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Everything posted by Chrisr40

  1. If Warley isnt an option and you can wait Coastal DCC are at the Erith show end of January next year.
  2. Do Coastal DCC do zimo ? Just under 2 hrs away from north Kent by car.
  3. Thank you Mark. What a pig it was to service. Broke a pick up wire, bent a pin on the decoder socket, couldn't get the drive shafts back in then stood on my oiling pen. There are days you just know you shouldn't have gone anywhere near your layout.
  4. Hello all. During a service I managed to knock this part off but I have no idea where from. If someone knows could they please tell me what it is and it's location so I can glue it back ? Many thanks Chris
  5. Perhaps the simple answer is be grateful for what we have, don't worry what someone else has got and enjoy the hobby for how it makes us feel/the pleasure it gives us.
  6. Because being able to laugh at yourself is far more intelligent and self aware than being morally outraged at everything which you don't agree with. Our humour in the UK was based upon self deprication (possibly the lavatory too) and we got along fine until we started saying you can't laugh at this or that. The show The Last Leg is a good example with people who have disabilities taking the mickey out of each other because they like a laugh too. There is no malice just good natured ribbing.
  7. Because they can never be correct ? Why make it about politics ?
  8. I think it's a particularly good example where what was a hideous real life event is expertly mocked and satirised with no party be they axis or allied escaping having the Mickey taken out of them - hence it is 100% inclusive. I saw Vicky Michelle (oh my dicky ticker) on GB news recently and it sounds like the PC zealots are after Allo Allo too now
  9. The global IC and component shortage has curtailed production. When that improves there will be spare chips etc for hobby products
  10. In a 1948 speech to the House of Commons, Churchill paraphrased Santayana when he said 'Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
  11. Perhaps it's based on proportional representation rather than an overt attempt to upset anyone. 80% of UK population is white.
  12. Some suggestions here https://uk.Hornby.com/community/forum/dcc-loco-suddenly-changes-direction?p=1
  13. Chrisr40

    On Cats

    I have found its actually cheaper to buy cooked chicken pieces and ham off cuts. Especially if you look in the reduced section in tesco etc. Nothing to stop you freezing it for use later. Robbie loves it and it's better for him too.
  14. How about using two different types of speaker ? They make a big difference so possible to make the same sound project sound subtly different.
  15. Been in the same situation, it's the minds self defence mechanism kicking in. From a personal perspective I found it better to go through workload with my boss and focus on tasks I knew I could complete and use that to rebuild a sense of achievement and assurance in my abilities. You are worth more to your company doing something smaller well rather than nothing at all and being off poorly. I was off work for a year following a nervous breakdown with depression and anxiety and going back was a big challenge so I sympathise with you very much. If you can get some breathing room at work without actually not being there then that would be what I would aim for. All the best and enjoy your horticulture-it does wonders for the mind. Chris
  16. They are likely grown hydroponically where they never come in to contact with soil. So they don't take up minerals like home grown ones do. Bit like why strawberries from Spain etc aren't a patch on Kentish ones due to what they are grown on or in. Also I used to work at a fruit packing firm and we had fruit and veg that was more than a year old in the chiller at minus something.
  17. In my case because the build quality is identical if not better, the dealer is the first i have ever met who wasn't trying to rob me and the car was significantly less expensive than the VW version. It also helps I prefer the styling and can't stand badge snobbery.
  18. My kamiq has the bars in black if it helps your decision Jim. We love our Skodas. Wife has a citigo which is bags of fun and closest thing I have driven to the original mini...and it doesn't leak.
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