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Jon Fitness

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Status Updates posted by Jon Fitness

  1. Final nite shift...think I'll have a beer for breakfast when I get home!!

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      i used to do that on nights

  2. apparently, the biscuits are in the usual place....

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      No, they're not, I think I ate 'em!

  3. The dirt blows out, the dust blows in, you can't keep it neat. Its a fully furnished dustbin, 16,...

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      Beasley Street

  4. Has just driven past a Black 5 on his way to work. Couldn't see but I'm presuming 44806 on its way from llangollen to its new home at the NYMR...

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I hope it's one that would pass The Captain's Black 5 test...!

  5. is wondering where to get new brushes for my mates Lima 0 gauge 4F chassis. He has a xmas project going on for his nephew....

    1. DonB


      An entry in "help & tips" might produce a response!

  6. Well. I'm at work at Chester PSB, Hooton SB has already closed and the new panel is now undergoing final testing. End of an era, no more modelling at Chester PSB....probably.

    1. beast66606


      02:00 this morning ... I've seen the notice issued by Merseyrail to the staff - oh dear.

  7. As much as I like building signals, working weight bars.??.....right up there with working inside valve gear....rrrrr.

    1. N15class


      These things are just sent to keep us on our toes.

  8. has snaffled the last bit of home made malt loaf for his night shift lunch pack. 0300hrs munchies attack sorted!

    1. beast66606


      Nice. Switch out for half an hour and enjoy !

  9. Would like to take the opportunity to thank those who've "liked" things on me threads. Ta!

    1. 69843


      You're quite welcome

  10. Ok! All you disco kids around the country, you thought Britain couldn't follow it, and we didn't! Here it is.......

    1. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness


  11. is at work, on nights, suddenly for no apparent reason thought of Creamola Foam and has just found out it's still available. Weird..

    1. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      but after what the dentist recently had to do to my teeth, I won't be re-visiting the stuff...

  12. Well, almost time to go home from the PSB. Luckily, I'm off work until 3rd of Jan but due to a BT cable fault I'll have no phone and no internet over the xmas/new year period, the tell's not looking too good so...time to get stuck into the food/booze/round tuit box of kits etc. Have a Merry Humbug and I'll be back in 2013.

  13. Come on!...Come on!...Urry up Array Come on,....

    1. BlackRat


      Just off down the pub ere!


  14. open the till.. and give me the change you said would do me good..

    1. Debs.


      ....change is as good as a rest. :-)

  15. Having "The Specials" live at Maida Vale studios playing loudly on 6 music in my modelling room actually increased my workrate. Couldn't keep still though! Top band, top gig. You can't beat a nice bit of Ska for keeping the spirits up!

    1. beast66606


      Longshot Kick De Bucket !

  16. Engineering works and diversions at Chester tonite...no modelling on this nightshift...booo.

  17. Weird and a little worrying. Watching the half etched coach side "breathing" in and out as I apply/remove soldering iron to fix a small detail on.

    1. N15class


      You have done well! You have brought them alive.

  18. whoa black bogies bam a lam...

    1. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      I think my facemask leaked while spraying black paint...


    1. Kev_Lewis


      My sister always finds it amusing when I'm building bogies. I can't work out why.

  20. 56094 on the "logs" to Chirk this evening. Jeez I'd forgotten what they sound like. Lovely.

    1. newbryford


      Same here - passed me on a 1 in 120ish gradient.

  21. lts all eggs bacon beans and a friiiiied slice..

    1. DavidLong


      And you are Jon FITNESS. . .

  22. rrrrr! chuffin weather! I got spraying to do!

    1. richbrummitt


      Me too. It's becoming difficult to keep the faith.

  23. is wondering wether to bin the Saltney blog and start a thread

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      yeah threads are better

  24. Has just downloaded Draftsight. Given a year or ten I may learn how to use it!!

    1. Horsetan


      Do teach us all as you go along!

  25. is back on the U/Qs again!

    1. beast66606


      Glad youre on your uppers


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