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3 link

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Everything posted by 3 link

  1. Hello Matey, I am glad you have brought this topic up as brass has always been a pig to blacken for me, I have just brought some blackening from hobby holidays at the Reading show and he reckons this is the strongest stuff on the market, so when I get time I will let you know the results. Any idea what metal the R-T-R loco wheel rims are : - Lionheart and San Cheng in particular, as they do not seem to take to any form of blackening the only thing that has had any success is a black permanent marker pen. ATB, Martyn.
  2. Hi Tony, Thanks for the offer regarding the info it's most appreicated, it will be a western region version when it does happen , anyway have a good time on your travels and see you at Telford. ATB, Martyn.
  3. Hello Tony, Very nice indeed, I am trying to raid the piggy bank at the moment as I have heard there will not be anymore in the pipeline once the 25 in stock have gone . And the MOK 8f has always been at the top of my list so I'd better dig deep, by the way will your good self and Richard be attending Reading on Saturday ? or are you just going to bu**er off down the pub like last year . ATB, Martyn.
  4. Hi Rod, It is a small world, Richard owner of Heyside is a good friend of mine and I was fortunate enough last year to see and try to operate his layout myself. I notice on reading Jim's article that Heljan seem to have sorted the problem now and I am not surprised being that their back to back was only 28.5mm, so maybe for all those folk who have not got the use of a lathe they might get away with just opening up the back to back if there is enough length on the axle. Like I said I am still at the planning stage at present but it's good to be forewarned of any possible hiccups along the way . ATB, Martyn.
  5. Hi Rod, Just a quick note to say how much I am enjoying your thread and looking forward to the updates, I model the Western region in the 50's but anything 7mm grabs my attention. My layout is still at the planning stage and will just manage to fit a continuous loop in the space I have and still manage to keep to a minimum radius of 6ft, thanks to a good friend of mine who's a dab hand at Templot. Although I will not have any stock made by Heljan it's interesting to know their wheels are a bit tight through the turnouts, as I will also be building my turnouts to 31.5mm and may have to reprofile some of my stock. Keep up the good work. ATB, Martyn.
  6. Buy it on ebay Item number: 180860797938 Last updated on 27 Apr, 2012 09:28:17 BST View all revisions The name of the company is Clostermann and the aerosols are in 400ml tins and cost £7.20. They are based in Swindon and 1st class delivery Usual disclaimer . This is the primer Malcom Mitchell reccomends. Martyn.
  7. With reference to the Slaters kits, I think once you have done a couple you will find it gets easier as you will get to know their way of thinking, also the 6 wheeled tankers have a lot more detailed parts than most of their wagons and are a more complex kit to build. When you say pipework, do you mean the vacuum pipes ? You should of had a plan of the underside to show where the pipe runs go, if you have not you can go back to the link on the build I did, and there is a photo of the completed underside including brake linkage as well. Let us know how you get on, Martyn. P.S. If you need to see the photos a bit larger on that link then you will have to join up which would probably be of interest to you as there is a lot of 7mm stuff on there anyway.
  8. Hi d600, The brass jig is used as a gauge to hold the two sides of the ladder apart while you solder the strings ( sorry ex-fireman talk ) treads in place, this can be a bit fiddly as there is quite a bit of play in the jig, so use a bit of Blu-tac to hold it all together rather than singe the old fingers . Let us know if you need anymore help, this is what this forums for . ATB, Martyn. P.S. The strings, treads or what ever you like to call them are just pieces of brass wire supplied in the kit. P.P.S I did do a build thread on another forum and on looking back at it I did show how to build the ladders up, I'm not sure how to do a link but try this it seems to take you to the right place http://www.westernthunder.co.uk/index.php?threads/3-links-work-bench.1397/page-2#post-32459
  9. Been applying transfers all afternoon, not very rewarding but keeps the rivet counters at bay : )

  10. Is it just me, but I can't open the new MI 3 : (

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. richbrummitt


      No - I read it yesterday on the wife's new iPad.

