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Jon Fitness

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Status Updates posted by Jon Fitness

  1. Curry nite at the PSB again...No idea what a lamb marango is but thats what I'm having later....

    1. Phil Mc

      Phil Mc

      I read that as 'lamb meringue'!!

    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      and very nice it was too! Actually wouldn't have minded a merigue for afters though!

    3. Horsetan


      Sounds vaguely Mexican.

  2. Four 12 hour day shifts have put a crimp in my modelling motivation. Off for next 4 days from tomorrow now so it'll be time to warm up both the soldering iron and the coffee machine! Loads to catch up with!!!!

  3. Curry night at Chester PSB. Mixed kebab starter, Lamb Rezalla, Mushroom rice and a chilli naan. Feeling a bit of an FB now..going to be fun in the car going to Cleckheaton tomorrow...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 3 link

      3 link

      That lot should be marinating nicely in your stomach by now, that is a good way of getting to the front of the any queues at the show....

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Was it advertised as a "belly breeze" by any chance?

    4. Horsetan


      Just add prunes.

  4. stupid phone goes weird when I try to upload pics. rrrr!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yorkie_pudd


      maybe it only likes dirty pics...





      so it censors the clean loco pics ha ha

    3. Horsetan


      Given the weird factor, maybe it would work if you set it to broadband instead of miliband?

    4. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      its still stupid. as soon as i try to upload a correct size picture it just takes me to the forum main page. anyway, I've fitted new brake handles to my Dapol wagons. Nothing to see here....:O

  5. is it me or does tinned cat food smell the same going into the cat as it does coming out?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bigP
    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      It does with our cats!

    4. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      any of the flavours involving veg, rice or the concept "pate", very definitely so

  6. 4 Heljan class B tankers numbered...just got to summon up the courage to weather them now.!

    1. steve fay

      steve fay

      You'll do just fine

  7. A coal train to Ironbridge. On a Sunday. Diverted via Chester. Good luck to it getting up Gresford Bank. Didn't even think Ironbridge line was still open.....

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. gridwatcher


      Good thread lads. Lights going out this Autumn then? All around the UK Is suspect!!


    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      Its only running on half capacity now

    4. beast66606


      66701 and 66750 on the trains today

  8. I'm going slightly mad..

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. yorkie_pudd


      Being slightly mad only proves your heading to normality - I myself prefer insanity as it keeps them on their toes ha ha :-)

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      I thought you might of been soldering up some 2mm lattice signals...

    4. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      2mm lattice signals? With my eyesight I doubt if I could even find them on my bench if someone pointed them out.. You'd probably find a few traces of brass amongst the puddles of solder if I tried though...

  9. Cheers Mikkel...!

  10. Nice IOW walk today, St Helens to Bembridge on old trackbed, up Culver down (pint), Sandown (pint), Shanklin (2 pints) train to Brading, walk back to St Helens, (pint and dinner).

    1. DavidLong


      Wish I'd been there. Couldn't have managed the pints though . . .

    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      They were all appreciated, a very warm day out here!

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      I would have been on my back.... hic,hic..

  11. just painted and glazed 21 x 7mm scale upper quadrant signal arms. 9 assorted lower quadrant ones next....

  12. just painted and glazed 21 7mm scale upper quadrant signal arms. 9 assorted lower quadrant ones next....

  13. Grrr! Last minute cancellation of the first railtour I've booked on in years. Cost me a 12 hour sunday shift I chucked too. Thank you WCR...hmph

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 25901


      And to all those who use there traction too

    3. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Umm nope. Don't feel any less miffed yet...

    4. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Grumbling over. It looks like there's going to be a lot to do to put this right. Hope it all gets sorted ASAP.

  14. is busy trying to win at "trains chess" with ATWs units at Chester...I think ATW is winning though

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      And then at the crucial moment a set of points fails or a driver says, 'sorry, I don't sign that siding, mate!'...

    3. modfather


      "a 150-1? I only sign the /2's mate... " once more unit control wept quietly...

    4. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      A combination of 175's breaking and a missing loco and stock. Oh and getting another couple of 175's on different services so theye'd end up at Chester to have the drivers seat warmed or something...

  15. Blogs and galleries...although I keep my threads ticking over, I've just had a prod to check my blogs and galleries. Umm..last entries were in 2012...oops.

    1. 3 link

      3 link

      If your like me, I can never find the time for all the updates...

  16. "Lining"..."transfers".....two words that I no longer think should be seen in the same sentence..now where's me lining pen? Could't possibly look any worse, even if it's me that's working it....

    1. Gallows Close

      Gallows Close

      Orange cantrail stripes are up there with the very worst.

    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      I'll see your cantrail lining and raise you Fox's two part BR mixed traffic lining...

  17. is back on the 7mm signals....and may be building some....colour lights. I'll have to keep a semaphore on the go just in case I feel unclean...

  18. is back on the 7mm signals....and may be building some....colour lights. I'll have keep a semaphore on the go just in case I feel unclean...

  19. Is now firmly of the opinion that a good deed never goes unpunished. I will NEVER again offer to build an O gauge steam loco chassis for anyone. This one is doing my poxy underpowered brain in. I'm definately sticking to signals from now on..

  20. Is now firmly of the opinion that a good deed never goes unpunished. I will NEVER again offer to build an O gauge steam loco chassis for anyone. This one is doing my poxy underpowered brain in

  21. Sheffield. Real ale pubs. Mmmm. Nuff said.

    1. SHMD


      A628 - woodhead, Friday. A57 - Snake Pass, Monday. A635 - Isle of Skye, Today. M62 - Hell, tomorrow : NO WAY! Sheffield Real Ale Pubs - I wish...

    2. beast66606


      I used to frequent a lot of them back in the late 70s/early 80s

    3. steveNCB7754


      My late father's family were from Sheffield and if we visited (60s/70s), it was either the 'Hammer & Pincers' (Bents Green), or one of my uncles would take us out to 'The Barrel' Inn at Bretton (just out into Derbyshire), for a pre-Sunday lunch 'aperitif'. Just looked them up on line and boy, have they changed since then!

  22. Someone has kindly brought in a dartboard and hung it the messroom in Chester PSB. It's ages since I've had a game so I picked up the 3 and had a quick throw. It all instantly came back to me and it was the same as it was years ago. Yes, I'm still rubbish at darts...sigh..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      I'm happy I can still hit the board..

    3. beast66606


      I'm happy if I can see the board these days !

    4. Horsetan


      Here's what you could've won...

  23. Been listening to an album from my yoof tonight...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      My CDs go round a lot faster than that!

    3. Crisis Rail
    4. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Machine Gun Etiquette by the Damned. Forgotten how funny I found some of the talky bits between tracks too.

  24. Methi gosht and musroom rice. Wecome back Chester PSB curry nite!!

  25. has discovered it's possible to get tennis elbow without ever having lifted a raquet. or done anything remotely sporty for that matter..ouch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Wasn't that much of a pain until I spent 1/2hour chopping kindling for the fire yesterday. Put the axe down for 2 minutes, tried to pick it up again and couldn't even grip it never mind use it.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Quite, not a nice condition to have - but it does go away again...

    4. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      The main problem is lifting a pint is painful...Arrrgh!

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