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Everything posted by iak

  1. Lemon sole please... Breaded goujon maybe? Mind I do prefer a nice beer batter fried haddock...
  2. Sole/Haddock please, they would go down a bundle.
  3. Cappuccino please with plenty of froth...... Seriously, I wait and wonder what happens as normally most of is announced means nowt..... However, a Scottish engine would be nice.....
  4. Excellent... More proper buffers to play with...
  5. Very tasty Mr Franks, very tasty indeed...
  6. Strewth... Your creative muse has worked in overdrive with this one Ian.
  7. One fine looking beastie...
  8. Easy now..... Let's not be greedy..... nom nom nom
  9. Underframes? A watching brief is called for maybe....
  10. Ah the auld misunderstanding... Scale is 4mm. OO = 16.50mm EM = 18.20mm P4 = 18.83mm One scale, 3 gauges and a whole load of silliness. Think of it as chocolate, the OO is tasty milk chocolate whilst P4 is the heavy weight dark chocolate...
  11. Essentially we have a promising project which is going to fill a hole in the wagon freaks goodies box. I am sure that enough people out there will have the knowledge and skills to aid Rapido produce a corker. I know that the North American outline stuff is highly regarded so... Just remember that 4mm scale runs on 3 gauges here in the UK
  12. Done. The brass ones are now definitely being built to run empty.
  13. The March of the Black Queen - Queen
  14. Strangways Hotel - Mike Harding (Wugga, Wugga...)
  15. Do I see springing on those there W irons Ian? Interesting...
  16. iak

    Formula 1 2017

    Subjective opinion is always defined by the time, the place and the context.
  17. Another very tasty beast sir. Fortunately, I shall stay with the J72 - that I can justify financially.
  18. Down in the Cock-Pit - XTC
  19. iak


    Impressive momentum gents - bravo...
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