few 7mm coaches and I must say "most" of them do not have any sort of brake detail added. To be honest the brake detail is needed especially in 7mm as it stands out that much more, I have built a GWR B set and a SR/BR bogie luggage van recently and I had to raid my scrap box to make a reasonable redition of what should be there. Just a quick question those rivets you are using look the business, are they from Scale hardware in the USA ? ATB, Martyn.
  2. Hi George, I must admit I was just going to say did you use a flash as the loco looked so shiny, I use the satin black from Halfords like yourself and I have never had a problem so far. I think Castle has the best idea to solve the problem with regards the humbrol acrylic varnish, just make sure to put any numbers and lining on first. ATB, Martyn.
  3. Well better late than never, I have finally found some time to weather the tankers. One of the pictures is not in direct sunlight so you can judge the colour and hue differences, still might be some touching up to do but not far off from finished. They do look very grimy but every colour picture I have seen so far, they have all been in a state of neglect. ATB, Martyn.
  4. 3 link

    Dock Green

    Hi Chaz, Thanks for the info, I will pop over and say hello. Martyn.
  5. 3 link

    Dock Green

    Hi Chaz, Slightly off topic but could you tell me the date for the Wimbourne show as I remember going there a few years ago, and considering it was only a small show there was a lot going on and a very good day out. Martyn.
  6. Fettling, Fettling, Fettling of white metal grrrrrrrr !!!

  7. Hi Gordon, Like most of us your main problem boils down to not having enough space, obviously I do not know your circumstances but have you enough space in your garden for a purpose built railway room ? Just a thought . ATB, Martyn.
  8. Ahhh but from what angle are we talking about, looking back from the front of the loco, or forward from the cab. ATB, Martyn.
  9. Railmatch, that's another aerosol you owe me AGHHHH !!! Why can't you get it sorted !!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 3 link

      3 link

      I usually give the nozzle a soak in cellulose thinners, but you shouldn't have to. I will vote with my wallet and try Halfords : )

    3. jessy1692


      Best thing i found is to blow them out yourself and then get a piece of wire binged in the nozle

    4. tinsley-toton


      No alternative? The JLTRT ones are excellent.

  10. Hi , Thanks for the info I thought that would be the way to go, I have used their Perma black before but that is more like a paste which I have applied using cotton buds. Regards, Martyn.
  11. Hi Brian, Slightly off topic, I managed to get some of the Birchwood Casey "Brass Black" . I was just wondering how you applied it to the couplings, as you know it has a fair amount of warnings on the bottle do you just dip it in the bottle and rinse off or use an old paint brush or something ? ATB, Martyn.
  12. Can't you poke a 4mm A4 down the front, to make things look more impressive . ATB, Martyn.
  13. Can't beat a push rod engine, easy to work on and a lot cheaper on parts. Martyn.
  14. Thank you Brian, I will see if I can track some down. I have already got the normal "Birchwood Casey" gun blue which like you say is fine for the Slaters wheels, but looking at your couplings they are spot on at what I am trying to achive. ATB, Martyn.
  15. Hi Brian, Slightly off topic but as we are talking brake pipes, etc, are your screwlink couplings just chemically blackened or painted ? I am asking as I have tried various blackening agents and also made sure the casting are clean and degreased and have never been able to get the blackening to adhere very well to the castings, this goes for CPL as well as jltrt's castings. Any advice would be much appreciated. ATB, Martyn.

  17. Hi Dave, Thank you for the picture of the underside that will be a great help, as on the Slaters instructions it does not show both the brackets that support the handbrake rodding. I also like to add some weight to all my rolling stock and I was going to put some lead sheet on the floor on the inside of the wagon, and then cover it with some of that marvelous straw you have been using. But it seems like you have managed to pack enough between the brake gear, so if you don't mind I will be copying your method. All the best, Martyn.
  18. Hi Dave, I model the western region circa 1955 so a lot later than yourself, but I noticed the diag W5 was vacuum braked from as early as 1905 so the only other major changes after that date was their liveries ( I think ). It's just that I'm building the Slaters cattle wagon diag W5, and I am trying to get my head around the brake gear. Is there a handbrake on both sides of the wagon ? The kit instructions as you know are fairly good but I am not sure with reference to the hand brake situation. Regards, Martyn.
  19. Hi Brian, Slightly off topic but can you tell me how you keep the rails clean out in the garden ? All the best, Martyn.
  20. Hi Ken, Glad to hear the operation was a success it must be a great weight off your mind, now take it easy and spend sometime catching up on the forum, good therapy . ATB, Martyn.
  21. Hi Mike, Thanks for the info, it will certainly come in useful as I still have a back load of rolling stock that I built over the winter months waitting for the weathering treatment. Hopefully have the air brush fired up over the weekend. ATB, Martyn.
  22. Hi Mike, Nice to see it all coming together with the help of Templot, try as I might I just could not get to grips with Templot I know and understand how helpful the program is, but it's beyond me. So a big thank you to Jim a good friend of mine who has been very patient with my never ending requests and hopefully the plan will soon be in print. Have to ask, can you tell me what rust coloured paint your son used on the grampus wagons it looks spot on. ATB, Martyn.
  23. All the best Ken, Soon be back on here firing on all cylinders . Martyn.
  24. Well they are very shiny, so I would think chrome plated or maybe stainless steel, I am not sure to be honest. Martyn.
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