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Crisis Rail

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Everything posted by Crisis Rail

  1. Exactly - modelled from a perspective of someone who must have been "there" correct me if I am wrong? - happy days. Images send you right back to those days when Traction was half decent. Following with interest - although you must have exhausted your stock for images? An excellent read excellent modelling - dont know how I have missed it in the past. Ian Ian
  2. Nice on the blocks shot - cant beat a side on 37 front... Ready for summer too. Ian
  3. Panicking yet? A busy weekend on the 3rd 4th March - Mansfield and Preston MRE also a Diesel event on the ELR......
  4. Agreed Nick - Mason has a cracking layout and has improved so much since Pilot Road - Looking forward to seeing DL in the flesh this year at Mansfield - good to see you are still about - what has happened to Holland Park?
  5. Do like a LOADHAUL 60 - such a striking livery as ever - looks well Neil. Tried to upload images for WNXX but RM still all to cock in that department. Pencilled in Mansfield for March all being well - want another operator? Stafford - Kendal marked and maybe the Glasgow SECC as my lad wants a trip out on a Pendo. MPD images look excellent from the 17th. Ian
  6. Neil - For your Shunter "fetish" (York NRM) (Preston Ribble Railway) Took these this year (Poor quality Blackberry images) - Something really inspirational seeing these in various states of sad decay. Ian Excellent hi-vis BTW.
  7. An excellent diorama - got my votes - given me plenty of thought. Ian
  8. Good shot - I must use the image editor more tones things down well. Excellent gronk Neil all greased up in the right areas looking out for the Rf 08 (Blue Roof version) for Whalley - want a commission? Going back on your new project I forgot about the Walthers stuff the Silos look excellent and quite a size when built - plenty of images of Peak Forest and Tunstead to look at on the net - Layout thread Great Tunsley Dale? (Great Rocks Tunstead obviously) is well worth a look for inspiration. Ian
  9. Wondered where you've been Neil..... Nice work bud can Vi 37 be lowered to reduce the gap between bogie and tumblehome? - last three images excellent especially the lense flare. Will it be a Mason and Cav double act at Mansfield next year then? - next exhibition near us the LYDCC in Rawtenstall this Sat + 50015 Valiant on the ELR All good - Ian
  10. Alex - sounds like you have had one of my "Crisisis" at least I am not alone - a bold decision as the conveyor looks well and would have been a shame to have omitted it. Cant wait to see some muck and grime on the internals - 60 looks well too. - Ian
  11. Was at this in '79 as a 16yr old....! An excellent day still have the paper programme somewhere - We got behind a split box 40 40132 Preston via Manc Vic Sheffield and Nottingham bashed as usual head out of the front carriage. Always remember 56036 and 44008 ex-works giving cabrides along an unfenced section no H&S.Open Days here a thing of the past? - apart from DRS at Gresty and Kingmoor? Sorry for hijacking Alex.
  12. Flood coolant? - to extract heat and wash swarf chips away - It gets everywhere - It used to be Mineral Oil of a milky consitency now Plant based oils have been developed.
  13. Neil Just had a look at your images closely - I assume it is paddle driven Lots of moving parts to drop off and seize - I bet that was (is) reliable.......!
  14. Excellent research and modelling. - The swarf conveyers we have in the Aircraft industry (what is left of it) are air (fan) suction for high capacity aluminium removal.These tubes go to external skips as at Toton but much larger.Are the Toton versions air drawn as I cannot see paddles or screw coil being used to transfer along that long length of ducting. Air drawn suction would be largly uneffective for steel swarf unless the draw pressure is extremely high - I would like to witness it if it is the case! Brilliant modelling of the lathe - how will it be viewed in all its glory if it is always undercover though? Ian
  15. Keep us up to date on any possible shows you will be doing. Easy when they are on the small side - next years garage attempt will take up longer time but it is all down to finance. Helps being in industry since I was 16 I suppose - oil muck grime everywhere you look - pallets oil drums crates etc etc etc. I have a good selection of books from the 80's Freight Only series and Diesels in the Midlands etc Regions. Rail journeys like the one to BH last weekend over the tops via Sheff like we used to do in BR Blue days (Woodhead - Guide Bridge ICRSoc) BH itself got me thinking plenty of grime there - amazed that your Dad was a "bobby" BTW good to meet him would have like to have heard a tale or two. Rail Express Railway Herald and all good publications have good features for todays Modern stuff. This Website! One in my head is a loosely based diorama of the Network Rail and old Res Parcels and Stabling Point at Preston www.railwayherald.co.uk/imaging.centre/showimage.php?image=205703&gallery=X2 I have 57307 Pink Lady Bodysnatcher boxed and not doing a great deal in mind for this as they are usually stabled there most days for Thunderbird duties - will post an image up sometime as We will have to make the most of the 57's as last weeks transfer back to Porterbrook has proved. Ian
  16. Neil A good set of 47 shots - excellent - what is your next move on DL - an extension maybe? ....or another project - I have 3 on the go 2 under construction although one may be binned and one in my head....!
  17. Excellent APT - remember seeing it at Preston on the WCML and how small it was. I recall the tests on the WCML in a bad winter - '79 I think - put paid to it seizing its tilt mech with ice - never really saw it much after this - must have been the nail in the coffin. Nice layout - not been back to Waverley since the Deltics and a schooltrip round Haymarket (saw Union of South Africa in bits - must have been about '78) Cheers Ian Remember 27 Dairy Crunch bars being relieved from the vending machine at Waverley - not guilty - but thats another story
  18. Morning Neil...! Yes - A good meet up at an excellent event yesterday to air views and discuss all things Rail. BH - Quite an interesting place that can definately tell a story or two especially the signing on room with the clocking clock and cards - takes me back to being an apprentice in the late '70s. - Sad to see the "graveyard" outside - I can understand how my father felt on his trips to Barry all those years back. Took some cameo shots of the real stuff around around BH I will load them to the RM Gallery when I suss out the exchange from this Blackberry.... Good to see OR in all its glory and hear about plans for the future - must catch up again with Cav and Deeping if you are exhibiting - let me know. More rectification on twisted cement (kerb and paving slab) warehouses later today - another "Crisis" I could well do without - then possibly scenics and track ballasting later this week all good fun - will upload as usual. - pop some Duffs on DL and upload - I see you were well pleased with your 47's. Ian
  19. Still waiting.....seeing that you know the chap....
  20. Any idea of the layouts whereabouts nowadays?
  21. Remember OKSt well - Is it still doing the circuit? - Looking forward to seeing the ressurection in 2mm - Ian
  22. Bit on the large size on this beauty..... The "E" is 0.120" (Sorry Off topic)
  23. Yes Neil will be there on Saturday - looking forward to it by all accounts it was excellent last year - will have a chat.
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