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      I saved the last two issues as pdf docs without problems, maybe it's my pop up blocker : (

    4. Debs.


      It`s a predictable ending: Tom Cruise sorts it all out!

  11. You will find kit building in 7mm very enjoyable and a lot less fiddly than 2mm, you should try a wagon kit first maybe a Slaters or Parkside and then there will be no going back . ATB, Martyn.
  12. Hi Bill, It is a commercial product and I notice there are now quite a few suppliers that do the back scenes, the one I have used came from Gauge masters down in Sussex. ATB, Martyn.
  13. Hi David, Of course you can they are not that bad, the brake linkage will be a bit taxing the first time but after the first one there will be no stopping you. I will be building some jltrt American 9' bogies next, and these will be fitted to a Scorpio siphon body. These bogies are sprung and have all the extra detail and will certainly take some time to build . If you need any help once you get started on the tankers, you only have to ask . ATB, Martyn.
  14. No milk but I have put about 4ozs of lead in them . ATB, Martyn.
  15. Just a couple of photo's of my 6 wheeled tankers, both now finished except for some transfers and weathering . ATB, Martyn.
  16. That's what I like about you Ozzy, a man who speaks his mind B) . Have you recieved that etched primer spray yet ? I was hoping to get a review from you even though Malcom said it's the best he's ever used. All the best Matey, Martyn. P.S. Sorry for the hijack Simon.
  17. Hi Neil, I to have just brought a backscene from Gaugemaster and I am happy with the result, what I did was to brush a thin coat of wallpaper paste onto the back board and leave for 24 hours to dry thoroughly. This helps to key the surface and then brush on another thin ( must be without any lumps ) coat and roll the paper across gently, do not panic if you see a few bubbles and refrain from proding it about, just let it set and the paper should in time be drawn back into the back board. ATB, Martyn.
  18. Where's all this snow then ? Lovely sunny day down here on the coast : )

    1. aussiebrfan


      Sunny? Its overrated try still 31C at 9:17pm in Melbourne!!!

    2. Steve Sykes

      Steve Sykes

      Just started to fall in Shropshire

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      To hot for me Aussie, it's sunny here but also -4c.

      Thanks for the update Steve be nice to track it across the shires, should reach us about 6pm : )

  19. Hi Castle, A very interesting topic and thanks for telling us about the history of the Gas Turbine No. 18000, I am a total steam fan but find strangely drawn to the 18000 which is slightly worrying. ATB, Martyn.
  20. Yes it sounds the same sort of thing I use, the double glazing chaps have been using it for years so if you do find yourself short in the future just pop down to your nearest glaziers. ATB, Martyn.
  21. Hi Two tone, This " Roket Blaster " is it an aerosol ? I ask because if I want a super glue to go off immediately I use an accelerator, which is in an aerosol and one quick squirt and the super glue hardens on contact. ATB, Martyn.
  22. Hi Simon, Thanks once again for an enjoyable episode, is there a method you use or are there instructions included as to the placing of the crank webs on the axle, I just wondered if it's an exact science with this kit. ATB, Martyn.
  23. Hi Brian, Thanks for the info, to be honest I did not give it a second thought so you have saved me an embarassing moment there. Yes the B set has these clear plastic mouldings that will hopefully fit in the apertures in the resin coach body, once I have this first build under my belt I should have the confidence to try a few more of Pete's coaches, so far I have enjoyed the kit and the detail is first class. All the best, Martyn.
  24. Hi Brian, Slightly off topic, I have managed to do some spraying today on the coach sides of the B set, I will leave these a couple of days to harden off then it's on to the windows and other detail. Could you tell me how you fix in your windows as I am a little apprehensive as this is the first time with a resin kit. Regards, Martyn.
  25. Wow, That's some trackwork, I would not know where to start with the wiring . Martyn.
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