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Everything posted by bluebottle

  1. What mystifies me is the (near) faultless spelling of "Praha Hlavni to Praha Vršovice" after the earlier Les Dawsonish keyboard work.
  2. "The storm is likely to be named Brian by the Met Office." At least it's not a hurricane then, just a naughty storm.
  3. His "City of Workers" figures in post 46, page 2 of this forum.
  4. 3mm scale used to puzzle Liz - "What's the point? It's neither one thing nor the other! Do they just like making things difficult for themselves?" "Shh!"
  5. I used to hear some terrible jokes from tenth rate "folk singers" in Edinburgh pubs in the 70s. e.g: Why don't worms have balls? 'cause they cannae dance! Dear oh dear! I'll try not to remember any more...
  6. In the comedy film "That Sinking Feeling", one of the characters, despairing of finding a job, tells his friends that he had made an unsuccessful attempt to drown himself in his cornflakes...
  7. The story gets fishier... A couple of paragraphs from Wikipedia's Article on Michael Fish: Fish said in a BBC interview that there was actually no woman caller who phoned in to the BBC regarding the storm (although over the years many have claimed to be the woman caller). It was in fact a white lie he made up himself, as another staff member at the BBC told him his mother in Wales was going to Florida and mentioned she had heard there was a storm coming, so he thought it would be a good opening line to start the forecast with, and said "Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC..." ...In later years, Fish claimed that he had been referring to that year's Atlantic Hurricane Floyd affecting the Florida Keys at the time, in a link to a news story in the BBC One O'Clock News that preceded the weather bulletin. But he did not mention Florida in his forecast, which was made amid widespread worries about a coming storm: that morning, the Surrey Mirror had warned of "furious gales", so both his caller and his viewers likely believed he was referring to Britain. Fish did go on to warn of high winds for the UK, although the storm that actually occurred was far stronger than he had predicted (albeit, technically not a hurricane).
  8. FWIW: Fish just sounds to me like he was trying to be reassuring. I would imagine that whoever happened to present that forecast would have done a similar job.
  9. That sounds more like Gordon Kaye as Rene Artois than the urbane Michael Fish! A quick check on Youtube gives us what he actually said: "Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way... well, if you’re watching, don’t worry, there isn’t!"
  10. We went shopping at the Darnall ASDA on Friday, and bought a flamenco dress for Emily to wear at a party next week. She's quite delighted with it and, after the most basic of instruction (spin round and round and clap your hands), she put on a show. Quite promising for a 22-month old, I thought.
  11. Once ignited, how fragrant are these horse manure briquettes?
  12. Please, old chap: As one of that rank at Sheffield University was wont to say, there's only one effin professor!
  13. I'd ask what the hell that means, but I'm worried that the answer might put me off my tea... Edit: better syntax.
  14. I don't drive, but I could run when my legs were a bit younger. Many's the time I passed Seb Coe when we were running along Fulwood road. Mind you, I couldn't manage it when we were both running in the same direction.
  15. But, to the Mackems, wouldn't that simply be stools to Newcastle?
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herostratus
  17. After I passed the eleven-plus, my little sister proudly told everybody she met that her big brother was going to glamour school...
  18. I'll be at the SMRE show as a viewer, Andy. I'll stop to say howdo, but I won't volunteer to help operate - too much out of practice!
  19. Thanks, Colin, I thought it must be something like that. I have in the past commented on responses which replicate large original posts, including images - unnecessarily, as the original posts are close at hand for reference. I always try to edit down to the pith of what I'm responding to, and downscale large images where needed as reminders. Takes me a little time, but saves scrolling time for other RMwebbers.
  20. Not quite sure what you mean there, Colin. Could you rephrase it, please?
  21. What, is the skiff-rock guide to playing guitar no longer available?
  22. "The Third Rock From The Sun" version is better: Mamie Dubcek: Y'know what they say: 'Under every great man is a great woman.' Officer Don: Don't you mean 'behind every man'? Mamie Dubcek: ( beautifully timed pause)... Oh, you're dirty!
  23. I was clearing out the cupboards in Helen's old room today, and found this forgotten piece among work she'd done for a display of work in progress for her Graphic Art diploma course at the college. "Come on, Dad, you like making faces!" she said. "Do some anxious ones!" PS: for "Impressionistic" read "expressionistic".
  24. We had a grand afternoon out in Weston Park, today!
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