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Everything posted by edcayton

  1. Horse's Brawl? Good morning all. @Ian-how did you know? Yes, I'm afraid another year has passed by. Apparently lunch with number two is likely before his late shift. Number one and wife are travelling up from Cornwall later on, coming via Bristol to visit their written-off Honda (I think I told you about that) to make sure they have left nothing in it. I am hoping for a 12 volt air compressor as I am too old and wobbly for foot pumps nowadays. Have a good day one and all. # Ed
  2. @ chrisf, I found that version of "Telstar" on Youtube. Very impressed, not a Hutchings band I was aware of and will try to find the album. I was particularly impressed by Richard Thompson on penny whistle-is there no end to this man's talents? In other news, got the van back OK, until I stopped at McD's for a "frappuccino" (I know, but wait until you have tried one). I had no wipers after the stop! Much cursing and muttering as it had just been serviced and MoT'd. Thought about a call to the RAC, but the rain had stopped so I carried on.I fiddled and faddled with the switch and eventually they came on, but wouldn't self-park or do intermittent until a mile from home. I think (hope) that I upset its system by turning the ignition off before I turned the wipers off. Fingers crossed. Best wishes to all. Minute's silence just observed as I woke up just in time, so by no means an ER today. Ed
  3. Jock, the problem with cul-de-sacs with pedestrian egress is that the local kids find it, they turn into yoofs and then yobs and worse, with bikes and then motorbikes, on which they can escape from the Police! Be grateful for the tranquility that a proper c-d-s brings, although in my experience the residents get very upset about parking and turning! Was hoping to get to Wycrail, but have to go in the opposite direction to collect my van after its service and MOT. Couldn't go yesterday as my cardio appointment went on too long. Have a good day/weekend all. Ed
  4. @Ian (RH). How does an NSE card work now we have umpteen different TOC's? Ed
  5. I think that most of Zagato's work is fugly at first, but like that Bentley they have something about them, and are fairly recognisable as his work. Agree with Pete about the Aston, but you would need an awful lot of Bentleys to buy one! Ed
  6. The Millau viaduct? Sorry, can't do links. Ed
  7. Mal, if I can add my condolences on your Father's passing, and the circumstances. I hope that it helped that you were in touch lately. Otherwise, congratulations and commiserations where appropriate. Ed
  8. Andy, the Safari Park next to the Severn Valley has Giraffes, maybe they could help with your gift idea? Ed
  9. Many folk who built cars (either kits or "bitza" oldies) got an older plate rather than have a Q plate. The number plate is not allowed to indicate that the car is younger than it is. Ed
  10. Just heard on the news that an American has been shot by her dog called.......Trigger! Ed
  11. It's unusual for the Haynes manual to say more than "re-assembly is a reverse of the above process". (of course, I have never followed the manual in the above process) Ed
  12. Reckon I'll have a lot more than four sleeps to Friday. Ed
  13. Big difference between what can be done and what can be done practicably on a production model. Ed
  14. Andy, have you had the top off yours? It looks to me like the tanks are not sitting on the footplate properly. But what a gorgeous little loco. My heart is pulled many ways and I really don't know what to spend my limited amount of money on. Ed-having a cancer sandwich for lunch according to the news.
  15. Jock, you are correct about the complexity of modern cars. However, the upside of this is that they are so reliable, and the service intervals are massive. I'd rather mine is seen at least once a year, irrespective of mileage, but as I'm unlikely to get another new car then it will be, at MOT. Ed
  16. If plastic bumpers are not too badly damaged then it is likely that they will be repaired. Some body shops can do this, but there are several mobile guys who they can call in. Unfortunately my son's GF's SEAT Ibiza back bumper was too badly damaged (she left it in a multi-storey, but no CCTV; so they've bought a pattern bumper and some distant relative is going to fit it. Ed
  17. Can I just point out to you youngsters that 2011 is not "a few years ago", 1968 is a few years ago. Ed
  18. Who's been painting all the rails white? Ed
  19. Ah yes, the old nature versus nurture thing. There was a programme on Radio 4 this week which claimed that it is, in fact, about 80% genetics, and that environment etc is not as important as we thought. I believe the correct form is "we were 5hat on". Ed
  20. Well, at least she'll be able to keep her head above water. Ed Sorry John, you beat me to it!
  21. Morning all. I wondered why I couldn't access my Talktalk e-mail yesterday! Ed
  22. Any more on the difference between code 100 and code 75 points? Ed Martin-how did the Peco points get into Templot, did you measure them or did Peco give you the info.?
  23. But someone has suggested that the Code 100 and Code 75 points are different, but that the templates are the same. No idea if it makes any difference, but AFAIK all Peco 16.5mm track is flat bottom Ed
  24. Morning all. Download 55Mb/s, upload 2.7Mb/s. I have no idea what that means, or if it's any good (virgins), but I noticed that the upload speed decreased steadily during the test-it was over 5 at the start. Any comments? Ed
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