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  • Location
    North of Annesley Junction (Near Manchester, actually.)
  • Interests
    The Great Central Railway, pre 1923.
    (Most other railways are of interest too, particularly if they have steam engines, but I can't model them all.)
    Bury Corporation Tramways 1903-1949
    My other great interest is the middle ages, especially England and Wales in the 14th/15th century.
    I write historical novels. Two have been published.
    I also enjoy walking, beer and eating out. Sadly I can no longer walk as far as I did or drink as much as I should like.

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  1. Damn. Just sprayed a wagon, with an aerosol, and got a crack-glazed effect. Never happened to me before, honest, but I must have done something wrong. I bet if I'd wanted that effect, I'd not have been able to achieve it. Ah well, suppose I shall have to invest in paint-stripper and start again.

    1. DonB


      Damp/high humidity atmosphere? Wagon slightly damp?

    2. Poggy1165


      Possibly primer insufficiently dry, though it seemed fine. Anyway, lesson learned, leave 24 hours between coats.

    3. Mallard60022


      You may have 'discovered' a weathering technique?

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