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Everything posted by iak

  1. Chelsea Girl - Simple Minds
  2. Hmmmm, paint job looks a bit "heavy," those lamp irons will be off as will those veranda safety rails. The handrails look too thick or is that paint again? Mind, I am being a picky .. The model looks pretty good, some purchasing pends...
  3. iak

    Bachmann J72

    One suspects that some fettling and nurdling will enhance this beastie to a very high standard?
  4. C'est magnifique! Methinks I shall be in touch Ian...
  5. iak

    Formula 1 2019

    Frankly, any honour or credibility "The German" had, has now left in a cloud of sparks, carbon fibre and shredded rubber. He continues to show the attitude of a petulant child; Ferrari surely will act after this latest nonsense? Contrast this with Hamilton. Dignified, honest and humble enough to accept he had goofed. Hamilton has more World Titles beckoning, "The German" is looking at sports cars - if he is lucky...
  6. However one looks at this, a pre group CLC layout will be difficult to populate with stock except freight wise. Scratch building is pretty much your only option for coaching stock. There are locomotives to build in Judith Edges N5 and if you are lucky, you might turn up an auld white whitemetal beast. I was lucky enough to have operated Andy Gibbs' Whetstone on a couple of occasions and that was a pure GC London extension layout. It took a good deal of scratch building and butchery produced the stock from various sources frae memory. I also was part of the Plemsworth team, a layout which was CLC post grouping, circa 1929. Locomotives used were mainly ex GC but again, limited by what was available. No genuine CLC coaching stock was ever built as none of us were coach builders. Bill Bedford did do some CLC stock, as built by the GNR pre WW1. Those etched now seem unavailable.
  7. Flipping Nora... He keeps producing these tempting morals. WIBBLE!
  8. One has created another beauty there Ian. Masterful as ever and, again, temptation...
  9. Wibbling furiously... Stunningly impressive beastie and it's only a prototype - whooooosh!
  10. Smashing, I shall be back in touch. Thanks .
  11. Hallo Chris. I don't suppose any of these are still available? A bit late I know but I've just acquired a set of the Coal Tank etches... Sláinte Iain Kirk
  12. Wittering? Every game he treats the same way, he is in charge so behave. Everything gets a clear explanation for the guys on the field and the TV audiences. May he witter to his hearts content...
  13. Are you getting your website sorted out please Dave? All these morsels are getting me hungry...
  14. Yup, more naughtiness from Mr Macdonald... Time for PM.
  15. Some recent new items from the works... It's taken long enough mind - thanks DWP!
  16. iak

    MRJ 272

    Damned fine issue! Great images and smashing articles - more please...
  17. The author of the article would be pleased to hear that you have used it. Sadly, he is no longer with us but he knew a thing or two about wagon construction. Mr Goodwin wrote other articles as well around that time that you might find it interesting.
  18. Gesundheit... One can only express a view on what you see, if that is interpreted as negative then fine. I would rather be honest as opposed to a sheep, so to speak. Therefore let's wait for further developments having seen what Ben Jones has posted. Wibble!
  19. Oh dear me... This beastie is a wee disappointing, which is a shame... As for SLW? Who knows what is afoot.
  20. iak

    Formula 1 2019

    Someone who can at least avoid bending the bloody thing would be a great start!
  21. iak

    Formula 1 2019

    Monsieur Grosjean, you are a silly plonker! Just keep it on the island son, your team needs some responsible driving and not another dose of dimwitted Gallic pique! I do wonder if young Gasly has the "hairdryer" treatment as well, far better this morning...
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