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Everything posted by 7013

  1. I seem to remember reading somewhere there is/was one of the Gas Turbine engines on mainland Europe. Perhaps Pete Waterman could buy it and reunite it with the shell.
  2. I have gone black/ silver, but am trying my hardest not to order late crest or even all three!
  3. Amazing announcement, I saw this as a kid on trains and it was mightily impressive. It smelled, it was very loud, and it looked like 1950s SciFi. Orders will be going in. I hope the sound profile is worked on to make it sound as authentic as possible. This loco has been a long time coming in RTR form, and even if BR(WR) is not your thing it is a significant addition to the history of our locomotives.
  4. It means though, that you have a choice, which is good.
  5. Very quiet on this model of late, supposed to have gone into production months ago...have I missed something ?
  6. Always happy to oblige ND. Although the October forecasted deliver has come and gone, but rest assured as soon as I get my early order I will post some pictures and a video. However, under no circumstances will I be doing an unboxing video!
  7. This has only a tenuous link to the Class 66. However, I feel this should be cleared up. Firstly employed members of charities do not ‘ hang on’ they are hard working people who run the charity.Secondly, most major charities in fact employ people. I know this because I work for a charity, and I do not hang on, or even need to do the job. I do it because like many other paid charity workers (including the military charities) I want to make a difference and help people in severe difficulties and my role is a paid not voluntary role. I would hope now that this unnecessary diversion can be put to bed and we can get back to the subject of the 66
  8. Didcot I believe had three, one (1637) I believe had the 'Busby' Spark arrestor for working in Milton military depot (dont quote me on that though). I will be ordering one and re creating 1637.
  9. I am not sure they have even arrived yet? I know it said October, but I am sure Hattons will let us know as soon as they do.
  10. Sadly this may be true of most charities, and the tag line “all your donation goes to the charity” is no guarantee of how it will be used. I work for a charity and am paid, I would in mitigation say that without paid staff the charity would collapse even though it has many thousands of great volunteers. As a paid person I try to ensure that I give good value for money. I do donate to other charities and accept that there are admin costs. In the case of this Class 66 even if a charitable donation is made there will be admin costs. I believe it is up to the individual whether they donate to a charity or not and we should not be telling others what to do regarding donations. I hope we can leave this topic here now and get on with what the thread is about I.e. the Class 66.
  11. I can see the scenario : That one had yellow ochre, whilst this one had primrose yellow and another buttercup yellow. Then there is yellow rose ( of Texas) mellow yellow, old yeller’, tie a yellow ribbon and COYY ( Oxford United) and yellow belly. All tongue in cheek chaps. I have a Freightliner 66 coming by air and as long as it looks and sounds like a 66 I will be happy. The yellow front is immaterial as it will be weathered to reflect the workaholics these locos are. Of course I wait with baited breath for my GBRF 66 arriving by ship, I will be happy regardless of shade of yellow.
  12. Works fine with my iPad, fast and responsive. Easy to navigate
  13. Great gesture by Hattons, I too had skin cancer jools1959, but fortunately after excisions (5) thank goodness I have been clear for a few years now. So fellow modeller stick with it, there is light at the end of the tunnel, you will enjoy your 66’s.
  14. Hope you make a speedy recovery, cancer is a wretched thing which turns your life inside out. Fight it all the way and good luck.
  15. So it’s October and although I do not want to jump the gun I am a little bit excited now......only a little bit though....well maybe just a bit more than a little bit.
  16. 7013

    BANRAIL 2019

    Banbury and District MRC announced some time ago that regrettably there will not be a show this year. Unfortunately due to an oversight the exhibition is still listed in the model shop directory as on. We apologise for this but due to unforeseen circumstances the exhibition is not taking place.
  17. Thanks for the replies, it does not look like they are still trading.
  18. Has anyone had any dealings with this supplier? Their website is a bit sparse and annoyingly there is no contact information. I have looked at their CL 60 replacement bogie pair, but info is sparse. I would appreciate some feedback from anyone who has had dealings with them recently.
  19. Now suitably weathered and in revenue earning service
  20. Lovely weathering Roomey, yet to start on mine.
  21. Why would you put spare buffers in? Simple, two of mine have fallen off already, good thing there are plenty of spares, will strengthen the others with a touch of glue. So whilst it is a superb wagon it is not wagon of the year by any stretch. Anyway they are down in Nangullow being pushed around by ‘Denise’
  22. Received my wagons today, good packaging. I was worried about fitting kadees; they do sit a bit too high compared to my other Kadee fitted stock. However a couple of shims of plastic have brought them more or less into line with the others. Couplings aside the detail on these wagons is exemplary with the railings and frame detail being excellent. Worth every penny.
  23. To be fair £40 by today’s standards is not a lot for a superb model (Bachmanns China Clay flats at around £20 a piece is a good example of over priced for really old tooling). Sprung buffers? Can’t say I really notice them. They are a niche model though and are China Clay orientated, coming from a Cornish model shop it is hardly surprising. As the prototypes are converted from another wagon it should be possible to convert them into other types.
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