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Blog Comments posted by Torn-on-the-platform

  1. Sorry, I should perhaps have explained better in the post itself, though all is explained in on the page I have linked to.


    The reason for the camera loss was pure and simple clumsiness and stupidity. I was at a part of the lineside with public access, but dropped it into an area of railway property. I couldn't see where it had landed and thought I would get in a fair amount of trouble if I trespassed to go looking for it.


    Cider, that was in reference to the Rails and Ales at SDR. A very hot day unfortunately attracted the wasps and Ale was certainly the better option in the circumstances!

  2. I'm a little surprised that it hadn't been offered to the Bluebell as they played host to Southern Locomotives' Eddystone for an extended loan a few years ago and are in need of large motive power in the short term, and it would be a more appropriate location geographically for the loco. However, the Severn Valley's motive power shortage has been well documented of late, though they seem to have now recovered. With Taw Valley surely not too far away from a return I can see a lot of Southern enthusiasts heading to the SVR!

  3. Thanks Matt :) Don't put yourself down! I gather you won a competition for your Baxter conversion? Your layout is certainly my favourite from the preservation era!


    The field's very easy to get to from Horsted, just right out of the station. There is also another field on the other side of the line which I believe is also open to access for photographers.


    Another good place is if you leave the station, turn left through the car park, over the bridge, away from the line bearing right slightly, cross a style, turn right, cross another style and head back to the line. There's a footpath which then heads North along side the road, but you can get some great shots of trains bursting out of Horsted under the bridge. On Sunday I managed to jump of a Southbound train at Horsted and hurry up to this position before the Northbound train got there, though only just. Didn't get the best results this time, but I have done in the past!


    I tend to plan my day on the Bluebell the day before, looking at when there's a high intensity of smoke-box first trains running through Horsted. I managed to get three in a row on Sunday! On the trains, I tend to make sure I do a return to Kingscote and then another return to Horsted. I don't like to go to Kingscote twice in a day as the photo opportunities are limited and you are there for quite a long time with relatively little to see.

  4. I spent very little time in the field to be fair! Just a couple of run pasts. I was getting better results just taking close ups of the locos in the stations.


    I had a look in the Art Exhibition. The gentleman in there manning the desk seemed to be the artist, so I guess Mathhew Cousins. He was explaining to a visitor how he does a lot of his work on computers now, I think in the context of changing small details within similar paintings. Sounded pretty interesting though complicated! When I have some disposable income (in 5 years or so!) I will buy up a few of the painting there, I like the style and the subject!


    I'm ashamed to say I have never met another regularly contributing RMWeb member! (To my knowledge...)

  5. it's always annoying when there's a bunch around you and they won't keep out of the way


    At the giants of steam with all the Bulleids a few years ago I took up a spot at the South of Horsted Keynes platform to get a photo of Eddystone and 92 Squadron running in together. As the crowds gathered, understandably, I decided to move to the North end of the station. Not as good a shot usually but there was no one up there, except for one man, wandering around. I had a great shot lined up but at the last second he just shot to the platform edge infront at the last second! I find that that is the most frustrating aspect! I think the resulting photos are on my website... I was less picky with my content back then!


    If you're photographing subjects to rekindle your own memories...


    I'd like to think that at 19 I'm still making my memories for the future! :D

  6. Thanks for the kind words! My intention was to move from the blog to normal posts, as I have had more success uploading photos into normal posts than on these entries. I will have another crack at it next time though, and keep with the blog format to see what happens.


    Funny that you should say about the photo charters, I have never been to one! Most of my Bluebell photos are from special events, though other railways I tend to visit on normal orperating days. Yes, it means more waiting around and less chance of getting a great photo, but I don't have other enthusiasts jumping into my photo at the last second if I visit on a quiet day!


    My interest in preserved railways accounts for all aspects of their operation. Photo charters are supposed to evoke memories I suppose, but as I'm 19, my memories of steam are of colourful mismatched stock, and that is what I enjoy taking photos of!

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