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sixteen 12by 10s

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Status Replies posted by sixteen 12by 10s

  1. Who hung the monkey?

  2. the next drunk who tries to kick my front door in is **GOING** to get a nice friendly welcome from Mr shotgun!

  3. Wonder if Michael Sheen is studying the Andy Y footage, I view to making a Hollywood follow up to the frost and Nixon interview.

  4. wonders if there's anyone out there whose mobile phone *hasn't* been hacked into by The News Of The World. :-O

  5. There's a rat in my garden, what I'm a gonna do?

  6. Janice, my missus, has just found her missing mobile phone in handbag no13 of the 12 that she admits to owning.

  7. happy to see that D335 is running again

  8. Ahhhhh, 2 posts of my posts deleted due to containing filth, ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!

  9. Feels quite headed having just put £74.98 worth of diesel in his car! I might need to sit down for a bit!

  10. Upgraded to Firefox 5 - let's see ...

  11. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you lot. :)

  12. They're beating plowshares into swords, For this tired old man that we elected king

  13. They're beating plowshares into swords, For this tired old man that we elected king

  14. Four and twenty virgins came down from Inverness, when they went back up again there were four and twenty less!!!

  15. Feel its time for some hardcore modelling

  16. I feel my urges overtaking me, it is a good feeling.

  17. is going mental

  18. Welcome to the end of summer, Wimbledon starts on Monday

  19. Late night trains shunting down by the river, i remember windy town.

  20. has located the choreography notes that he thought he'd lost!! :-)

  21. Thats strange, you stop browsing Rmweb, to do some work for 10 mins and the world changes

  22. What a race, what a race. Could never have predicted a result like that in Canada

  23. Sir Bruce, At last

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