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Ian Fisher

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Everything posted by Ian Fisher

  1. More misting last night and... I would like to report another four coaches which are blemish free! only another *COUGH* six to go Ian
  2. Bogies, well a hour before bed and I got out the glue! The plan of attack is to make the bogies up and then look to what refinements are needed as a working bogie. They do go together well, shame they dont give you what you need, I guess though as with most things removing the steps from the others will provide impetus to a better bogie over the fleet. Ian
  3. Thanks to ebay we have a trainset on the front room carpet...whats next for a run??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      get the pendolino em'd and run it on lime street :)

    3. Ian Fisher

      Ian Fisher

      One nine car set is and has been for a few years! it would look sort of fine wouldnt it?

    4. Michael Delamar
  4. OK OK I bet you are all going yes another one shot of a side but, this one had a very fine misting of grey and well, I am very proud with whats happened so far. It makes loosing my finger tips etc all so worthwhile. The others are all in a similair state so should see some progress soon. I know there are still things to be adressed with the fit of the sides but the main work which has taken a lot longer than I expected is to remove any trace of the windows. I think I am there What do you all think?
  5. I think my next visit back home may see going to Penny Lane! They do look the buisness dont they? Ian
  6. YEP too right we can! Mind you its beer night tonight so maybe just maybe work might stop... More cutting out doors this afternoon, only can use the minidrill so long til it makes me fingers tingle then its time for a rest...how times change Ian
  7. OO Allstom Pendolino doing 300mph plus round the living room!!

  8. OO Allstom Pendolino doing 300mph plus round the living room!!

  9. A quick snap from last night, the lads in the works had had enough to put the front up any more. Just glad I got this shot without a high vis vest!
  10. WELL more smoothing Next up this afternoon is some removal work of the top of the doors to allow for a more prototypical roller shutter door bent all over the place. They seem to have three or so kinks in them which varies along the length of a unit but are within "areas". I would like to get a misting of primer on the units soon to see how well or not all this smoothing has gone. I might even get some ends underway, who knows what might happen.. Ian
  11. More smoothing and the like Oh and six cab bulkheads fitted and glued tonight, now thats what I call progress Ian
  12. Still smoothing but almost, almost there! Work on some bogies cutting steps off continues.. Inner ends neatened up ready for blanking Cab ends work continues to get them to the same condition 11 cars glued together with one just needing the roof toilet hatch removing before being glued More picture updates soon I hope.. Ian
  13. Further images on Merseyside MRS site, It took many hours to construct... and the list of people involved was very and is very impressive.
  14. Wanted new finger tips..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DonB


      Soldering Iron?

    3. Grafarman


      Maybe Ian's now a M.I.B. and can't reply...

    4. Ian Fisher

      Ian Fisher

      No skin on finer tips!!! thankfully the pain is easing and the skin is coming back!

  15. Its Daft really even the Lima 156 has a stab at showing some detail. Thanks for the offer Will, any images you have would be appreciated. Jon, I have got 170's coming out my ears almost and I bought a turbostar years ago for another on the todo list! It just seems a shame that once committed to doing mark three units, they didnt take a little extra effort to refine the beast that little more. I guess its a case of looking at the most effective way of getting something on the bogies that begins to look like what it might need to be I have 36 side frames to deal with. Out with the casting putty methinks... Ian
  16. Bogies bogies...Oh the joys of kitbuilding seems as an cost cutting exercise the kits come with more bogies with steps than they really shoujld...hmmm but on spedning some time then looking at the bogies under a 325 boy the kit's bogies whilst dimensionally accurate are devoid of a lot of detail! I know Jim Smith-Wright has done some work on his 317 bogies. Anyone else had any thoughts on an improvement package for them? It feels like they got so far and then had the idea leave the detail off, even if it varied between classes the bogie is at best basic in its detail. Out with the razor saw then to remove steps! taking with it the dampers, which were rather weedy im half way through the cutting process today. If anyone has any close up images of bogies id love to see some! I will have to get my backside down to the railway and see if I can get some images soon of 325's Ian
  17. OOOH Pete If only. Ive lost fingernails to date...and do they ache. Polished finger tips that are sore and very shiny.. I give in! That said Halfords cutting paste a mild abrassive come brasso type gunk is good at taking down those hard to remove extra bits of putty, so thats one plus point leanred during this build. Ian
  18. Still smoothing and polishing sides will it ever end??? I do hope so... Ian
  19. Working out dimensions of the inner ends and where those ribs are or should be tonight, Plastic cutting over the weekend. Ian
  20. I have just come across some images from a few yeasr ago now...forgot I had them..taken April 2009
  21. Will you have the advantage of viewing my sides over this, there are as many pits n dimples, I would guess as yours just 12 coaches worth! Still compliment noted and accpeted thank you. Gets a bit much all this sanding dont you find? Ian having a night off sanding an anything 325 model related!!! Must get a new laptop soon...me keyboard is goosed!
  22. Aww well, It seems the kits come for cost reasons, bogies with the steps on more than you need. Well it will allow me the luxury of beefing up the {DAMPERS} shame on me! ta Will shocks (if that is what they are?) Had a few too many of them of late! shocks that is...
  23. I would like to have a go at some form of cosmetic inner coupling, which the Bratchell kits dont feature at all, the dimensions can be had from a 150/2 and I have a few images in my OPC of around workshops of the units split. Now I just have to figure how best to go about making these up, etched? Colin Craig used this method in the FGA and most effective it is too. Brass bar which could maybe then have some wires hidden as a part of the kit. or plastic. I like the simplistic fundtion of the Hornby pendo couplings and would like to have a go at something that takes elements from all of the above really. Its all ideas though at this stage. Ian
  24. Hi Colin, Is it a cheat or just a sensible use of good product?! I want to spend soem time on the cab the idea was to detail one up and cast it in a clear resin, that idea was moved sideways. I then am looking at the idea of detailing a Hornby Screen and then casting it with added detail. thise rubber surrounds are quite prominment. I would like to capture as much of the character of the ends as possible. Ian
  25. Before bed I had a little gluing session the results are attached!
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