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sixteen 12by 10s

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Posts posted by sixteen 12by 10s

  1. Hi all


    Dave, I am going to make a governing devise for the birds, and the missus (Jan) say's can she lunch with you?.


    Stewart , I had to have a double take, and check that it said 2013 on the invite! , I had turned an offer down this year because of a high workload in January, but it just happened that I usually have a few days off in February, so it was just a matter of shifting things around. Two weeks after Model rail Scotland, I am at Macclesfield with the slate quarry. And then Sutton Coalfield with Glenuig and then a good break till the autumn,


    The biggest problem I am going to encounter, is getting the layout, the good lady, the layout, and the good lady's luggage in the Yarris!


    Gary Hinson

  2. Hi all


    Its been quite some time since Glenuig appeared this far up the “layout chart” so to speak, and its a few months since the layout has seen the light of day!. Since Wigan show it has been packed up in a corner of the workshop, but now its time to evict the spiders and clean the track.

    Glenuig is booked to appear at Stafford show on the 2nd and 3rd of February, and this is one of a few local ventures planed for the year.


    At the end of last year, a few PM's passed over to north of the boarder, and this has concluded in an a appearance of Glenuig, at Model Rail Scotland on the 22-23-24th of February this year. It has been quite an eventful few weeks, with booking floating holidays and negotiating shift patterns at work.


    This will mean that the work on Bridge of Orchy will slow, but that's not a bad thing, at the pace it was going at, my wallet couldn’t keep up.


    So see you all at the shows, and watch out for the seagulls



  3. My first date


    Took the young lady on a trip to the East Lanks Railway, in my 1970 Avenger, after 7 miles on the road I pulled the cars gear lever right out. She panicked a bit, but out came the spanners and we were soon on our way. It was a great day, and I remember it well, 40145 was superb!.


    Second date,.......With the same girl, I had been messing with full sized trains during the day, and had a large chunk of a class 40 to get to the Midlands. I discovered that, if I took the front seat out of the Avenger, it would fit in the passenger foot well. So that evening I picked her up, and she immediately headed for the passenger door, and opened it to find a largo rusty lump of a steam heat boiler.


    After that, introducing her to the toy train part of the hobby was plain sailing,



    • Like 10
  4. Ah, now I understand about Dr. Death. I must admit that I was a bit miffed about that one and although I have not come across the chap, I have encountered one or two of his family precariously balancing in the trees complete with video cameras hereabouts. Well at least the dog has found them, and being a Springer he does seem to treat them as any other bird and wants flush them out of the foiliage.



    Now, without incriminating myself, or anyone else, I shall try and explain. In the days when class 50's freely roamed the south west,they had a large following of haulage bashers. These bashers were notorious, for using “improvised validity” to been on these trains, and the man in the raincoat, took great pleasure, in bringing these people to the attention of the TTI's and BTP, so he got the name.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi Pete and Andrew.


    Pete, I have not got much further, due to the need to find space in the workshop. A few good things have come out of the exercise, Glenuig, now has a home, before it was ether on the work bench, or stood on end on the workshop floor. A major re-org, (and several trips to the tip) means it is now in a safe place and I have found some more space to spare. So with the bench clear the opportunity was there,................. for some DIY :-(


    Going forward, with the 2mm, the next step, is to draw out the plan on Templot, and then design the base boards. As soon as I have some news I will start a new thread, so keep your eye open.


    Andrew, the “fish tank” I started building that layout, years before Glenuig, but exhibited it for the first time in April. After it sent me mad at Midland Railex, and I said no more, I have ended up with some more invites!.



  6. Hi again


    sorry about the short reply, here's a bit more detailed post. Pete and Marc, good luck with your EM gauge projects. The best advise I can give, is that if you are new to the gauge, do as little as possible to achieve your aims. Most of my stuff, runs on RTR wheels, just re gauged, with the kit built stock on Jacksons, again just re-gauged.


