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Free At Last

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Everything posted by Free At Last

  1. Not a phone scam but just a heads up. If you are in the market for an Aladdin's Lamp beware, there have been scammers going around selling fake ones. https://metro.co.uk/2020/11/02/con-artists-conjure-up-fake-genie-to-dupe-doctor-into-buying-72000-aladdins-lamp-13519334/?ico=related-posts
  2. From what I remember the insulfrog single slip can work by having both tiebars thrown together but the electrofrog single slip needs to be wired and operated like a double slip for the frog polarities to be correct.
  3. That is what I did with Bachmann locos before the prices doubled.
  4. Sea Hunt with Lloyd Bridges as Mike Nelson was one of my favourites. I made my own scuba gear using Ostermilk tins and some Copex so I could swim up and down the street in a sea of fresh air.
  5. What about Orlando with Sam Kydd. He must have been the only actor at one time, he was in almost everything.
  6. I hadn't had mine more than 30 mins when playing with it on the living room floor the baddie went straight into the burning coal fire.
  7. Just checked my Kernow account and saw my order pending from November 2014. I also have a confirmation email from the same date. I have no further correspondence. Is this the same for others who have one on order? Will Kernow be contacting customers to re-confirm their order?
  8. A google comes up with this... Bachmann Branchline 32-275 OO Gauge (1:76 Scale) Class K3 2-6-0 in LNER black DCC Ready. 8-pin socket
  9. I have often thought this. How much does 'in your face' advertising work? I have never bought anything I didn't know I needed until an ad popped up and told me, but I assume some people must do or retailers wouldn't spend their money this way. There are two things on RMWeb that have influenced me to purchase something and that is something I have seen in the manufacturers threads or a members post. When I want something (model railway related) my first port of call is always Hattons, (being my local shop) and if they don't have it I put it on my shopping list for the next MR exhibition or will google it if wanted sooner. I don't think 'in your face' advertising has had much of an influence on most of the things I purchase. I just have a look in the shops or online when I need something. You don't need pop-up adverts to tell you that you need to buy food, clothes, toiletries, furniture, washing machines, fridges, cars, houses, guitars, amplifiers, birthday cards, funeral services etc, you just go to the shops or look online and see what takes your fancy. Has any member bought anything they weren't aware they needed until they saw it in one of the pop-up ads on here or elsewhere and did you buy it through the advert or buy locally or elsewhere online after a search?
  10. The kits come in six sections so you can make them any length. The rail is also a separate item. I have threaded my pits (9 sections) on to lengths of flexitrack.
  11. For some unknown reason the waistband on a lot of modern trousers will not reach the waist without turning you into a soprano. Also the waist sizes are wrong, my 30" waist jeans actually measure 34", no wonder I have to keep tugging them up, I don't like the @rse hanging down by the knees like a horse's dung sack. I have tried braces but they snatch the crutch when you sit down.
  12. Many years ago I won a prize on a phone in radio show for knowing the name of the horse that played Mr Ed. It was Bamboo Harvester.
  13. I had trouble inserting the wheel bearings, when I finally did they were skew-whiff. Put me off doing another one, but I would like to.
  14. Curry and Chips. Spike Milligan plays an Irish Pakistani.
  15. This is one of my favourite Youtube watches... Bradfield Chronicles, nearly two hours.
  16. Hattons:- "Based on your feedback, we are now offering Plywood variants of all of our new Precision baseboards, as well as the original MDF versions. " Do they mean the so called 'moaning' on here?
  17. I remember embroidering my own Whirlybirds badge and sewing it to my blazer pocket.
  18. That reminded me of the early 60's space adventure series, Pathfinders To Mars and Pathfinders To Venus. Good teatime viewing for us young wannabe spacemen.
  19. Just watched Clint Walker in KILLDOZER on Youtube. Wasn't there something similar with a car that terrorised a village/town?
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