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sixteen 12by 10s

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Posts posted by sixteen 12by 10s




    I set Glenuig up for a trial exhibition, (play), on Sunday the 20/03/2011, to check for any bugs and problems ahead of Stourbridge show. 90%+ of problems were found too be Sprat and winkle coupling related, due to miss adjustment and irritating uncoupling when you did not want it to happen, causing slip wagon and coach operation!!.




    These were caused mainly when a long wheel based wagon was coupled to a short wheel based wagon and propelled through a crossover, the hook of one wagon would fowl on the other causing the rear of the wagon to derail. This was cured by adjusting the offset angle. Another problem, that I was aware of anyway, is hooks fowling in the buffer beam detail on the locos, they have now been fitted with longer loops to avoid this.


    So we have our train ready to depart, a blow of the horn and were away, well until we reach the firsts magnet, just a little jerk here and we have left the stock behind. To overcome this one, two magnets on the platform road have been replaced with electromagnets.


    Operating general.


    It has been my intentions to operate from the front, but after a good running session, I have had other thoughts. I have now repeated the point and signal controls at the rear, so I can operate from both positions.


    Other news, I have made the two signals operational using the Heathcoat servo system, (I know that servos are been discussed elsewhere on this forum) overall it works well, but one problem is they are prone to electrical noise, and I have had to fit all the point motors with suppression.


    And now for the big one, Mrs Gary, has elected herself as co-operator, training is ongoing.....and I have only been hit over the head with the Powercab twice so far, watch this space.








  2. Hi there,


    Cracking little idea you have there fela i like it an your line up shows wat it should be like when completed i also see that tractor hiding at the back too :P;)


    Keep up the good work.


    Cheers, Rich.






    Don't forget that hiding in the bricked up tunnel at the rear of the shed, should be all those uncounted for, Kings, Castles, County s...........:D






    • Like 1
  3. Hi Paul

    the bonded warehouse show at Stourbridge is a small but very friendly exhibition. Look forward to meeting you and any other Rmwebbers that give the show a visit. It looks a good line up this year with my old mate, Phill Stevens, bringing his big roundy roundy “snow hillâ€.

    Big day this Sunday, I am housebound on work standby, so I intend to set up Glenuig and play trains all day, the camera will be around.



  4. Thanks again all

    I really should get on and blog – post on the making of those lights, they have been a big hit.

    Spot on with the platform length, with the ramps its 3'6†in fact half the length of the scenic area.

    Not much exciting news from the glen at the moment, a lot of time has been spent fiddling with thing such as the Sprat and Winkle couplers, to get them all uniform

    I have a few more details to build and add, including a boat, so lets hope I can get these finished before the first gig.




    • Like 4
  5. Hi Mike and all


    Yes, it is a bit misleading, both layouts featured in the mag, carry the “Model rail Scotland†flash, but neither are attending this years exhibition. Sorry if this has been confusing, but I was not aware that MR were going to “badge†the layout in this way.


    Mike, you are right, the first booking is Stourbridge show on the 9th and 10th of April, at the Bonded warehouseâ€.


    I can add one more booking, Glenuig will be attending “Midland Railexâ€, the the Midland Railway Centre on august 13th and 14th of this year.





  6. Looks like a blog on the yard lamps is imminent by popular demand!!

    Two tractors at Glenuig, the Ferguson hasn’t been used for any “unofficial dockside shunting duties, has it?

    16.45 Glenuig- Fort William, waits for the road.



    edit, a better photo 



    • Like 5
  7. Hi


    The yard lamps have had stirred up a lot interest, I can feel a blog coming on!.


    News, after a large search of the workshop, (cellar) I have found Glenuig!.











  8. Hi all

    And again, thank you for your kind comments, and please feel free to ask me questions, and I will do my best to give a sensible answer. Going into business making lamps, that's a thought. To tell you the truth, I get as much pleasure from making the small items then a new loco. Look around Glenuig and there are lots of specially made items.



    if you don't like the cold, wait till may, then head for the north west, the layout doesn’t have a B&B but there is an inn at the real, Glenuig.


    Glenuig is about to emerge from its dark store, (cellar), so watch this space, photos and more news will follow shortly.



  9. Hi Mike

    Welcome to Rmweb, and hope you will find it as enjoyable and useful as I have.

