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Everything posted by thirty2a

  1. Most of the stock out together for the first time, one petrol electric unit not there as it’s still causing me a headache..
  2. when I get a chance I will dig one out and open it up... might do a photo how too even as Have a couple to do.. Tony
  3. Top down view of the extensive yard
  4. Updated the back scene to photo one, added some tufts of grass and had too re solder a wire. Really enjoy this little layout
  5. Bit of a play, didn’t get done what I wanted but done what was needed so fiddle stick is working ok now. 3rd rail next, luckily there isn’t much too do..
  6. Not exactly photo background but think it adds something, sadly only had one so might attempt some painting.. definitely adds some depth and feeling though.
  7. Loco no.8 on test with a mixed train, cab needs rebuilding but runs well enough
  8. @JDW this one? It’s a shorty they are funky things that clip together and can be mounted on kato chassis
  9. thanks Colin, you too mate, lets hope for a good new year... Tony
  10. The depot is taking shape now, been a while since I have run this so de dusting has taken some time!
  11. you know me Ray, always modelling! actually think I need to help Gary out for a bit and get CP up to speed so might have to bring the depot home for a bit and take the SR stuff in to play with..
  12. Great minds think alike Colin! It is very much a work in progress, HO American flat car did not give its life for nothing, also American loco tender has given up its bogies for the project.
  13. Glued some plastic together tonight, might get it installed next week…
  14. I agree with what you are saying but surely we need to get the best for everyone not cut what people already have? it is a failing of local government as far as buses outside London is concerned. Manchester trams are a good example of how to get a good network of public transport, if only we could get Croydon tram link extensions so well!
  15. bus routes have been cut back already which doesn't get a lot of coverage, I do wonder how we will get people to use less cars when public transport is on a downward trajectory .. Tony
  16. work is moving on slowly, so far these beauties are back in operational condition..
  17. Don't know what you mean Ray?! all quiet, nothing to see (or hear) Tony
  18. couple of mine, N gauge Japanese (since re jigged somewhat) taking up the space of previous 00/ho layout now broken up.
  19. I did Hongkong style oval in 30cm wide but they are 4 wheelers and can take it, bogie cars need double that really at least I think. Tony
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