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Hugh Flynn

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Status Replies posted by Hugh Flynn

  1. Not impressed with Hatton's "Order History" page. My wife has just found out since January 2014 I've spent nearly £1400 with them...

  2. Today is "a day" a day in the achievement tick box of life. A day when I can finally make my own mark in my chosen business!

  3. RIP Lemmy - Read 'em and weep, the dead man's hand again.

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      We have lost another great front man you are a legend.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. Had a real trip down memory lane today watching videos on youtube of Crewe station & the Birmingham area in the 80's. If only I could turn back time to my childhood, railways were so much more interesting then.

  5. Microwave "died" in a spectacular electrical display of sparks. How did we manage before these bits of kitchen-ware? It's "Black Friday" but can't find anyone selling them at discounted prices! Typical of my luck.

  6. Sorry for the downtime this evening; the internet was full.

  7. Nearly there. the last hour or so of a full day with 6 and 4 year olds and 9 month old twins while mum has a day out.

  8. Wtaching Heathrow airport from my hotel room

  9. Not doing any modelling at all lately. No time, and just can't seem to get my mojo back...

  10. Dave is busy photographing xxx on the South Devon Railway today!

  11. Well thats me gone and done it - my next wagon is ? see FTG Models

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      Thanks it was a choice of 3 but the least said?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Busy selling all my model railway items :(

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      Shame to loose a modeller ,hope you will pop in and have a look at RM web now and again.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Busy selling all my model railway items :(

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      Is that you finished with railways or changing gauge?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Wife says "I'm not watching football...", so that's me off to my shed with food and drink for the next three hours...

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      Man after my own heart. Mind you mine is black and white.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Wife says "I'm not watching football...", so that's me off to my shed with food and drink for the next three hours...

  16. Should have spent 105 minutes modelling!!

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      More productive

  17. Oooooooo my spy deep within the factory at Chirk has told me what the 2 new models are!

  18. Big meetings today! Could have very nice implications :-)

  19. R.I.P. Nelson Mandela. A truly remarkable human being.

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      genuine man, leader, diplomat and family man RIP

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. Sitting here wathing the rain, but also thinking the latest Scenecraft Water tower model in N is a work of art, and the missing link for my layout!

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