    Marc, you started me thinking with your “Wales, Rails, Rain & Steel” and my next venture is to feature drama, moody lighting, thunder, and rain, the location Bridge of Orchy the scale 2mm ish!


    Here's the first bit, a Farish 37 repainted and the body dropped to reduce the gap between the body and bogies.





    • Like 4
  7. Hi Mark


    What a terrific layout this has turned out to be, first class. I was up that way last week, and stood in my favourite spot, at the top of County March, dreaming of what had gone before. Congrats to the invite to Model rail Scotland, I just might pop up for a look.




    PS i agree with Kevpeo!

    • Like 1
  8. Hi Pete, and welcome to Rmweb, and I hope you find this forum as inspiring and useful as I have done. Glad you enjoyed the layout at Nottingham, and I am just sorting out my schedule for the next few years. The next firm booking, is Stafford, next year.



  9. Had a few works outings to the Pie Factory. Still have a certificate somewhere to prove not only did I finish a Desperate Dan pie but also a Pud.


    Of course, I also have the gut as a souvenir as well.


    PS anyone remember the Christmas pies? A complete Turkey dinner in a pie, sprouts, turkey, stuffing, potatoes, chipolatas, the lot. Very nice it was too.



    If you are after a “desperate dan” pie, the Pack Horse” in Bewdley still serve them http://www.littlepackhorse.co.uk/?page=show_menu.php&menu_id=3



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  10. When it first opened, I took a young lady to dinner there, well I was in the mood for splashing out. We where in the place for a minutes, when I found out she was a vegetarian!, the inertia is modelled on an abattoir. A conversation with the bar staff and the girl had an “allotment pie†to eat.

    Didn't see much of her for some time after that!



    • Like 7
  11. Mad' O Rourke, sold up to one of the big pub chains, and they didn't “get itâ€, if you can understand where I am coming from. Most of the pubs were sold on, but the Pie Factory (the Dowty Arms to give it its old name) still remains.

    About 4 years ago, there was and attempt to revive the chain by the opening of two new MoR pubs. The Vine in Wordsley and the Bull in Gornal. At first these two pubs were full every night, but after a year of trading, things started to go wrong. The Vine at Wordsley is the third nearest pub to where I live and that is only a few hundred yards away, after this had been open for 14 months, you could go into the bar on a Saturday night to find that you were on your own. This one, is just about to reopen as a “suppa chippyâ€.

    Oh one of the originals that is good and is still going, complete with those light snacks called cow pies, is the Pack Horse, in Bewdley.



  12. I think you will need to add a few things into the foreground to avoid the looking down affect, been as the main part of the scene is taken from high ground.. The ideal shot would be from a low level, but the area is so built up, it would be impossible to do this without just capturing the scene in the immediate area.



  13. Where I werk, and have werked for 33 years!, there was a tradition amongst foundry men, of drinking beer on the job. Being the youngest in the foundry it was my job every morning, and just before dinner time, to go to the pub and fetch the ale allowance. I had a few hundred yards to walk with a sack trolley, and if the pub landlord was in a good mood, he would give me a half.

    The beer would be paid for on account, and once back at the foundry, the leading hand (head furnace man) would distribute the ale.

    The foundry is still going, but times have changed, no beer now, but the pub also lives on, as the Bottle and Glass in the Black Country museum.



    • Like 7
  14. Can you cover my flight? :D


    Nice pic Gary...hope the show goes well...



    Nice try Pete, but I don't think my fuel claim will pay for the avo kerosene !.

    • Like 1
  15. Hi all


    well its been some time since I posted in this thread. Glenuig is packed up ready for its journey to Wigan. I set it up on Saturday for testing and to evicted the resident spiders!, I coldn't resist a few snaps, so here's a PW train approaching the station. See you all at the show, and for those who show any interest at all, full training will be given on operating the layout, because as of yet, I am on my own, any volunteers?



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