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Steve Taylor

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Status Replies posted by Steve Taylor

  1. ooh, a corporate summons...... on a wednesday? Hmmmmm, well this is an unexpected treat: could be innocuous or it could be an incentive to put my collection of Thompson suburbans up for sale. Either way 9am is not groovy.

  2. ooh, a corporate summons...... on a wednesday? Hmmmmm, well this is an unexpected treat: could be innocuous or it could be an incentive to put my collection of Thompson suburbans up for sale. Either way 9am is not groovy.

  3. is wondering if Hornby will go north?

  4. I'm convinced that some people just don't understand how lavatories in Voyagers work... why else would a businessman in First Class leave his sh*t for me to flush away??!!

  5. What is it about hitting 40? Since my birthday, my joints have packed up, I'm getting more colds and "Old man" illnesses..... Uff!

  6. MRJ here, time for a brew methinks.

  7. Is it just me or does anyone else have one of those boxed kits near their workbench that every so often I open the lid of the box, become overwealmed by the daunting sight of the parts contained therein and decides to pu off starting it, repeating said procedure ad nausem every few weeks?

  8. MRJ here, time for a brew methinks.

  9. telly has just died and stinks of smoke

  10. Supposed to be getting quotes on insuring the Landy - but sick + tired of the same b***** questions.

  11. I have got my GC track jigs, so all I need now are the PW materials to turn out authentic track by the yard. Just hope VAT doesn't go up to 25%!

  12. The earth has moved too much for my liking over the last few days!

  13. One day is never enough to do Warley, although my wallet would disagree.

  14. Why does Dappy exist?

  15. I think it's time for a beer. Or maybe several. Have a nice weekend everyone, especially those going to Warley. Hope the weather doesn't put too much of a damper on it for you.

  16. A night of styrene sticking, feeling like a substance abuser

  17. What is he doing to that limited edition WD...oh god NO!!!!

  18. Chuff me this wind is immense

  19. feels like strangling one particular client after today.

  20. has received a very favourable tax assessment :-)

  21. History isn't all murder, rape and pillage, its got boring bits too.

  22. has just returned from holiday. Highlight? Wild tortoises...two of which caught in the act of making more wild tortoises!

  23. 1st pair of "c" switches successfully filed up, they fit up and wheelsets passover smoothly, now to trim switches and closures as a unit.... didn't notice that one had shifted on the template when marking up :( now got a "c" switch/closure unit that is 3mm too short. Time to add wine and remember breathing.

  24. has once again failed to register even one number in the EuroMillions Lotto :-(

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