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Free At Last

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Everything posted by Free At Last

  1. Arghh! David...pause for effect... Hunter. I think he did it in every line.
  2. I find slotting the two fixing holes allows a bit of play to set the switch alignment up.
  3. It always annoyed me when a series got axed before it reached it's conclusion. One in particular was the 78/80 ITV series 'Enemy At The Door', a soap type drama of the German occupation of the Channel Islands. There were two 13 episode series, the final episode ending on a cliffhanger point. I was hoping for a third or fourth series that would lead up to the aftermath of the war and the Germans leaving the island. I did read that the series had raked up bad feelings between families still living on the island who were accused of being too friendly with the enemy.
  4. God's hand has been idle on my railway since I used graphite on the rails. Not suffered a non-starter or a stutterer since reading the post on graphite treatment and purchasing and using a 9B stick. According to some it is the work of the devil but I am now a follower of this black magic.
  5. I always have this playing on my Amazon Alexa devices. Today when I ask it to play it plays some other station. Did anyone else listen to this station? Can you still get it? If not, any suggestions of a similar station?
  6. I have just received a back order of Peco Electrofrog turnouts so assume they are from the latest stock. On removing the wire links I found they came clean away as soon as I gripped them with long nose pliers, previously they have needed a good wiggle to release them even leaving small bits of spot weld behind. Maybe they are now not as well fixed as they had been.
  7. The only thing that bothers me with some of those ingredients are the after effect they have on some peoples digestive systems. I can't stand people who emanate smells of their last meal, from either end.
  8. Ah, that explains why I had to re-gauge 3 of my Duchesses and because of the excess slop I had put overlays on the frames.
  9. Would shorting the motor terminals after removing the supply act as a brake and stop the motor? It's something I had heard but never got around to trying.
  10. If you have ordered items not yet in stock check that they are in your pre-orders and then view the order and make sure trunk delivery is selected. There were teething problems at first, I had orders that I never got confirmation emails for and I could not cancel them either. Part of it may have been me trying to put items in the trunk that were not in stock. I got on to live chat and they had to sort it at their end.
  11. When your pre-order comes in to stock it is charged for and then goes into your trunk and stays there till you request it. I have been adding stuff to my trunk for a few weeks now. I am just waiting on Peco stock to arrive and then I will have it all sent.
  12. Items not in stock appear in your pre-orders and will go into your trunk when they arrive in stock.
  13. I never ordered one so I can't show you what it looks like, but as they all look the same you can just look at someone else's.
  14. Never having given my phone number or email address to HMRC, TVLA or African Prince's I treat any contact from them using those methods as a scam.
  15. I would sooner Peco put their effort into getting the retailers stocked up with code 75 & 100 flatbottom track and points, I am sure there will be more demand for them than the Bullhead slips.
  16. "What I mean is..., it's like..., I don't know..., it's what I'm saying..."
  17. Fretted on the right too, I only bought that one as the price was too good to leave for someone else. Thumb basses usually have unmarked fingerboards, the one on the left has dots as it has side and front leds.
  18. When I was first playing I only ever had short scale Gibson basses and when I started again in 1990 I only had my EB3. Fenders, Rickenbackers etc never interested me. One day I went to get a set of strings for the EB and came back with a Warwick Thumb Bass, I was attracted to the small body. I now have three. '91, '90 and '97.
  19. I mean, starting every response with "I mean..." what's that all about?
  20. "Yeah No...what it is is", I hear a lot of young people on the radio saying things like "I was like..."/"it was like..."/"he was like..." but they never describe what the "like" is. I find the use of "Lol" in a post is quite childish, it reminds me of a second rate comedian laughing at his own joke to get you to think it was funny.
  21. Last week my sister mentioned an out of touch relative, I did a google search by putting in his name and location, (he is known in his area, I found his phone number some years ago by the same method) the first hit was his obituary from 6 years ago. Over the next couple of days I did the same and it came up first hit. Today I went to my sisters and did exactly the same on her tablet to show her and could not find it, nor could I find it on my phone. I put in more information like obituary, the date, the paper it was in but still could not find it. I came home and tried again on my pc and it still does not come up. I then found it in my browsing history from yesterday but still can not find it in a search. Have I run out of goes? It is a good job there isn't a hammer handy.
  22. I bought a stick of graphite on first reading this thread to give it a try. I began rubbing it on the rails in front of a loco running on dcc to see if I could see any improved running and noted the loco began running slower then I quickly had to let go of the graphite stick. Duh. Dumb senior moment.
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