    Funnily enough, I was going to post a bit on the yard lamps, so you have prompted me.

    First of all, they are non working, the layout has its own integral bright lighting, so there seamed little point.

    The heads are custom turned, I am one of those lucky folk who own a lathe, and are made to look like the old enameled, shades, that were made (I think) by a company called "Revo". After painting they were given a thin coat of gloss varnish, to give them that shine.

    Hope this helps







    • Like 1
  10. Off into the loft HOOORAY, got a Speedlink to handle in the yard. Will post pics soon.




    Now that's what's been missing form the forum this year.


    If your thinking of a PW train, I have a few Cambrian kits I will be building in the next few weeks, so I feel a blog coming up, so you can see how I get on.



  11. Hi Claggy



    I was beginning to wonder where you had got to.


    My advise is, if you fancy a new challenge, go for it, and set your standards higher. The “but†note I would add, is try and not leave half finished projects that stop you using what you have already. While I have being building Glenuig and the Quarry, my big trainset, Over Haddon, although far from complete, has been in working order, so when I fancy it, I can go and have a play.



    Keep us updated.














    Hi I'm not a great fan of MPD layouts, but this one looks rather good (and its nothing to do with the Floyd connection). Some care taken with ballasting and weathering, the track makes all the difference, and that shot of the 58 looks very “Nevardeskâ€. (Have I just thought of a new word?)


    Always good to support a group that owns locos, with a power unit of good pedigree.:D














  13. Hi


    So as far as I know the publishers have sold 7 copies of Model Rail 153! and my mum brought 4 of them!. :lol:


    At last I have got a look at it, and if I say it myself it don't half look good. Chris has made a fantastic job of the photos and this has really shown the model of. Glenuig has not seen the light of day since the photo hoot, Diy activity has made it a pain to set-up in the house, so Ihave been knee deep in mud in the quarry.




    So to answer the exhibition question, the Glen is booked for the following dates.


    9-10/04/2011Stourbridge, navigation trust, model railway exhibition, at thebonded warehouse.

    Glenuig,s first show,and my home town gig.



    2/07/2011 something to do with Rmweb! (provisional)



    27-28/08/2011 Railex NE




    I hope to get it set up in the next few weeks, and start working out some sequence moves, in preparation for the shows, and I look forward to using some new found photographic skills.


    Thanks go to all of you who have offered encouragement, and advise, it has made the the layout build enjoyable to say the least.



  14. Hi Mark

    Tell you the truth, I have yet to see the finished piece in the mag yet.

    Glad you liked the article. I was pleased with my attempts at photographing the layout, but I think Mr Media's photos are something else. Chris, spent a few hours getting the shots, and while he was, I leant so much about photographing models (of the railway kind, missus take note), that my photography has come on leaps and bounds, have a look at “Welsh slate†for my latest attempts.





  15. Hi


    I suppose the Highlands has been devoid of earthquakes after the demise of class 37s and Eastfield nutcases, sorry drivers. :lol:


    PS, hope its not cracked the A87








  16. Hi Russ


    As fer as I know, the tremor did not reach the model in Stoubridge, but I will check tomorrow. Cracks in the car park of the Glenuig inn, big news in the highlands, just hope it has not interrupted the production of the Moidart, single malt. (he says as he downs a glass of Laphroaig!)



  17. I can confirm that there was a problem of vibration damage to the class 50 electronics. Most of the electronic circuits, are built up on paxoline boards with components soldered to studs, the whole assembly is then coated in an anti vibration, silicon rubber compound, in an attempt to stop the thing shaking to bits. The silicon rubber makes fault finding fun.


    If you ask me, I think the 50's were overcomplicated for there time, and reliability would have been much improved if they had stuck to the proven design of DP2's control system





  18. Thanks for all the info, and taking advantage of my typo. (I make enough of them!!) :lol:

    No problem with posting anything like that on one of my threads, anything with an EE power unit in is acceptable.

    The propelling move with the Queen Mary makes sense, for a while I thought one would put in an appearance at Glenuig on an engineers train.

    Thanks all

    Tarts are done





    Thanks for your help so far. If I can remember, Mk1 compartment stock was still in use in the late 1980's and it was prime “dossing†out accommodation, but I can't remember which bit of the Scottish system this would have been.





    As for the Queen Mary bakevan, that I did not expect.













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