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Tim V

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Everything posted by Tim V

  1. Called up nearly 30 years ago - sat around for a week sent home. Then called up again about 15 years ago, did a case. A minor drug case, fascinating how different witnesses could not agree on small matters of detail, but also how the other jurors - in the waiting room could not understand things like fingerprinting. I did have my service postponed - I said I was on holiday (true), but said I was available after a certain date - which was accepted.
  2. A roof can prevent the growth of algae in the tank, here is Bridgnorth tank a long time ago.
  3. Also, it had the English spelling of Towyn (pre 1973) ...
  4. Quite a bit on YouTube, some of mine but also from others.
  5. Reading this thread has reminded me of why I stopped exhibiting my layout Clutton (P4 roundy). This layout featured correct operation of a single line using replica token instruments. It also featured loose shunting of goods wagons – using DCC controlled wagons. Lamps were also displayed. Correct train formations. It was lost on most of the visitors. Luckily some people saw the layout for what it was, and enjoyed it. At the York show in 2006, a chap asked why train out was not preceded by call attention – because that was how the WR did it. Turned out he was a signalman on the big railway, and so were the two people next to him. For the rest the criticism it received made me seriously consider giving up. It just wasn’t worth dragging this fairly large layout to shows where the best that came was ‘stood there for 30 seconds and nothing moved’. I was basically wasting my time. Exhibitions are for entertainment, the best place to see layouts operated correctly is in the layout’s home environment.
  6. Looks like a figment of the illustrator's imagination. The telegraph poles look like Ratio ones - nothing like GW ones. The fencing - is not railway like. As said, plenty of real posters to use.
  7. You need to get hold of some Great western Journals (Wild Swan), Nos 2 and 16 cover the 45xx. Try the bookshop Titfield Thunderbolt - they may have some back numbers.
  8. I was always bumping my head on the light beam, so I've raised the board. Also I've used some LED strips that I removed from a (then) scrap TV to light the layout. The scrap TV had some new LED strips put in it - no longer scrap!
  9. Nearly a year since my last posting! I've been invited to Railwells 2023, that means I've got to get something done. Been working on the steam engine.
  10. Surely that expired passport would be of him as a child? It might not be acceptable as he doesn't have that likeness. My son got a driving licence, not because he wanted to learn to drive, but because it was good ID for pubs etc.
  11. Are speed limits only for petrol/diesel cars? Asking for a friend ...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      What's the world speed record for a push bike?


    3. Nick C
    4. Cwmtwrch


      All powered vehicles, including electric vehicles, are classed as motor vehicles under the RTA, even those ***** electric scooters, although there is an exception for some [but not all] electric bicycles. They are therefore all subject to speed limits and restrictions on where they can be legally used, must be taxed and insured, and users must have licences and are subject to minimum age requirements.

  12. Cracking show Gromit! Thoroughly enjoyed myself. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to next year!
  13. Putting the part number into Google A2Z 420 040 produces https://www.scnct.de/shop/EMCO/Compact-5-PC/Key-wrench-fits-for-4-Jaw-Independend-Chuck::1056.html?language=en
  14. My proper EMCO one has a square end - to match the 4-jaw chuck! Oh and to the OP, it is 4mm across the squares.
  15. I have one of these: https://www.cousinsuk.com/product/screw-down-1-45mm-jaw-watchmakers?code=V9692 or you could go for the Bergeon, a tad more expensive (£229).
  16. Perhaps you were lucky. I've taken my layouts to nearly 50 shows, so have some experience. My layout and another were subjected to a vitriolic attack on another forum, mainly populated with members who had been kicked off RMweb. It can be those that hurt, which was why I raised it. However, the number of supportive comments following that interlude, and the number of videos of that layout (now retired), and positive remarks make it all worth while. Fully agree with your last sentence, though getting 'Best in Show' does have a certain kudos!
  17. You will get criticised by visitors and on social media. Don't take this to heart. My layout was shredded on a forum (not this one). I was made aware of it, but ignored it. The best thing you can do is not rise to the bait. Unfortunately, a link was put from this forum to the thread on the other forum which vastly increased the exposure those comments got - which was what they wanted. There are people out there who revel in the attention.
  18. Nice to know the tiger Balm gardens are still there - seen here in 1967. Tiger Balm was great for many things and has become available in the UK.
  19. You may be asked to do a presentation for the TV! It's a good idea to have a hair cut before you go, and make sure, if you are male and swarthy, you've had a shave or that your beard is trimmed! There is a video in which I appear where I hadn't done this ...
  20. The Singapore I knew has disappeared. Lived there 1966-9 ended up on the Naval Base (now Woodlands). Father worked at the base. I look at the pictures in this thread and recognise nothing! some railway content here And Change Alley - both pictures from 1967. Morris Oxford taxis!
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