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Everything posted by 7013

  1. I remember seeing 18000 at Didcot as a youngster, the noise was certainly fearsome, I was a bit nervous getting near it. I seem to remember that it was an extremely high revving engine. I would buy an 18000 and 18100. I would also love to see the prototype rebuilt, but I accept it will probably never happen.
  2. I have one in first batch and one in third, I am just pleased that they have come to fruition after a long gestation period. Still need a sound chip to be announced.
  3. The suspense is agony, I keep logging in to get the shiiping report to see where the container ship is!
  4. Colour is often a subjective thing, what appears too bright to one person may appear normal or dark to others. It has been said many times before but is worth repeating; how a colour appears is affected by a number of things, the photograph and how it was exposed/processed, the ambient light, the reflected light, and our colour perception etc etc. I am pretty sure however we interpret the colour the loco will be fine
  5. With the imminent arrival of the first batch of Warships, does anyone know of sound chips being worked on?
  6. It would appear that Bachmann have been in the doldrums for quite a while now, how things have changed since many were predicting the demise of Hornby a few years ago when they too went through a tough patch. It would seem that companies are at the mercy of the changing picture in China, and they have few options; either ride out the storm with their current manufacturer, get out of that contract and use another factory...fraught with danger. Or bring production back home. The latter is more difficult because it is (if I am correct) Bachmann Europe not Bachmann UK, so where becomes home? Whatever it takes to solve these issues I believe we will eventually see Bachmann back on track as it were, just as Hornby are now.
  7. Is this model going to be motorised? so that the crane actually works? Or is it going to be +/-£250 for a model that admittedly is highly detailed but has to be hand cranked similar to Hornby cranes. If it is not motorised it is a missed opportunity especially as may continental wagons seem to be able to incorporate DCC operated fittings on wagons.
  8. Nice photos Baby Deltic, I have two Kernow Warships on order, I am sure they will represent these much maligned but IMHO beautiful locos. Like the LMS twins and many other locos around this time they were prone to petulance when in service. But unless these fore runners had been around better locos may not have followed.
  9. Hattons may well do 66413 in future, however you can make an informed choice when the Hattons models are released because you can judge the quality of the models.The question will be do you want a Hornby (basic) model, Bachmann (very good model) or Hattons (potentially the best model).. The next question then would be do you want to wait for a Hattons version of 66413 if in fact they do it.
  10. Happy memories of ‘Princess’ class locos, I am a year older than ‘Johnster’ . A maroon Princess Royal was my first two rail loco which had the correct curved steam pipes and a representation of the valve gear.I still have a black Princess Victoria which had straight steam pipes and no valve gear. I had great affection for these locos partly because they were descendants of ‘Kings’, The King was a big brute of a loco, the Princess looked similar but just a bit more elegance in its lines.
  11. I am now officially addicted to small industrial locos, Have ordered the Pecket 0-6-0t and will be getting one of these beauties. Pricing for this model is very reasonable £72 at Hattons. Interestingly the very similar Bachmann 009 shunter is £38 more but I may still be tempted if I go down the narrow gauge route.
  12. The Hattons 66 also has a new speaker designed specifically to give the best sound possible. Having seen the Bachmann and Hornby models and the Hattons EPs, I will be sticking with my Hattons order. I cannot see Hattons pulling out of this project as one poster suggested.
  13. I agree with you post #180 and wholeheartedly agree with your ‘nothing in it for me’ oft used quote. I am all for reasoned debate and constructive criticism. But someone’s expression of the announcements as anti climatic being described as ‘guff’ is a bit strong. Anyway that said it would appear Bachmann are taking a sensible approach in producing what it can manage in a reasonable timeframe I like a lot of what I see and as I am building a more modern fleet some of the large hopper wagons look very tempting.
  14. Interesting announcements, nowhere near as interesting as Hornby but something for everyone without the wow factor. Bachmann releasing a raft of 66’s? now we have Bachmann, Hornby and Hattons offerings. Bachmann and Hornby both trying to cash in on Hattons 66 announcement. I do find this attitude that we are not allowed to criticise or have an opinion rather disconcerting. Whilst we (Joe Public) May not be privy to the problems Bachmann have experienced in recent times we should still be allowed an opinion, if not what is the point of RMweb?
  15. Whilst it may not be as detailed as the DJM model, it is on the market as it were. I am sure a detailing kit would make the Hornby offering more than acceptable. The only other point is the haulage power, the Hornby model with its 5 pole motor is a smooth runner, however if it only drives one set of bogies the haulage capabilities may be affected, so a bit of extra ballast on board may be needed. All that said if the DJM model comes to fruition it will almost certainly be worth waiting for. Hornby have a habit of trying to undercut other announcements (CL66 vs Hattons) and they will hope that a few people take the cheaper option.
  16. I would like to speculate on the CIWL night sleeper coaches to compliment the Lord Nelsons and various other Southern locos. That will do for me.
  17. I believe if you want a little more grunt from your Cl 71 then the Hornby version is a better choice.
  18. Whatever Bachmann Announce in the coming month, we can expect to see a CAD in about six years
  19. 7013

