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Status Updates posted by 60026to

  1. Breaking Bad DVD

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Why are you watching that DVD if it's so breakingly bad?

  2. Palace 3-3 Liverpool, unbelievable

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Frappington Jct

      Frappington Jct

      The way this seasons going, I wouldn't be too surprised if Chelsea bought it back (note - I'm NOT a Chelsea fan)

    3. Guest


      Come on City!!!!

    4. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Hull City??

  3. Palace 3-3 Liverpool, unbelievable

  4. Poxy power cuts, but at least Western Power Dist phone you with updates.

  5. Spent a lovely couple of hours in the garden, gardening, bliss.

  6. Going to Dawlish tomorrow shall we take the train or the Audi ?

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      top gear Audi caravan train

    2. andyram


      Perhaps you should go by boat!!

  7. The wife's very quiet, her new phone is keeping her occupied.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yorkie_pudd


      at least you got some peace for the moment, long ay it last for you.

    3. Horsetan


      She's probably remote controlling events in Ukraine LOL

    4. yorkie_pudd


      lmao @ horsetan and half of china maybe he he

  8. The wife's very quiet, her new phone is keeping her occupied.

  9. Is Live and let die the most racist Bond film ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. skipepsi


      possibly the others I have forgot or never seen

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      Only if your to young to remember the black and white minstrels

    4. Mickey


      ??????? WTF???????

  10. When will the wife's A3 turn up ?

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      Fold the A2 in half...

    2. 60026to


      If only it was that easy, lol.

  11. I'll be off to my local post Office in a min or two, I should work in the packing dept. of Hattons ;o)

  12. Is fed up with BBC Points West, dire doesn't cover it

    1. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Could be worse, could be BBC Look North!

  13. Is playing vinyl again, absolute bliss...

    1. muddys-blues


      What you got spinning on the deck ?

  14. The washing machine has decided to call it a day.Typical

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pH


      We're just waiting for the dishwasher to finally die. Only runs one program, indicator lights dead, occasionally refuses to start. Last one of this brand we buy!

    3. 60026to


      I think pH it's time to invest, before it's too late.


    4. Temeraire


      Same thing with our WM a few weeks back Matt, never the right time is it?!

  15. Anybody want bargin OO Gauge Models

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horsetan


      The last time I went to a bar, I had a gin.

    3. Metr0Land


      Was it one of those Irish shenana gins?

    4. class"66"


      Sounds interesting??

  16. I'm outta here...

  17. Watching a spider having his/her lunch with a fly, quality.

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      nice of them to have lunch together

    2. beast66606


      I'm having an old friend for dinner

  18. I think James or George would fit. What about Matthew, now that would be nice.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Bert the first ;)

    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      I've a tenner on Wayne!

    4. Jawfin


      People call their children, "Star," or, "Pixie," nowadays, don't they?

  19. 27 degrees C at 00:15. Lets try and get some kip.

  20. The first flying ants has just arrived in the garden.

    1. steve22


      We were plagued with them hatching one summer's evening several years ago, all along several streets. After that I never saw another one all year!

    2. Horsetan


      Nippon ant powder does the trick.

  21. A bit of strawberry picking in Wotton-under-Edge tomorrow. ;o)

  22. What a glorious day, have I bought enough beer ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 60026to


      yeah, I'm not all that sure at the mo.

    3. surfsup


      Exactly. A working fridge however to cool your beer is another matter!

  23. Team Rock is now good too go

    1. davefrk


      Heard it this afternoon - so,so for me I'm afraid but I'll persevere. Nicky Horne on just now, he knocks the 'ploocks' off the rest of them.

    2. davefrk


      No he wasn't silly me.

  24. Espied a class 56 on the Teigngrace-Chirk this afternoon ;o)

  25. It's official. It's holiday time !!!!!!!!!!

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