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Jon Fitness

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Status Updates posted by Jon Fitness

  1. Happy bunny. Hornby replaced my 3 matt black tins of Humbrol with new ones. Seem to be a better mix.and sorted quickly!

  2. has 8 LBSCR bogies to spray black this afternoon.

  3. has at least 17 7mm scale signals to build plus another 6 or 7 for his own layout....all lit...all servo operated...gulp...better pull my finger out and get stuck in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Ah...er... thats when I go on holiday for a week to recover...

    3. beast66606


      Stop eating malt loaf and get on with it ! :P

    4. Poggy1165


      I haven't dared to calculate the number of signals I need, but I suspect about 7-10. It will be an 'interesting' challenge when I get around to it.

  4. has been (rightly or wrongly, not sure) dipping easi-build mk1 plastic coach windows in boiling water and bending them slightly so they now fit properly in the window holes..

  5. has been (rightly or wrongly, not sure) dipping easi-build mk1 plastic coach windows in boiling water so they now fit properly in the window holes..

  6. has decided to indulge in a bit of shark wrestling..

  7. has discovered it's possible to get tennis elbow without ever having lifted a raquet. or done anything remotely sporty for that matter..ouch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Wasn't that much of a pain until I spent 1/2hour chopping kindling for the fire yesterday. Put the axe down for 2 minutes, tried to pick it up again and couldn't even grip it never mind use it.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Quite, not a nice condition to have - but it does go away again...

    4. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      The main problem is lifting a pint is painful...Arrrgh!

  8. has discovered Jack Daniels Honey....pzzd...

    1. big jim

      big jim

      my boys (9 & 4) love the jack daniels ribs in tgi fridays!

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Don't call me Honey until you know me better!.... :-p

    3. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Shirley not....

  9. has finished his signal orders..where to start on all the projects that have been waiting!.....

  10. has got a pack of 6 LMS fround signals to build..lights...servos...action!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      They are the ones that are fround upon...

    3. beast66606


      Fround signals are ones you leaf alone.

    4. Horsetan


      It's becoming quite in-fern-al.

  11. has had a bad co-bo day. Solder? Hmph...

    1. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Bad day now cured by watching episode of "Mongrels". Pant dampeningly funny..

  12. has had a slightly better co-bo day today

  13. has had to read the manual for a domestic appliance today. Feels like my masculinity is ebbing. Jeez, I'll be asking for directions next!

    1. Horsetan


      Well, there are sat-navs available if you need directions....

  14. has just about finished an Ex Chowbent 7mm scale L&Y A class 0-6-0. Pics to follow.

    1. dikitriki


      Look forward to the pics. I'm working on my Chowbent A now - a really nice model.



  15. Has just downloaded Draftsight. Given a year or ten I may learn how to use it!!

    1. Horsetan


      Do teach us all as you go along!

  16. Has just driven past a Black 5 on his way to work. Couldn't see but I'm presuming 44806 on its way from llangollen to its new home at the NYMR...

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I hope it's one that would pass The Captain's Black 5 test...!

  17. has just purchased a 1:18 scale P51 mustang from a pub that's closing down on the IOW.

  18. has just realised Telford GOG "do" is only about 6 weeks away....so many signals to build so little time. Digit removal time me thinks....

  19. Has just seen the plans for the "improvements" at the A55/A483/B5445..hahaha....ahhahahah...HAHAHAH!. Total gridlock every morning..just like now but it'll cost 5.3million

    1. Horsetan


      If you were the contractor given the job of building all of that, you'd be laughing too. All the way to the bank.

    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      I'm so glad I'm on shiftwork! I go through there twice a day but only during the quiet periods. The odd times I go through at 0830, I have to allow about 60 mins to do a 12 mile journey...Once this lot's done, Hutbers Law will apply....

  20. Has just spent a nice couple of days involving Carrs pasties, Holdens Ice Cream, Joseph Holts Bitter, a day on the KWVR and a beer festival. Time well spent methinks.

  21. Has made up some folding bars from some bits of scrap angle iron found in the garage. Wonder how many beer vouchers I've saved?...

  22. has managed to lose his camera case...between shots...at work. It's in the building somewhere....

    1. flyingsignalman


      It's most probably hiding in full view!

    2. 69843


      That's not to bad, I lost mine+lens cap and spare card on my last heritage ride.

  23. has seen the draft plans for Chester-Llandudno re-signalling (to be controlled from Cardiff)...gulp..

    1. beast66606


      I saw the ones were the coast down to The Junction went on to Chester, and heard proposals for Holywell Junction (small) PSB (!) - the character of the coast will be lost once the colour lights take over.

    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Agreed! Must take more pics...must take more pics..must....

  24. has snaffled the last bit of home made malt loaf for his night shift lunch pack. 0300hrs munchies attack sorted!

    1. beast66606


      Nice. Switch out for half an hour and enjoy !

  25. has started the 7mm co-bo build.

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