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Everything posted by edcayton

  1. Tony, I love the idea of putting your Mum in a Victorian novel Ed
  2. By 'eck Dom. That's either a piece of litter in the first pic', or something you have put there to improve the composition of the photo. And a little graffiti on a lamp post further down. Lovely photo's as usual, thanks for posting. Ed
  3. Tony, I thought Robbie wasn't a Cocker. Ed
  4. Can I suggest that all ER's at the SVR gala wear carnations and carry a rolled up newspaper under their arm? I am easily recognised by my avatar thingy. Ed
  5. I've just been to look at fridges. None of the "good" manufacturers make old-fashioned fridges with a small freezer compartment that fit under worktops any more. The fridge section of Currys is like the Grand Canyon with monster appliances towering over you. US cars never took on here because they are too big, so why doesn't the same apply to fridges? And the prices..... Ed
  6. Ian,I am delighted to find another user of the term "orilly men". I thought that my ex and I were the only ones and that none else would understand me. As I trype this I have scenes from that and other episodes going through my head' Dishwashers-we had one, but she took it when we split. I didn't mind as I quite like washing up whilst listening to music or the radio. Both my sons have them (and still complain of poverty). I should add that My cleaning ladies always start off by washing up and making tea. They come on Monday morning so at the very least I do it on Sunday. Microwaves-believe me these will be the next Asbestos. All these little chaps flying around and leaking out of the machines. I wouldn't mind so much if the food was any good. Pasties from a microwave? Ed
  7. There are several video's of this on Youtube (sorry, can't do links), including a useful 6 minute film explaining how it works and the history of the system, plus film of it in steam and carrying passengers. Ed
  8. I was going to click "funny" to your first superglue post, but when I saw all the "friendly/supportives" I was overcome by guilt. However, now that all is back to normal and no harm done, it is FUNNY. Ed
  9. Pedant mode on/ they are two "alternatives" thus giving three choices /pedant mode off. I always found "walk in and wait" the best system, and often waited for less time than is often the case for "appointments". There are some numpties at the desk but most are someones wife/mother/daughter, and the ones at my practice are smashing (from a far-too-frequent user. Ed WTAF?
  10. Morning Afternoon all. Been a bit dicky overnight so late posting. Wot a lot you miss in a few hours, so the usual etc. Musically I've not been a great fan of Dolly Parton, but lusted over Linda Ronstadt in my youth and consider Emmylou Harris's voice to be one of the best ever. I bought the first "Trio" album with a little trepidation, but I need not have worried. A fine selection of songs and Dolly sings the most exquisite harmonies. Very close to musical perfection in my view. Go to You-tube and type "Trio" brings them up if you want to try them. ER's brings its usual mix of emotions, but I go lightly into the kitchen with the image of rescuing pills from vomit causing what can only be described as a belly laugh. Regards Ed
  11. Squashed tomatoes and stew Mick. That'll be one bottle for each decade at a guess? I have to say that I have never seen June Tabor play an instrument, I didn't really enjoy her with Martin Simpson as they seemed to be doing different things. Wish I'd seen the Silly Sisters live, it's one of my few CD's bought when I already had the vinyl album. I do miss album sleeves. Ed Perhaps a folky music thread?
  12. Morning all. Was hoping to get to Swindon yesterday but didn't really feel up to it. Turned out to be a good thing as my son came to visit, which always cheers me up. Had a bizarre phone call from my ex-wife, she is trying to get into fostering and wanted to give me as a referee. Dark End of the Street-I have by Richard and Linda Thompson and was privileged to see them perform it live. Gordon's loco's.They look to me as though someone has tried to copy Tri-ang/Hornby models out of brass and other metals. They look like a Nellie, the old class 3 tank and the much later Fowler class 4 tank. Have to get on with cleaning and tidying before the cleaning ladies arrive later. Ed
  13. Can anyone explain the logic of sending empty trains both ways? Ed
  14. Yes, I know what it is, I wondered why it was in the thread title Ed
  15. Where does the bit about the APT-E come in? Ed
  16. Another question-do they spend all night washing Germany? Ed It has occurred to me that that may not have come out as intended. I am just amazed at how clean, tidy and litter-free it always looks in Dom's photo's.
  17. A strange thing. I, like many on here am in my 60's. The problem is that I don't feel like I am, and I keep being surprised when you guys do things I do and like music and stuff that I do when, with no dis-respect intended, I expect you to do "old man" stuff, whatever that might be! Ed
  18. Very nice Gordon, especially the Vulcan. Thanks for posting. I'm really pleased that aero models have moved on from having propellors on models of jets. Ed
  19. Nice photo's of the W & L. After however many years I do wish they would get some more appropriate carriages, although I have no right to complain as I haven't contributed to the railway for a very long time. Night all Ed
  20. Is it fitting a decoder to a narrow gauge loco? Ed
  21. I remain astonished that nobody has done a 14xx yet. Is it because of problems getting the chassis balanced and able to go round silly corners? Ed
  22. Like he said, it's a new version. It's got rods, so is more likely to be acceptable to steam lovers. Ed
  23. So it's not just Furness and it's not just wagons-go figure. You may get repeat trade, and that's good, but I'd suggest you need new customers, so IMHO you need a new name. Ed
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