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Status Updates posted by blueeighties

  1. Back from Wensleydale and the glorious smell of diesel fumes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. loickebros
    3. Lord Flashheart

      Lord Flashheart

      I love that smell

    4. MarkC


      Not "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!" then?

  2. Just seen the latest cads of the JLTRT 47. Better go and have a word with the bank manager.

    1. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Why, do you think he'll want one?

    2. Lord Flashheart
  3. Just seen the latest cads of the JLTRT 47. Better go and have a word with the bank manager.

  4. 0 gauge here we come!

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Good man. You won't regret it.

  5. On the brink of selling up in 4mm and moving to 7mm.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      I did that, best move ever

    3. mcrook62


      Yes yes go for it you will never look back and doubt yourself as you join the God's of 7mm railways

    4. south_tyne


      Do it mate... I 'ummed' and ahhed' for a couple of years but I've just done it! Traded in my 4mm stuff a few weeks ago and I am just waiting to be able to pick up my new loco next Saturday!!

  6. Hmm. On the brink of selling up in 4mm and moving to 7mm.

  7. Hmm. On the brink of selling up in 4mm and moving to 7mm.

  8. Fancy a new power jigsaw. Amazingly, I actually have a few jobs for it! I love power tools me :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PaulRhB


      Have you looked at the cordless ones like Ryobi? I've got a couple including the cordless circular saw and its' so much easier without extension leads. Plus it's easy to stick it in the car to chop up wood so it fits in!

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      Just do not buy any replacement blades from B&Q, they are made in China and they are crap to put it bluntly.

    4. cromptonnut


      putting it as bluntly as the blades are...?

  9. Fancy a new power jigsaw. Amazingly, I actually have a few jobs for it! I love power tools me ?

  10. What a truly wonderful day.

  11. fitted all of the roof lugs on a Heljan Western and lived to tell the tale!

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      Well done now order the spares?

  12. fitted all of the roof lugs on a Heljan Western and lived to tell the tale!

  13. Falling down the loft ladder was not the best of ideas.

    1. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Falling is not the problem, it's the sudden stop at the bottom. I hope you are ok.

  14. Today, I watched a car float down the road.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AndyB


      Makings of a cameo scene there?

    3. Mallard60022


      Mater, I once was in a car that was floating in a road. It was very upsetting.....

    4. coachmann


      Same to niether. My old Wolseley didnt run for long after it dried out.

  15. At last, I'm getting to grips with airbrushing!

  16. I have just got the mix of paint right for the airbrush, I really couldn't be happier :-)

    1. RedgateModels


      Thinner than you thought?

    2. blueeighties


      A bit late in replying, sorry, but yes, much thinner than previously thought.

  17. 35 metres of Exactoscale track bases ordered, and a pile of Peco points. Skint, bit let the tracklaying begin :-)

  18. very happy, today I tracked down a Hornby blue grey mk3 buffet car to start my full HST rake off :)

  19. My latest Bachmann sound 37, 37049, is now in pieces on the stairs after being dropped out of the loft hatch. Oh joy :-(

    1. BoD
    2. Jon020


      oh... that's gotta hurt. So sorry

  20. Wonering what to do with my 19'x5' space in my newly converted loft ;-)

    1. Poindexter
    2. Pennine MC

      Pennine MC

      It's not quite wide enough to get a car in ;-)

    3. pirouets


      It should include your own beer fridge.

  21. N or OO, that is the question yet again!

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