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Dick Turpin

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Everything posted by Dick Turpin

  1. I'm actually quite fond of Budweiser on a hot day, well chilled, I think it hits the spot rather well, especially with a BBQ. It's very summer oriented however, it wouldn't suit any other time of year IMO.
  2. BBQ yesterday. Marvelous bank holiday weekend, got loads of DIY tasks done, and managed to fire up the bike for a relaxing ride out round the lanes. Never had Pimms. SWMBO's latest tipple of choice is Rhubarb gin, and tonic. It's OK, but I'll stick with a decent English IPA.
  3. I love humour on layouts, especially if it's subtle and hard to spot unless you're really looking at the detail. It's the modeller's equivalent of the medieval stonemason's gargoyles, or a certain woodcarver's mouse. Of course, it has plenty to say about a particular modeller's sense of humour, so if the mood takes you, put your mark on it!
  4. I've got one of the more enlightened types of wallet: mine totally insisted I ordered one! Well, I can certainly say that with how things look to be shaping up, I feel glad I took the advice.
  5. I know the sort - best spent in the pub on beer immediately just the get rid of them!
  6. Hate them, they're horrible. They just encourage me to prefer contactless and stay cash free!
  7. Sorry to say that I gave up on this Hexagonal Phase series after a fairly promising start. Adams' humour has punctuated many aspect of my earlier life, and still resonates fairly often even now. I particularly loved his Dr Who stories, and consider it a diabolical travesty that Shada was scuppered by industrial action of the time! Quote - ...I've got a memory like a, what's one of those things you use for straining rice'... brilliance. Taken from us far too early!
  8. Goodbye Cruel World - Pink Floyd
  9. Heljan may be a bit hit and miss with their steam outline, but if they were to do a B16 to similar standards, I for one, wouldn't be complaining.
  10. What a nasty cold grey and wet Easter this has turned out to be round these parts. Glad I have chosen to work Friday and tomorrow in exchange for having them off in another week's time so I can attend this year's Machine Tool exhibition at the NEC. As for spoonerisms, I notice there's always plenty of examples of 'shining wit' over in the products and trade threads.
  11. Tomorrow's Dream - Black Sabbath
  12. Girls, Girls, Girls - Mötley Crüe
  13. I've been waiting for Sh B itcoin to go tits up for some time. It seemed the sort of bovine fertiliser for the gullible that was just asking for for it.
  14. Countdown to Extinction - Magadeth
  15. Plenty of wintry blizzards on gusty multi-directional gales our way - brrr. They are calling it a mini beast from the east, but according to my kids' books, a mini beast is the new term for an insect, so we are now experiencing an insect from the east apparently!
  16. This BBC accent thing is nonsense. It says I too have a west London accent, whereas in reality I have a central to west midlands accent. Too few questions to be any use I think. Fun nonetheless though as these things tend to be,
  17. Most of my favourite westerns follow a common theme: a stranger turns up into a situation which is unbearably unjust and lawless, where decent folk are being abused by the corrupt and powerful, and systematically sets about dealing out brutal justice. I guess that in real life we know that the bad guys not only get away with it, but often they are the ones in charge, and we can usually do nothing about it, so we delight in watching an idealised 'what if' situation. It would be like if I turned up at work as Sabata, one morning and CENSORED - RMWeb Automatic PostMarshal Software has removed the following in the interest of calmness and decency!
  18. OK as this is about the best as well as worst, in my opinion, the best new stuff on TV in the recent past by an absolute MILE, has to be 'Inside no 9'. Intelligent scripts, imaginative storylines, and twists you can't see coming. I think they're an absolute delight as well as being amazing, thought provoking and sometimes terrifying. Oh, and that Christmas special a couple of years back from the same stable, 'The Beast of Christmas', was the only stand out program that year amid the usual dross. I do hope they get some recognition for their clear and obvious talent.
  19. I asked a lad at work if he knew the difference between a pillar box and a cow's @r$e. He said he didn't know, then asked me why I was shaking my head. I told him that i was going to ask him to go and post a letter, but that now I had changed my mind.
  20. Agreed. Not only was it is totally unfunny, the fact that it was obviously nothing more than propaganda for politically correct issues made it nauseatingly so.
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