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Status Replies posted by blueeighties

  1. I haven't seen a policeman around here this year, I don't think I saw one last year either. So how is it I get a speeding fine not a quarter of a mile from here?

  2. Unable to get through to JLTRT for the past week or so, does anyone know if there is a problem, maybe illness ?

    1. blueeighties


      Lawrie has hurt his back so the team are not up to full strength.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Took the car for a check as steering wheel shuddering - two new tyres, balanced and aligned and £140 lighter - bang goes that new loco...

    1. blueeighties


      Strange solution to a shuddering steering wheel.....Quickfit perchance? I used to take to company car in there for a puncture repair and would end up with 8 new tyres....

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. I added 500 people to my flickr account this week, so far 3 have returned the favour. What's the point....

    1. blueeighties


      Who cares who wants to follow you? I use Flickr for my enjoyment, adding other people to 'like' my page certainly doesn't enhance that enjoyment.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Don't like when people do unwarranted public hatchet jobs on decent traders in places like this.

  6. is thoroughly pi**ed off by combative keyboard oiks that have caused the 'MRJ - Looking back at the early ones (for the first time)' thread to be locked. This was an interesting thread looking back at modelling methods that have changed over the years amongst other things. It would be hoped that any future MRJ threads do not degenerate into objectionable posting. The magazine , with all its rights,wrongs and errors is still a venerable publication that many of us on here enjoy.

    1. blueeighties


      Hate to say it, but a large percentage of threads on RMWEB these days descend into keyboard warrior tittle tattle.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. How the h£ll could someone stir up enough cr@p to get the bargain hunters thread locked? Get a life!

    1. blueeighties


      Most of the decent regularly commented on threads seem to be going that way these days. Such a shame. Too many opinionated people who can't keep their traps shut.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. currys are hopeless phoned today to be told repaired computer would be with by 7 tonight phoned to find out where it is to be told they are awaiting parts and will now be with on Wednesday :-(

  9. After 3 different 'Expected Delivery' dates, Atlas are finally shipping a loco I pre-ordered just short of two years ago. Because of currency fluctuations, it's going to cost me 10% more than it would have when I ordered it.

    1. blueeighties


      And your point is? Pretty much par for the course these days.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Off to Warley tomorrow. Got to get up at Daft O'clock to get the 06:23hrs train from Newcastle. Anyone else fancy a meet up when we get there?

  11. Placed a Hattons order 3 days ago, it hasn't even been despatched yet. Will be asking them why later...

    1. blueeighties


      I remember the not so long ago days that a quote of 28 days delivery was commonplace. We have all grown impatient in our high speed lives.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Oh dear, bought a few coaches on eBay last night, buyer has now cancelled the sale, they'd failed to do their research and asked too little. I didn't like the seller asking for more money, eBay didn't like that.

    1. blueeighties


      Muppets. Another reason why I rarely use Flea Bay these days. A lot of dishonest people on there.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. RIP Lemmy - Read 'em and weep, the dead man's hand again.

  14. 9 Days to go until RAILEX NE 2015 - www.railexne.com

    1. blueeighties


      Can't wait for this, really looking forward to it!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. is pondering whether 'Black Friday' is indicative of all that's wrong with society today.

  16. DPD driver just took a picture of the inside of his van to say where he left the "sorry we missed you" card. Sort of honest but rather annoying as I was at home waiting.

  17. Anybody after some 4mm Wills Brick retaining arches, I have a good number of them

    1. blueeighties


      Send me a pm fella.

  18. Currently waiting for a large order of 7mm Catfish & Dogfish wagons from Heljan to arrive next week, shortly to be followed by the Class 60's, can't wait!!! Anybody want any PM me for a good price.

    1. blueeighties


      A good price indeed. That's 4 large class 60's heading my way soon ?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Currently trying juggle the multitude of things to do for RAILEX NE on the 12th & 13th December

  20. Vesta Chow Mein with crispy noodles.....

  21. Tim Horn Baseboard under construction on Christmas Eve in Living Room - SWMBO not amused...

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