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Phil Bullock

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Everything posted by Phil Bullock

  1. And one made it to Birds scrapyard Long Marston near Evesham Phil
  2. Solved the mystery of the tanks - thanks Paul http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/oilterminals/hF26F80C#hf26f80c Phil
  3. The next instalment You knew it wouldn't be long before a whizzo came along So heres 1023 on a north bound rail tour, only 69 miles to Derby! And up at Norton Junction, 25038 is keeping the officers warm looking at the escaping steam. Wouldn't have thought a 25 with a working boiler was that common in the Midlands by this stage. That looks like a Midland pattern saloon unless I am mistaken - a nice working to replicate when the Bachmann equivalent materialises. Just posting more on the Worcestershire thread too Phil
  4. Hi Rich Many thanks for kind comments Provisional bookings next year are Redditch, Butterley and Trainwest - but happy to come further down the M5 if invited Phil
  5. Hi Rich Yes I went there too - search for Fisons ammonia tanks and you will find some swb jobbies at Avonmouth so could be on the right track.... Phil
  6. You've seen they layout - now heres the real thing. Albeit a few years later - didn't have a decent camera until 1976 when my parents brought me a Rollei B35 for my 21st birthday. The box and semaphores went in 1969 unfortunately. So firstly we have a very interesting southbound working with a Class 45, a down train between the down goods loop and the overbridge. Hang on a mo - why has the loco got a hazchem label on the front? Must be something pretty nasty in those tankers, can anyone advise? That photo corresponds to phase 1 as currently built, heres one from phase 2 at Norton Junction 31265 has been out to Honeybourne tip, the driver and guard are obviously intent on crossing over to the down line from the singled Evesham line (this is a western train on a GW line!) as they return to Worcester. More to come, both at this location and elsewhere in Worcestershire - will put those on a separate thread. Phil
  7. Know what you mean Adrian - I think things were late in the lepidopteran calendar this year but once the weather dried out and warmed up then populations do seem to be good Phil
  8. Now that is real history. 45 years ago - I don't believe it ! Phil
  9. That's very kind - thanks Lee Just looked at your workbench - great to see you have tackled 08888, as D4118 that was the first 350 allocated to my home town depot in Worcester, used to see her a lot in the late 60s Phil
  10. Went to the Severn Valley yesterday - usual excellent day out Butterfly population up the valley seemed excellent - hundreds of conspicuous large whites but also peacocks and red admirals - and unless I am very much mistaken silver washed fritillaries on the buddlias outside the engine house at Highley. They wouldn't keep still long enough for a photo so can anyone else confirm please? Also a very noisy green woodpecker yaffling outside the house at 07.30 this morning.... Phil
  11. Not forgetting the drivers name card holders gentlemen Absent on Swindon locos and the Dapol model - present on Crewe built - (was that all locos - the preserved examples certainly conform!) So that rules out anything above 1029 unless corrective action is taken.... Phil
  12. At Toddington I was approached by a gentleman - from the railway I think - who asked me if I was interested in a sound chip I couldn't deal with it at the time so asked if he was happy to leave it with me - which he did However I didn't get time to test it till the end of the day - it was finr, very happy to buy it for the price we agreed Only problem is I haven't seen him again and have no contact details! If this is you - or you know who it is - please get in touch and I will sort this out Many thanks Phil
  13. Why? Once saw 3 in an hour at Worcester! Phil
  14. With Downendian on this in the Whizzo 4mm are tight but 3.6 a tad on the small side - so have gone with 4mm Had 4 running on Abbotswood and Toddington yesterday - D1074 Western Overload? Phil
  15. We are at GWR Diesel Gala at Toddington this weekend - in the diesel depot Seems appropriate RMwebbers please come and say hello - should be a relaxed weekend compared to a conventional show Phil
  16. A great hoot Mallard - nice to hear your tale Heres one from me I fish the rivers of West Wales at night in summer for sewin - sea trout. Has to be done at the dead of night. The Rheidol valley near Aberystwyth has a super owl population - have seen barn, tawny and little owls for starters and a tawny has been known to sit in the tree watching my futile activities. The Ystwyth valley is better for greater spotted woodpeckers but also has little owls. The reel I use for fishing at night emits a screech when line is pulled off it - and yep you guessed, a little owl sat in the tree above wanting to have a conversation. Fantastic! Who cares that I never catch any fish? Well only occasionally.... Phil
  17. Ah - sorry - its been pointed out to me that spectacled owls are not native http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectacled_Owl Leaves the room.... Phil
  18. Thanks John That sighting of D8111 is the earliest I have seen in the Midlands and confirms our time line of 1970 as correct - she is the lead loco in the pair heading south, 8 mins at Suspect she was a swap for 27s - we still have D5382 and D5410, not sure when D5410 went north of border but D5382 was certainly there by Autumn 68 so c'est la vie. Many thanks for these informative posts Phil
  19. Wow - spectacular! What sort was it? Phil
  20. Just to add another perspective 5 locos on Abbotswood 2 x 22s, 3 x westerns Problems to date - 1 failed stub axle in a class 22 wheel set, replacement supplied by DCC supplies, didn't want to send model back as already weathered etc so bore cost myself 1 stripped screw on a Western - all 3 require the mods I listed above Now if I was a run it straight out of the box modeller not able to tinker that would have been enough to cause me frustration But like probably all others on here I am not - and I consider the time and effort invested well worth while to get the best version of one model and the only version of the other on our layout. Thanks Dave - please come up with further versions and please continue to seek the improvements in quality already alluded to. Phil
  21. Hi Mike Thanks for kind comments - glad you enjoyed. its amazing what you can achieve in natural light with a decent video camera and tripod and very careful choice of angles to flatter the rolling stock but not show the track defects! Points are no more than code 75 Peco medium radius - and the inner radius of Peco curved points does look a bit sharp on the main line, did try and plan for Y points on that junction but couldn't fit them in. Class 20s are banned from the next video - been on too much! Unless we add any more that is Kind regards Phil
  22. Hi folks Thats a juvenile starling - somehow they do manage to look a bit different! I change the water in our bird bath every day - gets a bit cruddy in this weather, the collared doves were sat on the fence yesterday coo-coo-ing away to remind me to do it. As I went to the bird bath I noticed a blue butterfly perched on it. It took flight but was obviously keen to return for another drink so I stood still and waited. It eventually settled again allowing me close observation to see it was a Holly Blue-. but then most surprisingly it allowed me gently to cup my hands around it and carry it in to the house where I put it in a glass. SWMBO and I enjoyed a close inspection for a few moments - what a beautiful but fragile creature - before I released it back in to the garden. It hung around for another half hour or so but as soon as I produced the camera it flew away, and did not return. But a special moment none the less. I have been fascinated by butterflies since my childhood - and continue to be. Phil
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