    Dawn over Margate

    Its coming home, coming home Hornby Hobbies coming home
  20. Agree with #1023. I remember when Dave first started there was a lot of speculation with Daves ambitious program. Dave has produced the goods on some, cancelled others and been beaten by others to deliver models. I think that Dave made a rod for his own back by being in regular contact via this site, the expectation was that this would continue, but as we know things change. The problem is that there ‘appears’ to be very little progress on a number of fronts as DJModels have experienced, this inevitably calls into question whether he can deliver. DJModels to all intent and purpose is a one man band and Dave has been nothing if not ambitious. Had we seen a regular flow of models then I am sure peoples attitudes would be different. If you go by the maxim you are only as good as your last model, for a small outfit like DJModels this is particularly appropriate, especially where margins are tight. I bought a Cl71 which is a good model, but is it better than the Hornby model?. I wonder sometimes about making so many announcements APT etc. Whilst you have very little in the shop window as it were to give an idea of the standard on offer. I would probably buy an OO Cl92 if it came on the market, but a I am not convinced it will be a DJModels one that reaches the shelves first. I hope I am wrong.
  21. I travelled to Warley by train I booked a long time in advance, being a ‘senior’ I get a discount. But I got my journey for less than twenty pound return, first class and a reserved seat, so much more comfortable and relaxing, especially after a long day trekking around. Well worth it.
  22. Up the line was a superb layout, the constant sound of the artillery barrage in the background reflected on a small scale what it must have been like every day....very poignant.
  23. Reading through the postings it appears that Lime Street is a double edged sword.On the one side you have undoubtedly amazing modelling being able to depict the station and its approach in a novel way. On the other side there is the running aspect of the layout which many have been critical of. In the few minutes I stood watching I saw a light engine leaving the station, one of the LMS twins backing on to a train and a BR standard leaving tender first with a train. So not exactly standing still. However that said one criticism I have with any layout is when the operators become overly self indulgent with timetables. I appreciate that on big layouts there has to be some order otherwise chaos will ensue. Small layouts however tend to be more flexible, when I exhibit my ironstone layout I have the luxury of being able to be able to run trains almost continually. Any layout regardless of how well it is built (and Lime st is certainly that) can only hold the attention admiring the construction for so long, it is then incumbent on its operators to show what it is there for. Whenever we exhibit a layout we are there to showcase our skill and what is achievable, but (IMHO) above all we are there to entertain the public who pay good money to be entertained.
  24. Pretty good day at the show today, not too crowded. A lot of friendly people too. Good layouts and plenty of variety. I may be wrong but ratio of layouts to traders appeared heavily weighted towards traders, not a criticism just an observation. Great to meet the guys from a Hattons who remembered me from GETS. CL 66 coming on nicely. Very impressed with the accurascale Deltic project. Thoroughly enjoyed my day out, got myself a nice ‘Pecket’ For my ironstone layout.
  25. 7013

    Class 59 in 00

    My apologies to anyone I have upset with my post, of course I had forgot that the original model had been to be taken over. My rather badly worded post meant to compare the Hattons 66 timeline with the 59s. Like Scoobyra my post was out of frustration rather than wishing to denigrate Dapols efforts. As Mark states it was an off day.
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