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Status Updates posted by witherbrow

  1. Eastbourne Airshow Streaming Live on you tube :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nQN5sHFgSk

    1. Bangor Lad

      Bangor Lad

      Thanks for that. Always enjoy the Arrows!

    2. Mallard60022


      Saw the Vulcan come 'home' this afternoon. Hope you enjoyed seeing that.


  2. Happy new Year from the Manor! Next year I'm going all blue! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8V7srctsZg&feature=youtu.be

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Nice video. What is that Microsoft train sim ?

    2. witherbrow


      It's Train Simulator 2015 used to be known as Railworks - its all available through steam :)

  3. won a repainted class 90 'spirit of Dagenham' last night on ebay - over the moon!

  4. just bought the track (minus one r/h point) for my new layout :)

    1. steve22


      I did that once then never built the thing. Story of my life, I hope you do better than I do!

    2. witherbrow


      Lol me too! On both accounts


  5. Swt 159's are surprisingly comfy even if they are full of college students whingeing that ten hours work a week is hard

    1. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      The most comfortable train I've ever been on has been a SWT 158.

    2. GWR88


      I travel to work on one every so often and last week the heaters were on full blast and it was truely awful!!! However they're usually good units to ride

    3. DougN


      Gees I only complain if it is a 56hr week now.... Oh to be. A uni student again!

  6. What a superb day Pecorama is

    1. gwrrob


      The Beer Heights Railway is superb.

    2. devonseasider


      and it's only 10 minutes away from home!

  7. poor old eastbourne pier looks a sorry mess now

  8. has train times in eastbourne re-opened yet?

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Did not know it had closed.

  9. what does a wall, a windmill, the queen, and harrison ford (or maybe his movie the witness) have in common?

    1. SHMD


      They're all mentioned in "Recent Status Updates"?

  10. proud owner of a NES, Mega Drive and a Lima 37 all thanks to cophall farm Bootsale

  11. been told off for making dseagulls baby cry :(

  12. contemplating a 4x4 setrack layout after three years away from the hobby - I blame model Rail!

    1. 69843


      Land Rover V8 powered? ;-)

    2. witherbrow


      Would prefer the 4wd sierra cosworth :)


    3. davefrk


      Naw, an auld Series two landie would do it no problemo.

  13. new house has a loft! yay

  14. Yesterday i found out how useless reserving a seat at Birmingham is

    1. Mallard60022


      Not if you are 6'8", eighteen stone, have tattos (is that how you spell that?)and are wearing Raybans. You would also be wearing an earpiece and a distinctly MI6 style suit with a 'bulge' in the left side inside jacket pocket! Bit hot for all that but it's quite useful so I'm told.


  15. if anybody has a film called 'The Moo Man' showing at there local cinema i whole-heartedly suggest seeing it - its fantastically heart warming

  16. You know when you've been sitting at a screen to long and your neck aches? I've got it but im determined to finish off Finniston, sod it ill do the washing up

  17. goodbye modelzone1?

  18. just bought a railfreight class 92 :) only taken me 13 years

  19. just got my hands on some photos of the wealdsman railtour that went over the cuckoo trail :) :)

    1. Jon020


      Sharing somewhere - we do like to cycle it occasionally.

  20. haha 4th place vettel! Kimi for world champion!

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      It'd be nice to see Kimi back on top. He looks hungry enough & it would make my day if he beats alonso to the title because i really don't have any time what so ever for the spaniard. I've not liked him since he spat the dummy out because Hamilton took top spot at Mclaren.

    2. witherbrow


      must admit i liked alonso in early 2000 when he battled schumacher in the Renault but since then ive not been fond of him glad he showed that git vettel how its done though


  21. bought so much stock yesterday need to find somewhere to hide it now

    1. dseagull


      Underneath the magazines ;)

    2. witherbrow


      ooh yes good idea!


    3. 69843


      Behind the sofa?

  22. so rownerey

    1. Horsetan


      Aren't they the blokes who make artists' pencils?

  23. whenever i go to train times in Eastbourne i always come away with more than i went for!

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